This is the next brazilian president

This is the next brazilian president.
Say something nice about him.

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He does look white.

A white president for a white country to keep at bay the rest of the Amerindian subhuman orcs like argentiniggers, chilindians, congolombians and bolivians.
Seems like pottery.

Whiteness vs Non-Whiteness, the final battle.

isn't this an italian surname?

Looks retarded.

argentinians are our EVROPEAN brothers.

t. mortadela


Se esse cara for eleito eu fujo pro Uruguai ou pro Chile.
Só de ver a cara desse paspalho dá vontade de gorfar.

You can argue that South Brazil is not White, but the difference between Southern Brazil and the rest of Brazil is striking. The rest of Brazil is basically a Pardo/Black territory.

can i get a quick rundown

Who gives a fuck? The Southeast is the most important part.

That dude is the brazilian trump now that lula is out of the picture he is one of the favorites.
He is always defending the dictatorship times we had
Always talking shit about gays
He wants people to have guns (i like this one)
But he is very weak when it comes to economics and other important aspects.
He always finds a way to fall back to anti-gay stuff and the military somehow

Most important for? Who gives a fuck? For Brazil?lol Brazil is not important to us. I rather be part of Uruguay, a "irrelevant" but decent country.

The most based man in Brazil.

gtfo of our lands. You got here yesterday. You have no rights to claim those lands.


Our lands? My lands, your descendants were not even considered citizens in the last century, let alone landowners.

Is that why you wasn't successful in seceding? Go ahead and proclaim independence then. See what happens.
I'm literally the son a landowner lol

If he is actually elected, I really hope he will be able to repeal the Disarmament Statute and, perhaps, raise some penalties like that of murder.
If he does that, he'll be better than practically every post-redemocratization president we had, with the exception, of course, of Sancte Temer.


That guy is the very definition of an American lapdog and that's you need to know about him.

Here he salutes the American flag and chants "USA! USA! USA!":

Dove posso prendere un presidente come qui

What's wrong with that? Isn't it good to have a politician who knows which side of the bread is buttered?

You are a Carioca trash.

Don't you find it a little bit creepy? Or at least cringy? A foreigner and a bunch of nobodies worshipping another country just because it's the most powerful one?

I thought Americans disliked Ameriboos who grew up watching American action movies and dream of marrying an American woman and living in USA.

South Brazil is just our white women factory. Keep sending white women here.

Find the petista that is mad with USA but don't see any problem with chinks making Brazil economy heavily dependent of China.

>marrying an American woman and living in USA.
Marrying an American woman so we can work in the USA to triple our salary come back to our country to marry a Brazilian woman and spend our money.

I've never heard that surname, but he looks like a stereotypical Northern Italian, probably from Piemonte.

the difference is that china simply buys our stuff instead of meddling our business and robbing our riches like the USA

USA is not trying make us dependent

We depend on their economy and their companies

You're just regular trash.

t. secundarista militante do mbl

Their companies is not their government unlike China