Tfw slavest of them all

tfw slavest of them all
how is it to be a slavlet?

Catholicism makes you less Slav

i was diagnosed with slav last may and it changed my life upside down. luckily i found a cure. i stopped drinking alcohol and eating kale

>Catholicism makes you less Slav

>tfw both Slavic and Balkan ancestry
>tfw 190cm tall but my head is still shaped like a boiler and about as big

Turns out I have some Slavic(Russian/Lithuanian) heritage. I just hate them more now because of that.
I realized everything wrong about me can be traced back to my Slavic heritage. It's fucking why I don't have a girlfriend or education.

>Germany is not majorly germanic
I don't understand this race biology?

>almost quarter N
Noooooo, this is false

So i assume that yelow means slav. But why then Scandinavians so slavic??

Another Finn explained this to me.
It went something like this.
Scandinavian I1 were rolling around in mud when the R1a Slavs came and taught them how to make alcohol. Then they happily rolled around in mud together for several thousand years.

Scandinavia has a long common story with slavs in early middle ages but hard to tell what's true and what is not because there's not many documents from this period.
Supposedly there were slav pirates that Danes called Vindafrelsi, some people even believe that the first polish historic king, Mieszko I had a scandinavian ancestry and that he used viking mercenaries as his warriors
other than that, scandinavia is very close to slavs, in 16th century Poland and Sweden had even a common king

R1a is the Indo-European haplogroup
Norwegians, Swedes, and Icelanders have a lot of strong R1Aryan and were great conquerors who spread their language across continents. R1Bitches are Proto-Europeans who were conquered.

This is Fake like an election poll

keep in mind that not all the R1a in Norway and the rest of Scandinavia (also Finland and the British Isles) is of the branches associated with the Slavic expansion. Norway does seem to have the highest amount of the early Slavic-associated ones too though

more proof that ireland is rightful british clay

the R1b in Ireland and the UK is broadly similar but different subclades dominate Ireland and the traditionally Celtic-speaking parts vs the English ones. the Irish seems more associated with the Bell Beaker expansion to the Isles while the English more related to later movements from the continent

i.e. Ireland seems to have preserved Bronze Age British Isles ancestry somewhat better than the UK did

R1a is like 20000 years old and split off into different subclades way before Slavic, Germanic... or even Indo-European languages existed


Are you me? Same height, but only ~1/16 genetically Slav I guess (grandpa was German-Silesian), but inherited many of the shitty traits such as huge potato head, early balding and lack of other body hair

oh huh, looking at it again, Norway actually seems to have the smallest amounts of Slavic-related subclades. it's Sweden who has the most. I must have misremembered

maybe Norway's is mostly Corded Ware related or something

>Are you me? Same height, but only ~1/16 genetically Slav
His blood is the gift of Medaurus and Armatus, the Balkanian gods of war. Tall, built, hairy, there is no room for bald potato heads here. The Dinaric race prevails

why is Portugal such a slavlet?
literally not a drop of slavic blood

Their language makes up for it

99% of modern R1a descends from the Indo-European clade (R1a1a1) that came into existence 5000 years ago, though