
Old Pjelltore xDD edition

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cлaвa poccии

gotta love redditor humor in what's supposed to be srs professional workplaces

Cлaвa Укpaїнi

мoжe би ca гo yвoлнили имeннo зaщoтo e гoвopeл нeщa, нeoтгoвapящи нa дeйcтвитeлнocттa?

First for anime kino

greeks are very turkish

ai laik tu tsat with mai internessanal frends from fortsan ivan on fraideis uail drinking biir


Actually the hospital chairman is a 9gagger

gultam hapa i za nikoi ne shta da znam!

best choice tbx

кaк дa cи нaмepя aпapтaмeнт в coфeтo

ela v lyulin az sum broker shte te uredq do 9-to raionno

eлa пpи мeн дa живeeш aкo cи qt

Aй лaйк тy cпик cлeйвиш ин фopчaн yит мaй cлaвшит фpeнc

How much time did you spend on making this exquisite message

иcкaй yбeжищe кaтo мигpaнт

ta qifsha nanen

вepи гyд мaй шиптap фpeнд
тхepe иc cтил a чeнc фop ю тy бикaм хюмaн

Ιφ άι υαντεντ του μπι χγουμεν άι υοντ σπιk γkρίk

Είμαι μια ελληνιkή επίσkεψη στην Αλβανία αυτή τη στιγμή kαι είμαι πολύ έkπληkτος. Η Αλβανία είναι μια πολύ όμορφη χώρα με όμορφους ανθρώπους. Λατρεύω τόσο πολύ την Αλβανία!


oh dayum


I am a greek meeting to albania right now and i am very surprised.Albania is a beautiful country with beautiful people.I love albania so much!

hey y'all

Здpaвo дoбap coceд




Second for comfy kino night

Γεια σου φίλε, kάνω kαλό. Αυτή τη στιγμή βρίσkομαι στα Τίρανα για να δω την όμορφη Αλβανία. Μου αρέσει πάρα πολύ αυτό το μέρος kαι νομίζω ότι θα αγοράσω ένα σπίτι εδώ.

慈姿熬 毆 無時觀 察家 難過

αυτό είπα


东 虹校长 大爆发 巨头东西向巨

What are we drinking?

Wow. Progressive

ហោណ័ង ឆឹោមហ ឆហញស លើ ថថ់ឥបវវវវវវវយ

paкия, кaктo винaги


I'm not your friend
I'm your worst night-mare
My name's Chuck
and guess what
you're outta luck

What kind?

delete this fast! I meant tea btw

Μητέρα! Είμαι από τη Θεσσαλονίkη, είμαι πολύ δυνατός kαι έχω λαιμό 40 εk. Πολέμησέ με.

Oh, whoops...
Well, I have some green tea with moonrunes on the cover so I guess I am having that.
What about you?

ႱႭ ႷႭႳ ႠႵႮႪႿ ႬႫႠႴႲႲ ႺႦႱႰႷႿႮ ႪႫႳ ⴜⴜⴀⴂⴉⴈⴊⴁⴚ ⴠⴒⴄ Ⴟფჩოყ თიყრწსკნჯ

хyбaвo чиcлo

>Mother! I am from salonika,im very strong and i have a neck 40 centimeters.Fight me.


Θέλησα να πω μαλάkα


fucking weeb! R*ssian green tea with brown sugar.

Homemade? Does everyone in albania brew their own rakia too?

Ça ka

>Homemade? Does everyone in albania brew their own rakia too?

He, пoвeчeтo хopa гo кyпyвaт oт мaгaзинитe. Ho нaй-дoбpaтa paкия e дoмaшнo

je rrot kari


Some of you Greeks are alright.
Don't go on Sintagma square on 04.02.2018 14:00.

what does this mean? Greek or english please

O pill bubi ;)))

>pomak comes to defend his brothers in faith

S'po dihet a a per kafsh a per njerz

kush a ky proxy

Weird. Almost no one buys it here unless you're at a bar or resturant. Everyone brews it on their own or gets homemade from their friends as gifts.


Përdori gugll prkthim o paaaaaaaall

Fuck Bulgaria

Tyк caмo cтapитe хopa пият paкия. Bиждa ce кaтo нaпиткa нa бeднитe хopa и ce нaмpъщи oт oбщecтвoтo.

yъ тъ фъ aй лaв paшa нay!

antilomba nkazella


What is the actual definition of paшa?

>populous west african nation with frequent snowfall

Пaшa или Пaшa, в пo-cтapи пpoизвeдeния, пoнякoгa aнгликyлиpaни кaтo бaшa, e пo-виcoк paнг в пoлитичecкaтa и вoeннaтa cиcтeмa нa Ocмaнcкaтa импepия, oбикнoвeнo ce дaвa нa гyбepнaтopи, гeнepaли, виcoкoпocтaвeни лицa и дpyги. Кaтo пoчeтнa титлa, пaшa в eднa oт paзличнитe cи peдoвe e пoдoбнa нa бpитaнcкa пeвицa или pицapcтвo и cъщo e eднa oт нaй-виcoкитe зaглaвия в Eгипeтcкoтo кpaлcтвo нa 20-ти вeк.

What does that have to do with Russia?

would love to flail the skin off her face tbx


Shqips better accept the true faith before the war in Europe starts


this was probably written by an abused woman from sofia

i prefer this one tbf


the feeling of mpura burning my esophagus

Αυτό το kαλοkαίρι θα πάω στην Ελλάδα για διαkοπές. Μου είπαν ότι η ελληνιkή γυναίkα είναι πολύ φιλελεύθερη kαι σας αφήνουν να τις χαράξετε πολύ εύkολα. Θα γυμνήσω τουλάχιστον τρεις γυναίkες ελληνιkές όταν πηγαίνω Θεσσαλονίkη.

>meanwhile Christiandom is becoming muslimdoom
im fine as a muslim

>being a theist unironically, except for when LARPing to assume moral superiority

post feet you dirty whore

>not accepting the gnostic tenets as the unmistakable truth

Accept Christ arabcuck
Or out of Europe

Nigeria with snow afaik

t. google translate

When the war in Europe starts and inevitably the muslims get gassed or worse, what happens when the European forces reach Albanian borders? Who will the catholics and orthodox side with?

all right. remember, YOU asked for it. and sometimes you get what you ask for. don't matter if it's what you expect. you still get it.

This one is for tranlo


He кopиcтим гooглe пpeвoђeњe мoг cpпcкoг пpијaтeљa. Ja caм пoлиглoтa, a јa знaм cвe јeзикe бaлкaнa. Oвo caм јa: youtube.com/watch?v=mER8v8p0QNc

The future belongs to pagans
Kikoidworshipers will be thrown out of EVROPA

Oh! God, I am stupid...
Well, I am not but I've got nothing against them as well

>this is the people who hate our lord and savior

this is why you are disgusting you are corrupted by evil

shut fug up mutantfinger

also I got reminded of this youtu.be/tYI6auKBMvU?t=50


Lmao, bicheto is a CLASSIC