What did he mean by this?


Other urls found in this thread:


could you at least post the video link?

Protesters shot at the car, it was filled with bullet holes

Details left out of both Guardian and HuffPo stories


Angle 1
Angle 2

dude why did they leave out a huge part of the story?

>nigger shot at the car

seriously, thats a bigger story than a retard in the middle of the street

> fuck police!
> omg call the police!

((Hurts the narrative of peaceful protesters)))

butit is so bad.. the fact that they said "we got shot at" in the video.. its like, what white person runs over a nig and then shoots at the crowd.

these days you just hope to god youre not another zim zam

oh look, our post is blessed


Why are negro women always obese?

The media is biased, now you know.
Look at this aired footage and reporting vs raw video.

ive always known, and ive been a faggot on this hungarian beef exchange assembly since its Zim zam flim flam hey day, and was on Sup Forums before that (during the basic troll days).. but this is so fucking blatent.. its like, i cant really comprehend it.. its too bias.. weve reached levels of bias i never thought possible

It means I'm going to have a good day today.

Yep, the tide never ends.


I pray to kek that no charges are fired against the driver.

If it makes you feel any better ABC did report it
>Ferguson police said in a statement that several people chased the car and fired about two dozen shots at the vehicle. A city spokesman later said the vehicle was pockmarked with bullet holes. Police are asking for the public's help to identify the shooting suspects.

I'm actually from memphis too.. ive seen this ice cream truck and have probably interacted with this guy.. this breaks my heart.. like, im unironically on the verge of tears..
I always thought i was lucky to have an ice cream truck..
>Bill Whittle
he always has a good point.. The media really picked this story up and, as is tradition, made tons of money off of it..

hooo shiet.. i just now remembered that he was holding arizona and skittles to make lean

Underrated thread

you bet your ass that he will for speeding or somehting... involuntary manslaughter if he dies
ABC news reaches more people than huff post (id like to think)

You need to record speed to actually get someone for speeding.