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1st for fuck anime



post songs you've cried to


>crying to songs
are you a woman?


Anime is the future

slebs and ting

is this too early?

no i just have emotions

r boy

good thread

Well /brit/ I made it, despite your directions.

quick lads whats a decent costume for a party with the theme "seven circles of hell"???


nah too late


reminder that the next crash will be 5x worse than 2008

week's end

go as a homosexual. will be a cheap costume.

Superdry and Hollister garments.

They're slagging off Australia on the news again. Something how Australia was not discovered, but stolen.

More of a Jack Wills man myself

Just wear a suit and bow tie, print off some fake dollar bills. You're Greed.

*purposefully puts an always-on microphone in my house owned by a company that harvests data like no tomorrow and WILL cooperate with the authorities at the drop of a hat*



How are they defining disposable income? Everything after net pay? Everything after rent? Everything after utility bills? Everything after food?

probably had more sex with girls than you


im going to play some poker lads might post here early morning style assuming i avoid the drug/booze driving charges for the 10000th time.might post more pictures of my giant dick just to watch /brit/ squirm and tell me i'm using odd camera angles hahahahah

Jog on you lonely sub-normie runt.

as a homo


how did everyone's week go? did I miss anything since sunday night? any new gimmicks?

what's your favourite katy perry song? mine's the hot and cold one

there's no future for Britain

after taxes

how many lights do you see?

hairlines receded another 1cm

The plastic bag one is pretty decent 2bqh. It's just a relatable song really.

the future looks brighter than ever outside of the EU

>contracted for 37 hours a week
>worked 29
>nobody cares that i fudge my timesheet
good tbqh

>print off some fake dollar bills
thats illegal


its really coming to light how much women value their sexual hold over men



Rate my tea lads

>steak slice and cheese and onion roll from Morrison's, 25p each (reduced)
>1 big can of pomegranate Arizona green tea (49p from Home Bargains)
>1 Turkish Delight (£1 from Morrison's for pack of 3)

does the Sun even shine in the UK? I'm pretty sure it's just cloudy with a chance of rain every day

just cracked open a rekorderlig

just got an absolutely bang tidy finance agreement on my new coat, APR% like you wouldn't believe; it would have been silly for me NOT to

t. deano

virgin neckbeard basement-dweller rapist

chained to the rhythym is unironically a catchy tune

London is the biggest city in Europe
Russia and Turkey don't count

back from uni toil lads


did you have a good time

~1500 hours of sunshine per year
it's plenty

It's not very European nowadays

Job centre toil on monday

literally shadow realm-tier

define european

>UK Prime Minister Theresa May has reiterated calls for a special magic version of encryption to be developed by technologists so law enforcement can access everyone's communications on demand – and somehow engineer it so that no one else can abuse this backdoor.

about as much fun as i ever have which is to say very little

Haven't signed on in 4 years. Occasionally get random payments from Universal Credit - usually 5 or 10 quid. Absolute fucking state.

cat did a weird kind of miaow that i've never heard him do before

wonder if he's dying

interesting combo
I had
pork belly + cheek with roasted apple, mash and swiss charred at the local pub/restaurant.

what't the job centre like

pale skin


who is england's friend?

is it weird to go to an all-inclusive resort by yourself for 7-10 days just to stuff yourself, get drunk and spaz out?


>part of turkey
fuck off

t. Jakub Sczczczczczcz

ah yes this is the woman who wants to block porn for everyone because parents are shit and irresponsible
hmm yes

god I hate summer and the heat



(a) Sloth.


nations don't have friends they have interests

>what is East Thrace

akira is shit

dress as a big willy and be lust


did you not learn a lot
did you have a good laugh with your uni pals

shut the fuck up you fucking idiot

Go in, talk to the fit bird standing at the front.
Sit down on the seats with the chavs and single mums.
Observe omega fatty security guard walking around handing sweets to the toilers.
Everyone looking depressed
Get shouted at for not doing my 37 hours of work search properly
Then go home

i trust no ones going to click on that virus download link

No one.

No one really likes England, not even England. Which is why they put up this facade of arrogance. Actually very fragile.

is this the neocon SA obsessed with ben shapiro and destiny

>akira is shit


haha have a dr oetker in the oven desu

had a banana sandwich for the first time in fuck knows how long earlier haha. genuinely peng I must say

a friend of the devil is a friend of mine

dumb phoneposter

reminder: the ipod was a magical technology that didn't exist when steve jobs came up with it

akira is shit and so is lain and jin roh