Who created the ''Turkroach'' Meme and why?

Who created the ''Turkroach'' Meme and why?

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Why does she only have 4 fingers?

General consensus on Turkey by all of humanity


i would smash that boypucci

Is Anzu the herald of the age of where it is impossible to tell the difference between women and traps?

Think about it
Literally nobody on Sup Forums actually knows if "it" is a girl or a boy


Cool meme, but its a female


>pic related

Butthurt Greeks. Because Butthurt. Caught on after it was spammed in every thread and T*rks became aggressive shitposters


someone who dident like turks, because they dident like turks


probably from here


butthurt putin shills

There isn't any Putin shills here. It is a NATO created lie. Don't speak about things that you don't understand.


Someone on Sup Forums used a very long name that ended with "T*rks are roaches"

JIDF created the "Turkroach" meme go get the attention off themselves.

It originally was "Kikeroach".

Nope it will be KIKERAT

Whats wrong, тoвapищ?

someone post the nudes already then
its a girl

Nobody is female until proven otherwise. You should have second thoughts whenever you see an attractive "female."

Ugly tattoo, otherwise would bang.