Why have people been hating on fat protagonist recently? We've been having them since forever (Chowder...

Why have people been hating on fat protagonist recently? We've been having them since forever (Chowder?) but people seem to be hating on Steven Universe and Clarence for fat MCs

Maybe it's because he is overweight for no reason other than just being overweight. Chowder being over weight contributed to his personality; he loved to eat food, and tired easily.
I guess SU and Clarence depicting them as fat upsets people because they are
trying to make it seem like a norm. Personally, Get /fit/ you lazy fat fucks.

They just want something to whine about because they think globalism is being run by disaffected millennials, mostly because the right is kind of retarded and buying wholesale into identity politics.
Protip: The majority of the power isn't in the hands of some gaptoothed lesbian in a dingy writer's room.

Chowder's fatness was treated as a character flaw and used for jokes at his expense.

Except that it's been shown repeatedly that he has a shit diet, snacks frequently, and until the show began presumably lived a rather sedentary lifestyle.

Steven loves to eat, and he doesn't get tired because he's a magical girl.
Being uncomfortable and hungry 24/7 as a skelly is probably the healthiest and most ethical option instead of being muscly OR fat.

And yet he is still overweight
>inb4 muh genes

>tumblrfags believe this
Steven has been shown to have immense strength, you'd think we would also see some definition, he isn't exactly an inactive kid.

No shit, exercise mitigates a terrible diet but isn't a hard counter for it.

At this point it's mostly on the storyboarder. Some draw him as thick but not fat.

>Chowder being over weight contributed to his personality; he loved to eat food
that describes Steven too

>Steven loves to eat
Comparing Steven's diet to Chowder's is just impossible. Have you never seen Chowder? The kid eats stockpiles of food.

So, do you think that fat can get rid of that easily. And no I'm not fat but I know how that is.
Also, yes "Muh genes". Rose was chubby too and she was a magical warrior.

He's a half alien you DOUBLE NIGGER, thinking our biological rules may not apply to him means I'm a sperg about the sci in sci fi, not a tumblr user.
We aren't shown full representation in a cartoon, we're given a concept- who knows if "fat" gems are jiggly lard-tubs, maybe they're just dense with a low center of gravity for defensive purposes during battle.

Steven doesn't eat THAT much, I've seen the show he has favorite foods but that isn't enough to make him obese. Exercise is easily capable of burning off that weight, Steven isn't one of those kids that just sits on vidya all day.

It's been shown that his mental state affects his growth due to his shapeshifting abilities.

I think he has been drawn as less of a fat shit, as the episodes have stopped focusing on his tubby lust for cookie cats and donuts.

Looks to me like he's losing weight.

People just hate fat people even more now than they did before.

What kind of fee-fees make Steven so doughy?

>Steven is a gem
Steven is a half-gem, and he still needs to consume food to survive. This doesn't prove that the food he consumes causes a lower metabolic rate. If anything being half-time should HELP him. The gems don't need food, as it doesn't help or hurt them. The don't produce lipids to be stored, and they don't gain weight that way. Steven doesn't even eat that much, he doesn't eat like a fatfuck.

Low hanging fruit.

Why the fuck is OP bitching then?

That's actually strongfat, the boy can probably lift two or three times what you can.

Because fatties, Niggers, and women are all wrong and need to be liquidated from the earth.

Like you fatty!

Comparing Steven's strength to a humans isn't fair; he is half-gem.

Rose was built like a VW bus, maybe that's how he's gonna be shaped regardless of lipid storage.
We haven't seen an MRI, we don't know what's actually in a Steven Universe.

And yet he loses weight, also gems forms are what they want it to be.

I mean Clarence as fat isn't really surprising, or out of the norm.

I was a pretty fat kid.

He wants to feel soft and cuddly due to unresolved issues involving his mother, his three non-related maternal figures, the attention he gets from Sadie, Jenny, and Kiki, and his relationship with Connie.

Chowder is actually lovable compared to Steven, and Clarence acts like a normal child. Steven is complete garbage I wish he never existed and this show as about the misadventures of the crystal gems instead.


Have you seen the newst episode? If anything he's FATTER

Steven is a wide kid. If you noticed he's become less fat recently but is still a bit round. Look at Greg, even at his fittest he was always a burly guy. I like Steven being strong actually. His shape is appropiate for real strongmen (who are wide unlike those wasp waist muscle bodybuilders).

Goddamn it, /fit/, no one cares what you think.

>And yet he loses weight


they can be, but there's a reason that shit Amethyst trends toward being a midget, they have some kind of innate "best" form for their light projection.

Steven has lost fat but he'll never be slim. He has a wide burly physique.

>Physically fit, masculine straight men sicken me.
-Rebecca Sugar


I saw Beach City Drift, he kind of acted like a fat chick who was mad at her ex, but he didn't look too much fatter.

>Steven has lost fat

Uh no? You do realize Steven's design varies episode to episode right? Sometimes even in the SAME episode.

He still looks way thiner in that pic compared to pretty much the entirety of season 1. Steven is noticeably less chubby.

>>Physically fit, masculine straight men
>like me!

Nope, watch Lion 2 when he first uses the sword and look at the scene and how that's one of the most thinnest scenes Steven is portrayed as and jump ahead to Ocean Gem where he's shorter. Steven is inconsistent the light the series.

>being this edgy

Chowder was actually likeable.

Dint a new episode come out today? Where is sug? Where is the mega?

He's consistently thinier now. Ni design in season 3 si far comes close to how fat and loose he looked.in season 1. He's definetely fitter now.

No sug in the catalog,
new ep comes out later this evening, wait one hour after airing for a mega.

I think you mean "more consistent" as now Steven isn't drawn fat nor thin as he once was.

