With many different niches of male gender being filled, what defines today's version of a man?
Modern Masculinity
Muscles, pronounced jaw, deep voice, at least 6'2'', at least 190lbs. As for the mental characteristics, you need to be charismatic, powerful and confident.
>Modern Masculinity
Masculinity is unchanging, there's no 'modern' masculinity, something is either masculine or it isn't.
Modern man
>what defines today's version of a man?
I dunno, it's increasingly difficult to be a man these days.
Then again it's increasingly difficult to be a woman too.
I think it's increasingly difficult to be HUMAN. Why? Because the fucking globalists want to keep up as subservient passive consumers, who line their pockets.
And lazy, gullible people vote for this shit because they become too scared of reality, too scared of taking a punch to the face, too scared of losing their job (despite the fact that they could almost certainly just find a fucking new job), too scared of having to face physical confrontations with other people, etc.
What a man actually IS is that same it's always been. The success of a male is always defined by the same criteria - the ability to reproduce. This means attracting females. And arguably being able to provide for your children too (although I would argue that part's not necessary).
If you want inspiration on being a man that ladies wanna fuck then I suggest watching old Bond movies (particularly Dr. No). Don't watch the ones with Moore though because he's a camp twat.
This. You've hit the nail on the head. The only thing that changes are the social conditions. The playing field, if you will. But what a man is doesn't change one bit - it's determined by biology for fuck's sake.
The Lizards could never win against masculine men so they did the only thing they could: turn the men into gigantic pussies so that it's easier to take over next year.
I can tell you thought about this thoroughly. The fact that you're uncapable to grasp the very definition of masculinity in this very context convinced me that your opinion is the absolute truth.
Thanks god we got the next generation of intellectuals available on the internet.
my guess is 90% of Sup Forums posters and lurkers have none of those qualities
The modern man is a poorly functioning woman.
Theres only one.
Gender identity is a kike lie
For me it's always been a matter of loyalty, citizenship, civic responsibility, taking care of your family/spouse/etc., helping those around you when you are able, etc. , more than anything like vainglory or braggadocio.
How good his boipussi is.
I agree, but in passing.
Yes, the success of Men is dependent on reproduction to further their genes. But previous to civilization, Men were the hunters and protectors. By this I mean to say that reproduction would have been impossible was it not for the protection and food provided by Men.
Unfortunately, Men aren't really 'required' to protect against sabertooth tigers and wolves and shit, and there arent neighboring tribes raiding your village. So yes, the success of men is now based mostly on reproduction and being a provider for your children, but that ain't worth a damn if your kids are slaves.
>what defines today's version of a man?
Middle Eastern immigrants. Can you imagine how much this woman's pussy is throbbing?
Maybe I'm just high on dank memes, but everyone in that photo looks poised to fulfil their part of the cuckoldry trifecta.
>Muscles, pronounced jaw, deep voice, at least 6'2'', at least 190lbs.
What the heck is a pronounced jaw?
Same here. That's what it essentially is. The immigrant has money and fucking on his mind, no man with any testosterone running through his blood would let another man come and fucking live with his partner.
A jaw that is able to sit forward enough to support the side profile aesthetics. If you have a recessed looking jaw from the side view, it means maxilla and mandible are sitting too far back and down.
She looks thirsty as fuck.
Your a fucking dope.
Go drink your kool-aid
>there is only one
Hindu culture, fucking based
>being fat
fucking kill yourself you fat fuck
Men have penises
Women have vaginas.
How is this a difficult question?
Also, just because a dude is a bitch doesn't make him not a dude.
I did not know that Bowie made orange flavoured water, how cool is that.