
Edition Edition

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First for cute lolis

I'm back, cuties!

Do Chinese hate us?

Probably for wars and propaganda times

Fourth for cute bois

Lots of chinks hate Japan and lots of chinks love Japan
Of course southeast Asian chinks love Japan because SEA is the weebiest region

potius pilot described christ as blonde

Sorry mate, can't beat my fiber :D

>american television


love my girlfriend, D.va

>ywn have a pure girl to cuddle with

the gang

Not sure if i'm retarded.

Don't worry you a step above those people for keeping the discussion normal
You are alright for me :D
(for what it counts)

*you are a step

no use in getting into arguments with leaves on Sup Forums mate

>ywn fuck a girl in the ass

>english """"""""""grammar""""""""""

>...than me
>...like me
>...similar to me
WHY does English accept this shit


>wanting to fuck a girl in the ass
no thanks

Ah btw what's the difference between "different than" and "different from"?

Why your countrymen have fear for (or doesn't usually care) about other cultures?
I mean you can dislike foreigners that come to your country but still like far away cultures
You are different though :D


>first /ausnz/ under the 30 replies
feels good man

I don't think I've ever said "different than"

think "different than" is incorrect to be honest

the morphological role of "than" is actually unique in "standard Average European (SEA)", since such a morpheme is rare in languages outside Europe

"than" basically is a conjunction between an adjective and a noun to imply a comparison, and requires a copula and another noun to function

so I don't think "than" can be used in that way

Ah we don't, we like foreigners 2bqh. However, foreigners often mistake us for xenophobic people just because we hesitate to communicate with them. I like gaijins

"To use" is probably the only verb that comes from latin between the simpler one

i'm fine with that

So kind of like the French. Got to understand your culture before you'll seem friendly

Thx linguist as well as polyglot. I looked it up in a dictionary just now, and it says the usage is incorrect, but it's widely used in America and many people(mutts) think it's correct. Fuggin mutt XDDD

Anyway i'll use "different from" exclusively from now on

N-no I don't mean in that sense...
Like it's easy to have interest in German/French cultures because they are advanced enough
But for example here we look at Latin American, Minor Asian countries (like Thailand) or even African cultures with marvellous, not because they are superior but because they are honestly interesting

While (to me) Japanese people seems only interested in western countries
Then I might be wrong idk

Y-yes desu

Every culture is interesting to be honest
Their culture consists of protesting and becoming femboys, how cute

Obviously a part of italians
Not all are like that


Kinda ya, ah btw frogs were very friendly when i spoke to them in terrible French in France. They gave me croissants for free, taught me how to get to Rocamadour in even worse English than mine, they accompanied me to get to the nearest station, and even policemen hitchhiked me lmoa. I again realized languages are the only obstacle to separate each others (cheezy)

Clothes also separate people, we should all take off our clothes and get REALLY close to each other~

It really is but growing up you will understand that language are a big (if not the biggest part) of a culture
So having this barrier prevents cultures to melt and becoming not interesting anymore :P

me with blue hair


very important thread

want my bum slapped THIS moment


me on the right

want to kiss a cute boy

We wuz really the best
What went wrong?

Blease don't disclose our twisted mentality... exactly, we put too much value on how we are seen by Westerners. It partly stems from Meiji Restoration(kinda Risorgemento). The Japanese started idealizing West as a role model and hence we started feeling West as "something which we want to be recognized by", and it still lasts till now, while we recognize Asia as " poor, bad ones". Imagine, you have a wonderful sempai girl(boy) and you want her(him) to see yourself as good, nice. The same mentality i guess. Too much simplification tho.

I don't want to see Asia as " region you must not belong to", but i sometimes feel this way.

I like Asia, I love Asia. I want to walk with Asia (´・_・`) I want to be fren with them

Separating from /blat/ was a mistake for this general's destiny I knew it from day one
Oh well not my fault at least

btw it's interesting that exposing boobs is not considered taboo in some cultural sphere.
True. And the pleasure to communicate with foreigners becomes even bigger when i can talk with them in their languages while others can't~ ahah

Which is basically looking down on Asian values

nothing went wrong

You just miss your lewd friends here

Yep I pretty much I nailed the feeling

There is nothing bad doing and continuing in so...
But, in my opinion, your country should and could have stronger ties with the rest of asian continent and can't rely on west for so long

For example with S.Korea and China your diplomats could stronger your alliance with them

I don't want to bring politics in this, since I know very little about Asia landscape on that matter

Hope for Japan and you the best nonetheless :D

Everytime I visit Austria I try to say that two-three words I know in german and they istantanely feels more comfortable to speak with me

Hell no, I probably don't have any friends in this site :3

I don't have boobs!

I hope for you not :3

True, "want to be fren with them" couldn't be more arrogant because I am still differentiating myself from Asia, sorry. Probably my mentality is polluted too

This. I myself wanna kick out mutts as soon as possible and Japan should strengthen ties with Korea and China.
Ah nice, do you speak it? I can read it, but when it comes to speech, shite

I didn't mean to depress the mood...

