
novi posvecen kraljici /ex-yu/

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a sad nam postaj slike tvojih instagramusa

girki joooo

jos istopederise da poveca sebi vrednost
fakat je jadan

bazirani nebojsha ponovo rektuje hvala isusu da je ziv

Zagrepčanka je muškarac

zaista zalostan lik

ovo ali zaista

ubi se nebojsha


Yould someone tell me what the women is yelling about?

jel nebojsa iz begea

jeste i ima programersku AjTi facu dbi


nebojsa ako si tu snimi vokaru od skc radiju ako si ispratio to



they are worried about their security and claim that they are all targets because of their serbian ethnicity.
then impotent traitor vucic says how serbia should not ansewr their demands and secure them by sending weapons, but send money for schools and kindergartens instead(which will eventually be used by albanians once they fuck them again lol)

Kako da imam IQ 87,testosteron 1205 ng/dl i veliku ljubav prema sportu i autima?


mnogo lose ali zaista

I see. How is this Vucic guy a traitor? I thought he was a nationalist and Serbians liked him? Are Serbians being treated bad in Kosovo?



dudl dudl

Koliko je ovaj covjek baziran ljudi moji
>"Ugrožavaju oni mene sa paradom. Pa što ja ne mogu da napravim paradu? 'Oću ja paradu. Ja, da idem sa mojom ženom, sa ribom mojom da se skidam go, da se karam sa svojom ribom na kamionu i da mi niko ništa ne može, da me ne uhapse."
>"Ne može moje dete da gleda nenormalne stvari, ne može. Bolje dete da gleda ubijanje nego jebanje u dupe."
>"Super su ugrožene žene, evo ja moju nisam pipnuo, dobio sam 10 meseci zatvora."

valjda je normalno da dudla gazdi, zar ne?




a vaistinu je

Dobro jutro

t. žućkasti gownarko novopederko

daj drugu

sise do pupka, jos gore, dalje

>O broju Srba u Nemačkoj postoje različiti podaci. Većina Srba i njihovih potomaka živi u Nemačkoj, to je oko 700.000 ljudi.
Danke Dojchland

Koje dudare, kr'ti irudove


kakve kamenjarke su zaposele exyu povraticu

Šprestat nakaze postavljat

>kamenjarke kukulele
Nazad u Magyaroszag, Miklos. Imaš tamo krumpirastih, masnih ženskih

they like him because they are dumb
>vucic nationalist
lmao, he only larps as one and does it very badly, he installed a faggot prime minister, he pardons albanian war criminals, he gives money to clintons and blairs who bombed his country and hate serbs, he humuliates serbia all the time and is probably installed there by the west.
it is painful to watch, such people would be immediately overthrown in croatia and tried for treason

jel joj ovo mater

ubi se dudlachko

jedan cifar pa studiranje


bazzirani nebojsha oteo mirelicu od marbelje dbi

Krajnje degenerično,u smislu ne-estetičnosti.

srbin igra u frulicu...

zasto crvati najvise beze u juzne pokrajine njemacke?


na jugu su nijemci katolici, na sjeveru protestanti

moja verzija je bolja

nebojshica legendica ex-yu konca dbi

Južna Njemačka je civilizacija. Sjeverna su bezbožni, post-komunistički barbari

Jebeš Njemačku ako nije MINKEN

sta je tamo s tim kurac gore levo?

moje govno >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ocek >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>maj*unko

Ubio bih se pa onda objesio.

I'm not a Balkan expert by any means but he sounds a bit reasonable to me. The way I see it, Serbs can either stay stubborn and cry about this piece of useless crap they call "Kosovo" or just get on with life. I feel like Serbs are just wasting time and potential arguing with Albanians. Best thing you can do is just let them be because they are doomed. I mean look at Albania. They got their own piece of land and nothing works over there and it will be even worse in Kosovo. Just let them be, they are like Piranhas. Eventually they will implode.

