Supernatural season 12

The last two episodes of season 12 aired the same night, each wrapping up the two major conflicts going on in the year. So, who else agrees that the second to last episode was really good and the finale kind of sucked?

Supernatural has been real hit or miss lately.

Too much pointless filler, not enough dealing with main overarching plot. Tbf, though, that's a problem with American TV in general. The seasons are too long, so they don't know how to stretch out character development and plot points; thus, they shove in one-off filler and fan-service episodes until they deem it necessary to focus on the main plot again. (Oh? We haven't touched on the main plot that everyone wants to see in like five episodes? *Sigh* I guess we gotta do a main plot episode.)

This season was somewhat better than 9, 10, and 11. Not as much filler. Some integration of overarching plot into one-offs. 9 and 10 were awful, and then 11 was slightly better.

Honestly, this show went downhill after season 5. It steadily declined until season 9 where it fell into the abyss. Now it's steadily climbing back up.

In the early days, one-off episodes were fine b/c fighting the monster of the week/solving mysteries was kind of the point. It was something for the Winchester brothers to do while they looked for their dad, and it helped establish/develop their characters. But now that the brothers and their dynamic are pretty much fleshed out, the show is more about main villains and side characters.

I miss some of the good horror elements to the early seasons, though. The show has gotten bland in that area. Not as much suspense and unique gore/horror effects. Kind of wish this show was made for a network like HBO where they could say anything and up the horror factor.

The finale went kinda GoT, there.
>Kill off Crowley
>Kill off Cas out of nowhere
>Mary gets trapped with Satan in alternate apocalypse dimension

Cas's death was the most unexpected.

Men of Letters plot was much better than the Kelly Kline one. And now the have the nephellium as the next boss to face. But seriously, how did they not see that coming. It's the damn kid of the devil.

Men of Letters was aight. I thought the Mary plot was kind of underdeveloped, or maybe just done wrong. I thought they needed more of Mary with Dean and Sam cultivating their relationship to make up for lost time. While they didn't have much on-screen development of the relationship between the boys and their dad, you at least know through expository dialogue that they grew up with the man. Plus his chronic absence was explained better. He stayed away from his sons b/c he thought it was too dangerous to be together what with Yellow eyes and the demons after them. Plus he knew the demons would use his love for his sons against him. Mary took a sabbatical b/c muh feelings and drama.

I wish they would actually remember that Adam's still in the damn cage.

last time i think they mentioned it in the high school play episode from whenever that was

>MoL leader effortlessly breaks the neck of a grown man using only her wrinkled grandma hands
O am i laffin

That episode was shit. Pandering to the tumblr fans.

everytime they mention Micheal, they are pretty much also saying Adam.

Yeah, I can't remember the last time they mentioned Michael.

They really have no reason to leave him in there with Lucifer out.

Is kinobby back?

It's an AU Bobby.

I actually think monster of the wek is probably better nowadays for them. At least until a good idea springs up for an ongoing threat.


Oh, no, what an unexpected and original plot decision that is sure to be permenant.

Eh, I kept up right up until the end of Season 11, but shit is really just dragging and repeating now.

See Cas will be back within four episodes of the next season. He, being the Angel (heh) of the show to Crowley's Spike is on the very short 'never stays dead' list. What is this, the fifth time? I also doubt Crowley is gone forever either.

That said, the show crippled itself with 'shock' dramatic deaths happening far too often. Over the last five seasons they have decimated the supporting cast to the point there isn't one anymore. To really make the show comfy again they need to bring Bobby back, at the very least. If Cas and Crowley are on the shelf temporarily, then I actually can't think of a single supporting character still alive, aside from wolf-man.

Right now, Supernatural is basically just the continuing death-seeking of two really shit hunters who are cursed with not being allowed to die like everyone around them does.

Fine by me, I've stopped caring about supporting characters since they killed off my beloved Jo some years ago.

I stopped watching season 5 but i read the wiki about how she's dead. Do the brothers have any hunter friends left?

Reminder that this show is absolute garbage and you are the absolute embodiment of reddit if you enjoy it

At least Crowley is likely to be permanent, since he's no longer under contract

Mugi would never do that. You need to try and co-opt a much shittier character for your "internet gang" fantasy.

I started watching this show before reddit came into existence.

>chink cartoon reaction image
Should you be judging other people?

Nope, I don't think so. That really skinny guy is still around, but he is a retired werewolf now if I recall, but pretty much everyone the Winchesters have ever known or cared about are dead. Hell, they have both been tortured and killed themselves. Cas dies like every two seasons at this point.