More or less, yeah. Seems they finally found their middle ground design wise. But its notorious that even at his current fattest he isn't as fat as before. Probably has something to do with increasing activity as a crystal gem. Or his self image if that's what determines his appearance.

>Maybe it's because he is overweight for no reason other than just being overweight.

Round shapes are considered pleasant and unimposing.

Character design 101 home slice.



>black characters don't get rule 34
>we might not get any twincest of these two
Curse my jungle fever.

I dont understand, the show airs at 7 right? Why is there no sug today?

What episode?

>i've never watched the show but I think my opinion of it should be taken seriously

the new one sug has a live stream at 4

When you hate something you begin to loathe everything about it, even if it's stuff that usually doesn't bother you the way THIS thing does it is obnoxious.

Lies and devilry!
SJW brain washing!
Bloggers run the media! Reee!

Chowder and Steven are both fat, but they're also incredibly naive and simple-minded in ways that aren't charming.

If Sup Forumsmbatants hated characters just for being fat, Garfield and Friends would be on its general shitlist

(I specified the cartoon because the comic is more polarizing)

He's not nearly as fat now as he was in the first few episodes.

I think it was meant to show that he has to actually get off his ass and do something instead of eating ice cream all day.

If anything I consider it a positive message and not a retarded Tumblr "lol nothing wrong with being fat" one.

the rise of SJWs have turned retards into faggots who hate any character who isn't straight white male or a girl they want to fuck

Brotip: Rose and Jasper use literally the same model. Only the poses, clothes and hair and different.

>cuck house

>Wanting to fuck cartoons

No user. You're the faggot retard.


>Chocolate Lesbians
God, not even /u/ ships chocolate lesbians let alone interracial ones. Shit, Sup Forums, I need to get on this.

I-I don't think you know what that word means user...


Garfield and Friends is pretty shit though, India-tier animation and Nermal sounds like Vic Mignonia

wait, shit, I'm thinking of The Garfield Show

>s-stop using words I don't like
okay reddit

Because they're fat and ugly and it's bad enough that them being obese automatically goes a way to making them ugly.

Yeah, it's a gap toothed lesbian Jew.

Or a small group of limo liberals in San Fran and L.A.


>there are people who unironically believe that anyone who uses thick framed glasses is automatically a le ebul es jay double jew nu-male


Do people hate on people for being fat? Usually its because hes girly

Chowder's fat was played for laughs
Clarence everyone looks like a freak so who will pick on the fat kid?

Steven, he's suppose to be a hero, being unhealthy is not a trait a hero shouldn't, no, can have
but really its not just that, its also that he's a candy ass, he's a subversion of your average male hero
he never grows, he doesn't earn his abilities (rather he inherits them), he faces battles with feminine approaches rather than masculine ones, and will always have to face battles the same way he's been doing since the beginning

>suppose to be
>a hero shouldn't, no, can have
Stop writing like anime characters speak and go over some basic English.
Fucking cringeworthy.

a hero who fights monsters can't be unhealthy
to face such challenges requires a person to be strong physically

He's vaguely hobbled but so is ANY female that fights, an older person, etc.


>thinking fatties can't fight is fedoracore

Would you fight this man?
Do you suppose you would win?

unhealthy =/= bear mode
Steven is fat, but gets his strength from being a gem, and even then that strength hasn't been shown until "Drop Beat Dad"

your post was fedora as fuck f@m

considering i know several jutsus( a hero should know) i would yeah

>fat co characters back in the day
>based as fuck manly dudes that were usually some sort of fastrong, and if not that, made up for their weight by being awesome tech dudes or having some kind of awesome neet skills. Wore their fatness on their sleeves and could handle the bantz

>fat co characters now
>fat sissy boys that need to be protected by everything, essentially useless with writing contrivance to show why anyone would even stand to be around them, can't even mention their fatness or handle any bantz cause it has to be normalized or something, have to walk on eggshells not to offend

It's like the difference between a black friend who's into the same shit as you but can handle jokes about cops and rap and slavery, and that black chick you know who is way too I to social media activism and will call every white guy she sees a cracker and make everyone around her super uncomfortable.

It's all about bantzability. Bantzability is likeability.

Not him.
Fighting monsters is physical, strenuous activity that burns calories.
Doing so on any sort of regular basis will cause you to become fit. Unless you fight monsters with your giant robot car.

Steven should at the very least be bullied for his obesity, showing that it isn't ok

>Bantzability is likeability.

Yo, that's practically my motto, dawg.

Obesity is a negative message to send. It's selfish for a cartoonist to do it.

>doesnt know what natural, non roid muscles look like on an average or thicker-set body

Why do we need to keep having this thread?
Why is it always the same responses?

Why is literally any negative character trait "played for laughs" with characters the user likes, and some sort of evil conspiracy with characters they don't like?

This, if Steven has a high fat diet he could be strong but still look like a fatass. Having visible muscle is equal parts lifting, and low body fat percentage.

Low body fat would make his muscles more defined but a fat lifter still has a more noticeable, intimidating shape compared to your average couch potato.


Steven Quartz Universe is more alpha than you ever have or ever will be. He's social as fuck in the most personal meaning, doesn't bullshit and knows how to show a bitch the way. He's a Chad in the body of a fat little jew. Fuck, he's basically Jesus Christ as "that kid". And you can't handle this fact.

>m-muh masculinity
kek, only limp-wristed nu-male cucks and loveshies are obsessed with masculinity.

when fatness is played for manliness its usually given more of a pass than when a fat character demonstrates less manly traits. I want more fat co characters that are manly dudes i miss that.

that being said i do like steven as a character. why should his weight matter, he's half magical space rock

Steven is fat because Sugar is a chubby chaser.

>this post