How does Sup Forums's room look like? Do you have to share with anyone...

How does Sup Forums's room look like? Do you have to share with anyone? How does it compare to your childhood room or standard room in your country?

>clean as hell but rest of apartment hell hole thanks to irresponsible pet owner
>yes but he moved out because he's a lazy shithead and couldn't afford it anymore. Still pays for the internet
>Awful. College living conditions are terrible

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Jebeš šta američke drolje na tom krevetu balijo?

>Commieblock/10, it's clean because there's pretty much nothing inside
>No, thank god
>Awful, living conditions are ok

And when I say "nothing", I mean it

comfy je


bump could be interesting

Pretty plain desu

My room is very messy
Bed in the middle, computer desk next to TV some shelves with old toys laptop table next to my bed an a large storage closet
Im embarrassed to post pic

it's alright, needs a bit cleaning though, haha..

Pic looking out the window because I'm bored as fuck and I want to see more anons rooms

would be pretty if it had rolling hills instead of just flat everything


No kidding. I'd like to move further south at some point. The geography completely morphs if you move about three hours south of here.

Also doggo pic for good measure

Shit, I live in Cincinnati where everything is hilly but if I go 20 minutes north everything is flat as fuck. There's buildings in my uni that have 5 different ground levels and if you keep walking around on the ground outside you can end up on the roof of another building. I do enjoy Indianapolis though.


I've driven through Ohio many times when I used to live in North Carolina, the landscape does appear to change more frequently. Indy is cool, but I like my small town feels here.

Looks a bit cramped. Comfy though none the less. Where you at?

Looks almost tidy if you stare straight at the ceiling.

Supreme film taste friendo.

Brooklyn. It's a small apartment, but you take what you can get.

I assumed you were in a larger city due to that. Looks nice though either way. What's the sq/ft? Rent amount?
Thanks mane, first time watching it tbqh, was waiting for it to get into redbox.

An example of my roommate not taking care of her cats or having consideration for her other roommates. I almost puke trying to get to my room.

one day you will understand
one day back to roots my friend
no place like a motherland

You've got to get out of there user. That looks horrible.

It's like 700 sq ft., $1800/mo

That's roughly three times the amount that space would cost here. Crazy how much of a factor location is with housing costs.

I would get out in a heartbeat if I wasn't bounded to a lease with her. We made her get rid of a dog which was against apartment policy because it's a restricted breed only because all of us would be evicted. The whole place still smells like piss and shit.

How much longer are you stuck with her?

through July


Could be worse I guess. Try to find as many activities you can to stay out of the house for now to survive.

I love it but where's the bed?

I try to work as much as I can or go to my mom's house

Other room


Stay strong user.

Do you have schizo episodes where you start hitting the wall?
Other than that, comfy.

Those curtains do something at all?

what is that crap on the walls?


looks like shit you get at IKEA

looks like he lives in a comfyblock and wants to dampen his room

acoustic foam


I like that flag :)
Bosnians are one of the nicest people I’ve ever met.

my doggo requires (you)s

>that feel when you realise your living conditions are actually top tier

Hard floors are the best. So easy to keep the place clean. Looks comfy

I feel jelly


Danke. I have an uncle who lives in Germany

Awesome view

comfiest, most stylish and all around best place ITT
judging by the view and that it must cost a lot to live there. also probably not a student


Do you also drink your daily dose of Rakja?


My room fucking sucks.

In my mid-twenties and just came back home after several years overseas. My family built our house from the ground-up. My room was never completed.

Of course, I'm not planning to stay for long, so the unfinished surroundings don't bother me. Just needed a place to crash until I could find a decent flat and get back on out. Gotta finish my degree.

What are you doing overseas?

Mostly just traveling. I came home here and there, for a few months at a time, but was otherwise abroad. Just got done with a consecutive eight months in Latin America, Africa, and India.

I earn a decent amount of money from writing, so surviving in developing countries is pretty easy for me.

At the point in life where I want to do something more productive, though, so I'm sticking around until I finish university and then hoping to do the Peace Corps simultaneously with a master's degree.

Don't feel too bad about graduating late. Most of my friends in med school, etc, were still older than me when they got accepted.

Sounds pretty cool man. I too am an older uni user, I spent a few years in the military. I've got a couple semesters left to finish my bachelors. What field are you studying?

How is life in the military?
Am toying with he idea to do a 2 year voluntary conscription.

wtf the keyboard of the laptop
clean it dumb faggot

As enlisted personnel, quality of life can vary quite dramatically. I was fortunate enough to have a job that was pretty rare in my branch (IT related). Because of how few of us there were and how significant our job was we were left alone to do our job for the most part. When I say left alone, I mean not having to participate in a lot of the bull shit, retarded cleaning jobs, bull shit working parties etc. The other end of the spectrum would be the lowly grunt (riflemen) there are many of them and being infantry is really just an entirely different world from what I experienced. They have to deal with A LOT of shenanigans which can be very frustrating and stressful.
All that said, if you are considering the military, try getting into a job that has relevant and in demand civilian equivalents. That way when you get out, you'll have more opportunity for employment. Also, now speaking from experience, if you get into the more technical IT fields, there will be opportunities to be contracted by the government (not sure how this works there, but I assume there are similar opportunities) but these jobs pay fat cash.

Thanks for the info user

Forgot to include. If you're at a point in your life where you're unsure of what direction to take. Taking a couple years away from the civilian life is a great opportunity to get your mind right and figure out what's important to you.

I'm double-majoring in a STEM field and a social science.

I wanted to go to med school when I was younger, but I think I'm canning that particular plan. Monotony ins't something I've ever dealt well with. My friends studying medicine at the moment seem to lead pretty miserable lives -- studying for eight or ten hours per day and so intensely they're always falling ill.

Sort of cliche, but living overseas also helped me realize I don't care much about money, as long as my salary is sufficient to pay my bills and live comfortable. In an ideal world, I'd like to move back to India (I'm white but stayed there for about 1.5-2 years in total) and either work with or start my own NGO.

pretty ok i guess, living in my aunt's basement rent-free while i go to uni (parents are halfway across the cuntree)
just put a door on a couple weeks ago, starting to feel really comfy

Nice man. I've come to similar realizations. Big salaries are romanticized in our culture.

(You) for the doggo.
Richfag detected, very nice view.
Bretty good, is that AC Black Flag?
It does suck, but you could help by not leaving your PS4 box thrown around. :^)
It's ok, that couch sticks like a sore thumb tho. Also that doggo pic is funny as shit. Is it yours?

yeah the couch is a bit old and dated, bit its comfy and ive been renovating this room with scraps from what my aunt doesn't want anymore and thrift store finds over the past couple years
only bought as new stuff is with the bed

and yeah that's my dog lel, she is very good and lives far away so i have a pic of her for when times get ruff
her paws look kinda wierd because of how they poke out like that which makes me giggle



>is that AC Black Flag
Yeah, although the statue above it has trouble standing up so its toppled over.

I already like that guy.....he is bosnian and proud, it seems.

looks comfy

heres mine