How about if I liked it up until Season 5, and since then have just occasionally 'enjoyed' it because the alternatives are few and generally even more shit? At this point enjoying Supernatural is more just remembering when it wasn't an empty vessal powered by the money it makes due to watching having become a habit more than a pleasure.

Other than based crowley getting killed (cas will be back, crowley won't) the finale didn't suck, unlike op's mom

even at its worst, Supernatural is infinitely better than shit like current GoT, 13 reasons why and most other mainstream garbage these days

Umm, hardly. That was the 200th episode and one of the top 5 episodes of the entire series.

Are you too stupid to understand that the whole point of the episode was to poke fun at the tumbr crowd?

>the alternatives are few and generally even more shit
Wrong, so wrong. If you like Supernatural AT ALL, there is plenty of other equally good or better things in the genre out there. True Blood, Vampire Diaries, Originals, Strain, (F)TWD, Grimm, to name a few.

>empty vessal
The show still has a lot of heart because the people involved in its production, actors and producers alike, care about the show. There is always more stories to be told.

>powered by the money it makes due to watching having become a habit more than a pleasure.
Just admit it's still a good show dude. People continue to watch it cause its casual as fuck and you don't need to follow some convoluted overarching season long plot to enjoy it.

That's why they're doing more monster of the week episodes the past couple seasons. They tried doing complete seasons with continuous plot every episode (SHITTY FUCKING LEVIATHANS SEASON) and the show was garbage. It keeps the show fresh and on the air. What's not to like

>there is plenty of other equally good or better things in the genre out there. True Blood, Vampire Diaries, Originals, Strain, (F)TWD, Grimm, to name a few.

Not sure what's so amusing, user. I'm not trying to hold those shows up against anything but Supernatural. Unless you're alleging Supernatural is the best of this bunch? I'll pray for you, family.

Which season is GOAT?

Take into count the MOTD, overarching plot, character depth, and season title card

1-5 are consistantly good. 4 might have been the peak.

Holy shit this show is on season 12, Fuck man I dropped this when they finished the series with their dad and pentagram in the west/midwest. Seemed good to end it there.

Season 11 > Season 12

I really liked the Amara and God season.

Are you sure?

I was cool with season 11, but as a semi-religious person, I felt a little uncomfortable with them making God a non-perfect being in Chuck. Not really a big deal, just turned me off a bit.

This. I didn't particularly like the sister angle either.

My biggest gripe however was that they didn't use the siblings as an excuse to soft reset the entire series.

God could have 'brought back' all human supporting cast that were interested in returning to the show, and his angels.

Running on a skeleton crew of the Winchesters, Cas and Crowley isn't going to work forever. It's called a supporting cast for a reason.

Can we have the number of episode you two guys are talking about?

First of all, the Christian concept of God doesn't exist. Second of all, if God made human beings in his image then it would make sense that he isn't a perfect being. Corruption of humans by Lucifer isn't an argument either since God would have created free will in Lucifer and Humans so it would have been his plan all along. Unless you're alleging that God doesn't know what he's doing and this all took him by surprise? In which case not such a perfect being. Third of all, fuck off you absolute faggot.

Supernatural is longest running tv show to never win an Emmy

That would be a cheap thing to do for the show and disrespectful to the characters (and actors) they had already released. God already did his part by saving Castiel and healing main characters and saving the world. Also, they already did a fan service resurrection by bringing Lucifer back.

the death of Kevin Tran saved the show I think

>believing in some all knowing all seeing overlord of all space and time
do you ask forgiveness after every time you fap too, faggot?

Atheists are such nice people.

Sam and Dean literally took out an advance militant unit in the woods with literally "a box of scraps" like it was a game. They are the top tier of the hunter community moron

I stopped watching when they killed Death. That right there was easily the dumbest part of the show. Not sure if they did any dumb shit since then.

And yet the writers fucking avoided doing much with Mary, and have temporarily gotten rid of her, Cas is dead (again, and almost certainly as temporarily as ever), and we still no longer have a proper supporting cast because they fucking killed everyone.

I mean, they might even have killed more supporting characters than Game of Thrones at this point, though I haven't counted. And by making death a revolving door for the main team, and not for secondary characters, they have both trivialised character deaths and exploited the fuck out of shock value casualties in the same series. Usually it's one or the other, but Supernatural goes big or goes home.

(I also don't like the steady decline of angel power levels either. Castiel and the others felt terrifyingly powerful early on, and they are barely above a monster of the week at this point.)