Ovo je jednostavno

neka publika procijeni


ubi se bre
gospodin bazza toliko dobro igra svoju igru da niko sem nas to ne zna niti moze da razume

don't listen to him, mr. president is nationalist and he's based in the eyes of the every sane serb here




vucic je doslovno srpska verzija bandica

Beograd bi tek postao prava, europska metrolopa, kad bi gospodin Bandinho došao na vlast

zanimljivo je da bi srbi stvarno htjeli mamića i bandića za sebe

this desu


znaci ne vjerujem da cemo stvarno graditi ovo sranje

t. drugosmrdijanko dudlachko

kys shitboi

yeah right lol just bend over and let them fuck you, universal german way of accepting muslim bulls
the thing is, giving up such territory is sign of weakness and unworthyness to have a country. all ancient serbian history is on kosovo, the cradle of empire they once had, they call it sacred gound and serbian jerusalem, but they just sit and watch albanians destroy their graveyards and ancient monasteries which are used as toilets, really sad
and it also has a lot of worthy minerals and ores to mine so its also strategically important. they wont implode, they will exist because west backs them and even if that doesnt happen, they will still exist as africa-tier shithole that will be, and already is a major security issue for surrounding countries
also dont listen to this guy he is a poor bastard that works for sanwiches, he has 100s of vucic pictures saved on his computer and has to say positive things about him all the time

tako tako

Fuck this guy he is just using same old nato propaganda against Vucic and Serbia Vucic stopped secession of vojvodina and sandzak, he tied us with Republika Srpska and Kosovo more than ever and he has a great support from both Putin and China.

srpske trube mrze saksofone
srpsko nebo NATO avione


>shitboy projections

>mlk postoje ljudi koji zaista veruju u ovo


>oni svoje licne neuspehe i frustracije iskaljuju na gospodinu Bazi i krive njega za to

Može gospodin Bazza za gradonačelnika Splita, kad Opara sjedini tijelo i duh s Kristom uskoro

prelepa srpkinjica

ali zaista zalosno

>Vucic stopped secession of vojvodina and sandzak, he tied us with Republika Srpska and Kosovo more than ever and he has a great support from both Putin and China.

ubi se gownarko

>secession of vojvodina and sandzak

da, sigurno bi se to dogodilo

no it's called pragmatism and long term thinking.
>yeah right lol just bend over and let them fuck you, universal german way of accepting muslim bulls
No need to get personal. Our situation is completely different to yours. I'm not happy with it either.

But I'm interested in your solution? What are they supposed to do? Invade Kosovo? That's impossible.

>all these jealous fags twisting facts, lying, and lastly projecting their failures and frustrations on mr. BASED
pretty sad tbqh


Be kinda useful and tell me what's the deal with that upper left green area in the right half of the picture, because wiki doesn't give shit.
Map reflects Croat and Serb residents respectively (I assume).

>пpичaјy eнглecки y тpeдy
кoји вaм јe кypaц?

>no it's called pragmatism and long term thinking.
this, but don't try to explain that to brainlets here. luckily there are majority of the people in serbia who get what our president wants to do. he's da real mvp, really the smartest politician we've had in decades, a wolf in sheep's clothing

reminder that vucic's paid shills are helping him kill serbia for a cheap unhealthy sandwich and 8 euros 30 cents a day

Paзбoли ce oд paкa бoтинo.

mozemo li da se pretvaramo da su avioni na nebu u stvari zvijezde padalice?

pa kad ste beskorisni za moje pitanje sta ja mogu

that's pathetic lmao

to su hemijski tragovi, ne beži od stvarnosti

>what's the deal
Dunno? Just Serbian citizens living here (for whatever reason)? I can't see any specific reason why anyone would live near Bremerhaven. Maybe Croats like living in the South because Southern Germans are Catholics? No clue desu, just a guess.

ja sam za Dodika