Oil Fund

Oh would you look at that, our Oil fund is 1.1 trillion dollars

Over 200 000 usd per man, woman and child in Norway

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what happens when the oil runs out, faggot

we return to the dark ages, but for now WEEE

Never have to work a day in my life

get a job you neet slob

how do they do it
fucking oilniggers

desu i thought it was like a million per person, not just 200k
i spent more than third of that last year. 200k would last me 5 years tops

i can't say I'm not jealous.
but you should somehow show this to the people of the gulf states and show them whats possible if your country is not a total monarchy

My city has the same number of people in Norway

1.1 trillion kroner for only 4 million people

make me faggot

meanwhile in finland

national debt

your share of the national debt


Meanwhile in Germany.

pay debts!

>4 million people

almost 5,3 million desu.

you could have had the same thing lol but harper sold you out

200k usd would last me 25 years

And with Trudeau gibs and immigration there will be nothing left

Our retirement fund is over 250 billion and it's growing we could easily pay that off, but it wouldn't make any sense? Of course not

good job norway

it was in the ground..

We did nothing.

no you don't understand
all wealth earned is deserved you commie



>We did nothing.

why does it need to be that tall?

small benis


its not, its just a small boat

Better put everything in crypto.

How nice. Meanwhile, our government is in debt, almost 20,000€ per man, woman and child in Finland.

It was the tallest construction ever made by humans when it was finish built in 1993

so is the number of retired people growing

Which are the biggest exports of Norway if oil doesn't count?
I honestly can't come up with anything... Is Helly Hansen originally Norwegian or something?

Just because consumer products aren't the main export doesn't mean they don't have other economy.


Fish and bulldozers

Reminder that the Danes gave Norwegians this.
Makes up for the 400 years of being a colony.

>Han veit ikkje at Hogre skal tvinge fram arbeidslinja i velferden.
Du kan takke Habibi og Abdullah for at det ble slik.

bls buy more f-35s

To be fair, we would export more goods and services of a different sort if we could be competitive in the markets.
As it stands oil is just too profitable, and there is nearly no unemployment. If the need arises, our currency will devalue essentially making our labour cheaper. (And the oilfunds value will increase in NOK terms).

Our petroleum engineers also do quite a lot of foreign consultancy work, and service exports dont show up.

In the longterm we will converge economically with the rest of Scandinavia, probably.

ya, we are worst than california

>exporting degeneracy

we'd love to amerikun, if you protect us from the Russian bear

It's so sad they already ate the bait. Poor Norwegians.
Meanwhile the Finnish national television news actually reported just a few days ago how failed piece of shit the F-35 is. Thank god we're not gonna fall for that.

It's not about the plane, it's about cementing our NATO/USA alliance.

it isn't though

the F-35 are way better than the F-16s they're replacing. They're cheaper than most 4.5 gen fighters on the market also coming in at 85 Million fly away cost.

It also opens Norway up to sell its Joint Strike Anti-Ship missile to countries like South Korea and Japan who are also buying the F-35.


>50% of gdp from oil (= a banana state)
>enjoys the benefits of the European single market without actually being a member state of EU and so avoiding the membership payments (= a parasite, a free passenger)
>goes behind America's back when it comes to defense (= a pussy)

>>enjoys the benefits of the European single market without actually being a member state of EU

It's us who pay for all the medicine they can't afford in Greece so the country wont collapse


When the oil starts to run out you'll transition to an advanced mixed economy.

do you seriously think they have access to the single market & every EU benefit without paying anything?

>50% of gdp from oil

What is Russia then?

How about you stop all drilling, wait for the oil peak and then sell it all for 100 time the price it have now?

Oil keeps getting cheeper actually.

Sure they pay just enouhg to make it look fair deal to childish fools in the EU and that's what also UK finally realised.


*send data back to the US*
heh nothing personell kiddo

Is it true that nordic countries are socialist? The leftards here in Brazil love to say that.

A shitty banana

australia has the same idea except we will never run out of resources so we don't actually need a fund

we're compensating for something

the working class must own the means of production, which is not the case in scandinavia

By some reason you believe Russia makes shitton of money from oil trade which is completely wrong. If you divide the income Russia gets from oil exports per capita it would be like $500/year.

My grand-grand-father used to enjoy Norwegian dried and salted cod (it has a traditional name, can't remember it right now) every Easter
Old man was really odd, it's a pity I never got to know him

the left here uses the nordic countries as some kind of secret weapon in a debate about public planing/government intervention

The price has been increasing for months.



Question is... If you lit the oil on fire would it still burn like this product of Sovjet engineering?

cringy and illogical af

our model only works because we have small homogenous populations, which means we trust eachother and trust that our tax money is put to good use. However, I think the most important part is our work-culture, it's really frowned upon if you don't give it 100% every day. It would never work in a literal mess like brazil

anna rahaa


The fund will continue to earn us money, although it will grow at a slower rate since there will only be the capital growth and not an influx of new cash.

Rising sea level.

no we want more f52s


We're winning so much, we're sick and tired of winning.

Most buttblasted post I've read all month, congratulations.