I can't believe I got tricked into thinking this was a horror movie. 3/10 because the girl is cute

I can't believe I got tricked into thinking this was a horror movie. 3/10 because the girl is cute.

It obviously wasn't going to be horror movie.

Fucking pleb.
It's a 10.

fuck you and your thread

this flick was great

I'm an atheist, yet this movie still scared the shit out of me.

Its Sam Raimi
Who the fuck was the idiot that told you it was horror

Raimi directed the first evil dead and I forgot about the other irrelevant stuff

not to mention the fact that it's brought up in every horror thread

>awkward moment because she gets taunted during important meetings by something noone else can see
Well, as long as it's just this one ti-
>happens again
Stopped watching. Sam Raimi presents Drop Dead Fred.

great film


The only thing that kept this from being actually great was that godawful CGI. It was still fun.
If you watched a Raimi movie expecting horror, you're a retard.

>hating on raimi

(((who))) could be behind this post

>tfw this actress was never seen or heard from again

not gonna lie, I thought it was jenna fischer for years. I bet some of you are learning right now from this post that the lead in this film was not jenna fischer

The part were the goat talked was the only thing that made this movie watchable

It's camp horror, the first evil dead was terrible

also I didn't know this was by him until I hit play and by then it was too late so check mate

(((who))) indeed

I never thought it was Fischer, check for autism you face blind cunt

great ending

Good job at not looking up even the most basic info like who the fuck is the director before watching the movie.

It was an alright comedy, you'd have to be a post-ironic shiteater to actually enjoy these so bad it's le good movies though.

Is this post a joke?
>google horror movie
>see monster or screens of intense scenes in the information sidebar
>movie ruined

You know there's this pretty useful website called imdb, right?

That's because deep down you know you're wrong and God exists


>implying I give half a fuck what a movie's rating is before I watch it
You might not realise it but you've admitted that you're a bit of a pleb two posts in a row now.

>thinks imdb is for ratings
>calls someone else a pleb
You're not doing yourself any favors.

he's right you know.
You're a nitwit.