>Do the brothers have any hunter friends left?

Yes. Anytime an episode calls for another hunter besides Sam or Dean, there are other hunters, and Sam and Dean know them.

Dude, they may be skilled and born killers (that isn't a complement), but they and their co-dependence has actually caused half the fucking disasters on the show, especially just prior to God turning up. They get everyone around them killed, time after time, and never learn from their mistakes.

Yea yea blah blah they cause the apocalypse and shit. Don't really care. The comment was they are shit hunters which is one of the dumbest statements I've read about this show. Since its shown time and again they could teach a master class on "hunting". Dean being trapped in purgatory and surviving off combat in the grey woods for a yr probably cements his hunting ability as upper echelon. Sam aint that far behind him as they can make trained professionals their bitch with prep time. Fuck off. Who was taking about whether they made the right fucking choices in life?

Yeah they have caused more death and destruction than any monster they've ever hunted.

- Responsible for bringing hundreds of Demons to earth through a gate.
- Responsible for un-caging Lucifer.
- Released Gods sister.
- Released Lucifer from his cage again.

I'm sure I'm missing stuff too. I also never counted Leviathans and Eve as that was the fault of Cas and Crowley.

Supernatural is a conservative Christian show. You fucking heathens need to fuck off back to watching cuck porn.

They're literally the greatest hunters that have ever lived. I also like how they leveled up over the seasons. It's been a SUPERnatural progression that's logical. They've gone from barely being able to off an ordinary ghost to killing greek gods and hellhounds like it's taking out the trash.

Do you write about your OC getting DPed by the brothers? Because you seem far more butthurt about what I think of the Winchesters skills than would be normal.

On the money. They will save you from a vampire, then get your town wiped out by a Lovecraftian abomination from the seven hells that was birthed when Dean refused let Sam die in a truly heartwarming scene.

That's just shit writing. Both (at the moment, and usually, unless demon possessed or drinking demon blood or marked by cain) are normal humans, even if peak of human fitness and skill. Monsters are just that. Neither of them should be able to, ever, fight a supernatural creature of superhuman ability and win fairly. Yet, as you point out, that happen pretty often now. It completely removes the stakes from any encounter.

Compare the first appearance of Castiel and his early fight scenes, with anything the last few seasons. It's pathetic how pretty much everything has been trivialised.

>Despite all this, I am still a fan. I just don't have blinders on because the brothers make me wet and Dean cries good.

How did Cas die this time? We can probably gauge how quick he'll be back on the drama level.

Nah. The way they do them now makes them seem like more cheap filler. And they tend to reuse the same monsters (werewolf and vampire probably the most).

Oh I'm sure he'll be brought back b/c the obsessed tumblr grils and single, middle-aged mothers that keep the show afloat will scream until the show makers' ears bleed if he isn't.

Disagree. It's not trivialized, it's just experience. We know every supernatural has weaknesses and most have a fatal flaw that can destoy them. It holds true to the cosmic balance that's always been part of the lore of the show. At this point now they simply have the experience needed to know all that. Most of it is just knowledge that gives them their edge over opponents. Also, they have tons of confidence and don't second guess themselves like lesser experienced hunters do. Of course, we know now that God was always protecting them along the way so they had the ultimate plot armor. And there's no reason to think God still isn't secretly protecting them now.

Cas is confirmed to be back. I think that slipped at a recent con.

Anyone else going to the Pittsburgh con in September? I'm going. It'll be the first con I've ever gone to.

The problem is Cas (and Crowley, to an extent) ruin the show. They have to constantly find ways that Cas is depowered, or that he can't be with Sam and Dean, because if not the monster of the week episodes would be boring as fuck if an Angel shows up and kills the creature with ease.

Cas really should stay dead this time, but he won't as Jared fucked up and told people Cas isn't staying dead.

>it's just experience
>more confidence
There are hunters that have been around longer than them who've been killed by lesser creatures. The point is making is that when things are easy for the Winchesters b/c of experience or knowledge (or whatever), it sucks the tension out of the episode because you don't fear that the Winchesters might actually die for good. And even if they die, of course they'll be brought back because the show would be over and fangirls would commit collective suicide for not being able to watch new episodes to schlick over their favorite man meat brothers.

It was fine until the ending when they just leave and some yin yang crap makes it so they can't kill each other
I was hoping God was just pretending to be a pussy to get Dean to betray him luring the darkness into a trap with God leaving with the mark on him so he would do battle with her for an eternity
Instead they just made up