What happens here?

What happens here?

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fuck off
new fucking captcha god fucking dammit

Isn't it uninhabited?

That's where the mythological ancestor of Finns, Ukko-Pekka was born.

There are some comfy cities up there, I have them on my weather list so when I check the weather here it makes me feel better.

Just check out Norilsk, and it's not even so far


Fucking A&M fag.

There are places in Russia that don't know the USSR is gone.

There are places in Russia that don't know the Romanovs are gone.

There are places in Russia that don't know the Mongols are gone.

There are places in Russia that don't know the Neanderthals are gone. That is one such place.

Don't ask and don't go there.

Concentration camps for gay people.





The bones of Hitler and Eva Braun s there.




From the photos it look suitable for agriculture, rain and green fields
Also there might be a lot of mining with those large territories, Russia is fucking huge damn

Scandinavians could make this place look beautiful i'm sure, but since it's populated by Russians it looks like a junkyard.

Do people in there have internet? Can they play Dota?

If I had a qt Russian wife, and internet to work it would be a pretty good life.

Shut the fuck up, Jungle nigger, and don't make me post pics of Rio.


Isn't that where they carry out nuclear tests n sheit?

Russia had very cheap and accessible internet, bu why would you waste your time playing video games when you could be working or making a family, or both, countries are not made great by playing video games

you didn't read the second line didn't you

Played with a guy from some fishing village some years ago, his ping was high even for ru server (this coming from a person with 80 standard ping), but I think the situation changed in the last few years

Did you just repost for 2 letters :)

I didn"t

Internet in such far places is VERY expensive and VERY slow. You know, like early 00's internet in normal world. Last year I played WoW with a guy from some northern shithole town, and he only played during the night cause that was the only way he could afford traffic used by WoW (and WoW consumes very little traffic).

>There are places in Russia that don't know the USSR is gone.
>There are places in Russia that don't know the Romanovs are gone.
>There are places in Russia that don't know the Mongols are gone.
You are bullshiting.

Your point on the map it's exactly the location of small town called Dickson (not very Russian name, it's named after some Swedish explorer). It used to have population 5k people during soviet time, but since government stopped supporting the town - population decreased to 600 people so now it's kinda empty.

hes memeing
even though hes not very good at it


the flag of that place

oops, it's a coat of arms, the flag is here

There's a photo of a coastal town in Russia that was posted here once. It was in the north or the northeast and all the buildings looked like Lego ones with very vibrant colors of the houses. Wonder which town it was

Fuck this inbred nigger catcha. I was growing used to typing "calle calle" or some other basic shit.

>not "nigger calle"

I think there is something aesthetically pleasing about the decaying junk cities of Russia

It literally is a port with a junkyard though.
Much like all of Brazil

In one of the Altai provinces (the area by the border of China and Kazakhstan) there was a guy who left western Russia just before the soviet revolution to live with his family in Siberia. They lived in a stick/log cabin, had a dirt floor, and survived on pine cones and tree bark during winter, but mostly ate potato soup (their only grown food). This guy had a family and they didn't even know ww2 happened, and could barely read russian, and I think the younger ones couldnt even speak it that well.
might look it up right now

lol russians their women are just sex slaves for anglos and french

>t. Canadian virgin tranny