Let's discuss the few things the Eastern Bloc actually enjoyed in life before it all returned to nothing

Let's discuss the few things the Eastern Bloc actually enjoyed in life before it all returned to nothing
For me, the cartoons we shared

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whats the bottom right one called?

Nu, pogodi!

thanks, whats the name of that character in the bottom right too? I remember seeing this when I was young cuz I was born in vladivostok

On the off chance there are any anons on here who remember the socialist years, are things better or worse now?

Kazakh girls
photo : me and kazakh gf
I'm half french half polish
I will breed a white woman just fyi

looks like she could be your mother

>I will breed a white woman just fyi
There is no greater cuckoldry than to make major life choices according to Sup Forums memes.

According to basically every poll ever, most Russians would rather have the USSR back. There are similar cases in other Easter? European countries, but not all of them.

There was this polish guy in the last thread who had memories from the times when he was like 4

any cartoon that isn't anime is shit

Source: your ass

Im not surprised this post was made by an amerimutt desu

Fugg, I meant this mutt

it's terrifying in perspective, but back then it felt better
t. 41

no i mean the rat in op pic

La créature....

Bolek i Lolek
Żwirek i Muchomorek
Wilk i Zając

on the bottom right is Zayatz
"rat" on the bottom left is czech Krtek

Zajac, ty minya slyszysz?

Try again.

La surrendre

You look more Asian than her, Janauzcski.

lad you look more kazakh than her

summoning the lurking Russian

Let's talk about baltic cartoons.

who is the kazakh in this picture, again?

damn that actually worked, might try in other threads as well
okay my question
is it true that they banned swearing in movies/cartoons on TV in Russia?

Ussr would be shit, communism is always shit, Putin is doing fine on every statistic

We live in 2018, not in 2013

Lmao, classic mutts who don't know how to identify ethnicities, I have a prominent brow ridge, her's is basically non existent
As for the eyes, I'm half Polish, I have slavic eyes, that's white

Je préfère rester puceau que de me taper ça

>a literal west mongol mutt is obsessed with “muh huwhite race”

>banned swearing in movies/cartoons on TV in Russia
In Soviet times - yes. Now - mostly (about 95%).

lmao did u photoshop it to make him taller

That was actually horrifying. Who the fuck thought this would work well as a cartoon? Fucking bizarre shit.

>Valimir Putin

>won the most medals at the winder olympics
lol no anymore
>became the largest economy in europe
>created the eurasian union
what happened to that anyway?

In that picture she's not pretty, but she is hot in others

She’s very clearly your mom.

Get rekt she's hot and especially when naked

Yeah ok.
>35+yo 80% called the dissolution of ussr a bad thing
Yeah right, the problem is
1) that's not all of russians.
2) considering the fail of ussr a bad thing != wishing to live there again ("if you you don't miss ussr, you have no heart, but if you want to bring it back, you have no head" quote comes to mind)
>no number of asked people was listed
Yeah ok.

insightful post


>Rmao, crassic mutts who donno how identify ethnicity, I have plominent brow lidge, her's basicarry non existent
>As fo eyes, I harf Porish, I have sravic eyes, dat white

Soz I don't screenshot her nudes, we use snapchat, I got none on me
Here's me with my pure blooded english ex though

Lost it hard

English woman gets POLED

That's a satire on antisocial elements like you, you poolish cunt.

>Lmao, classic mutts who don't know how to identify ethnicities
100% native on both sides, and I lived with Poles for a year and know many within the Polish community. You look like a Tatar not a Pole or a Frog.

the an*Lo is actually hotter lmao. the kazakh looks old and a bit fat

keep goin

putain mec elle est deguelasse

Regarde l'autre photo, je te jure qu'elle est bonne
Thanks for the anecdotes, but my mom is polish and my dad is french so maybe I took some ancient chink gene lol but no one ever told me I didn't look white


You look much more Kazakh than your gf

It was always avoided in mainstream media, but never actually banned.
We have some dumb law about smoking/drinking propagadna though and now sometimes retarded warnings pop up over scenes with alcohol and cigars

I'm dying


The Mole was one of my favourites in childhood.


t. Bolek
t. Lolek

That was based on a mythological hero. It wasn´t meant to be funny.

>("if you you don't miss ussr, you have no heart, but if you want to bring it back, you have no head" quote comes to mind)
This quote is retarded, just like person who said it.
Why should anyone miss collapse of prison of nations?

reksio was my shit when I was a kid, thanks poland
t. romanian

I dont miss Austro-Hungary either my young friend