>kicking out USA
I want the world to at least (if inevitable) rotate between USA, EU, Asia

Having this three """superpower""" prevents or should prevents total assimilation to USA culture
Again, one culture is not inherentily superior to other but to differentiate is a key for success

No I never studied it, I only know some words like "Servus" (Hi in Austrian) "Danke" (thank you), "Mins" (?less?)
And some like that
So basically nothing

No, you actually have kickstarted an interesting discussion
Good job!

The New World was a mistake
That place should just be sunk
Except maybe for very small parts just for there to be islands

liebe Liese lass die ganze ich will von deiner Haut probieren

agreed. It was Sad Tropics that changed my mind and motivated me to learn other cultures. It made me realize that power is not the only measure to know one's culture.

No it wasn't
I hate USA citizen arrogancy, I don't hate what that country ideals
Stop rely on meme, Europe was old, conservative af and shit at the time
USA served as the ideal we (euros) were craving for
Yes now America is different and don't deserve the role leader anymore but I can't not respecting then at least 2bqh

Ah wanna play Mahjong

*what the country (shoyld stand for)
*The country's ideals

US took all the rich folk and gutter trash and now they've interbred to become welfare queens

I am a technology/science enthusiast
I never felt interest about other cultures or the world around me
This "passion" for history and other kind of knowledge is relativately new for me :)

The country stands for outdated philosophy by people like Locke and Rousseau that while instrumental in human progress cannot be applied in the modern world as it could due to the new complexity of the economy, availability of new technology, and modern geopolitics

It's like our chess, right?
Also did you know that in Italy there is a city where one of his festival consist on a chess game between humans dressed as pawns :P

America (the Continent) is what saved Europe at the time
Blame the anglos arrogancy, hereditate by USA for that country

>muh constitution that would require an absolute majority to be amended

common law was a mistake

How did it save Europe? It just caused silly colonial wars

Well maybe it took the anabaptists but they went to Russia too

I like history af :) speaking of it, how is Pietro Badoglio seen in Italy? Is he controversial?

Better pic
(The city flag resemble Finland but it, in Italy, search for "Marostica" also famous for its cherry fruits)

In the past not now silly
Now the USA is only a shadow of their former self

It's totally different than chess :( it's more of poker with extremely complicated rules. Addictive af

They used to stand for libertarian ideals (which would be venerable in those times, without the complex economics of today) so yeah but now they just stand for bullshit and murder

Of course i know, i watched it on TV, forgot where it was tho

Technological progress, the only things worthy for humans

When he firmed the peace treaty a civil war sparks in Italy
Hardcore Fascist in the north (allied with Germany) VS the loyalist to the king and partisan (some of them communists)

I think that the King is seen in a bad way
(We vote to get rid of monarchy)
But Badoglio is controversial some hate him some don't x)

nice not making that mistake hehe

Well I guess so
... only silicon valley though.
The Industrial Revolution was born in England and took the HMS Great Britain to America, it didn't materialise there.

Seems too complicated for me x)
I don't like super complicated games
I prefer a simpler (on appearance) game that have hidden complex features


Mahjong is associated with old men and old women who either have too much money or too much alcohol

scrabble is the best game
you CANNOT disprove this

>When he firmed the peace treaty a civil war sparks in Italy
>Hardcore Fascist in the north (allied with Germany) VS the loyalist to the king and partisan (some of them communists)
I read that in my textbook :)
>I think that the King is seen in a bad way
>(We vote to get rid of monarchy)
Really make me think. Italians abolished monarchy while we don't. Really make me think.
>tfw i won 200€ in Mahjong.
Addictive af, many people here play it all the night.

I bought this chessboard before sailing for Elba island (and seeing Napoleon house :P), in Carrara a city famous for its marbles

Yeah everyone lost something in that war, I have thousands of stories from my grandparents that see the war with their eyes...

My discord chatmates keep sending this, they're degenerates.

That is an excellent picture

Hibiki is a cutie though

Cute chessboard
Pity I don't really like chess


I have too, but i prefer Japanese chess eheh

You have to be patrician for that I can understand

>all those Saudis and Iranians
watching gay porn I bet

That's a tiny one :3
I like it!

Japanese chess = Shoji?

Ita like browsing naughty stuff on the internet

what are you implying

Or terrorism

This pic remind me of Digimon steangely

I don't know why it's so high, but every youngster know about the deep web here so yeah


s*Ngaporeans are STRIKINGLY illiterate with computer stuff
>doing project on how to improve business
>people talking about search results
>I open up the source code
>they go "SO HIGH TECH!!! OMG!"
fucking ell

Shougi将棋 m8
The biggest point is that units you've beaten can be reused unlike chess. FUGGIN FUN XDDD

My professor told me that Singaporeans are gods with computers.

I don't know why but here we have a stereotype on how BAD chinese are with computer programming
IDK why

I see that on HxH...why all of your board games has to be so complicated :(

>gods at anything other than looking up to America and virtue signalling