Everyone who has given The Man from UNCLE a chance has ended up loving it

Everyone who has given The Man from UNCLE a chance has ended up loving it.

Cult classic alert?

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Yes. Armie Hammer is my husbando and I guess he needs to hop on the capeshit train for a while if he's going to actually be a star.

Watching this made me realise Snyder must be doing something seriously awful to Cavill to stop his Superman being charismatic.

It takes a special kind of retard to enjoy this.

Is it rape?

sorry it's not a Czech arthouse movie, senpai

Sounds like it's right up your alley, then.


How's that for entertainment?

i walked out of this film

Transformers might be more your style.

And you still paid for it, so I have your money. Haha, sucker!

its not very good
it was hammy, overacted, and reeked of post snatch ritchie aka shitchie
cult classic it is not

Yes, in my opinion it's Guy Ritchies second best movie (after Snatch). It had a good score in terms of "average", but still too low for such a movie.

I want to climb Armie Hammer and Elizabeth Debicki like the tree-people they are


But you paid for it.
It's getting a sequel because of you.

Don't be ableist.

>fat neets go to the cinema
silly user
i pay for the cinema, user
i hope the sequel is a good film
the first one is not
best of luck to the cast and crew!

Guy Ritchie is like my secret go to criminally underrated director. I highly enjoyed everything he made from 2008.

He plays completely different type of characters. Napoleon Solo is debonair and cocky spy, Superman is a guy from Kansas with God like powers trying to help people and struggling with the realpolitik consequences that his sheer existences poses.

Armie, you were never a good actor. Stop this meme.

giv debicki gf pls

Couldn't endure more that 40 minutes. Tried twice in different days.

>one has trigger discipline and the other doesn't

pottery etc.

It was released same weekend as that black rap movie so the media gave no attention whatsoever to Uncle. Any other weekend release and we would already be seeing the sequel now.

The way Ritchie fucked around with time in this movie foreshadowed the awfulness of King Arthur.

Also trying to set up a franchise was a problem.

So was building up Hammer as being some sort of Schwarzenegger from Red Heat type character when the "normal sized" partner is played by fucking Superman

It's never implied he's stronger than Solo, only less predictable and controlled. This is where the tension of that final scene builds of.

>He plays completely different type of characters. Napoleon Solo is debonair and cocky spy.
hes a good version of james bond thats it.
(I know the character is merican but cavill isnt)
the movie has problems like the most genric story ever but id give it a 7/10

Because of the kinds of films he does people don't understand that Henry Cavill is an actor of top caliber. He was trained in the UK, which makes him of high prestige to at least American casting directors. I'm willing to bet he is as good as Fassbender or McAvoy.

Loved it.

>that bathroom scene with three italian assholes getting what they deserve.

Did you actually saw the movie?
the rusian dude is suposed to be some sort of inhuman killing machine with almost superpowers.

>he is trying... to stop the car.

>This pleb hasn't seen The Social Network

She's too tall for you, dumb frogposter.