Will we ever have to outlaw certain ideas?

Will we ever have to outlaw certain ideas?

maybe even certain countries too.

will we ever nuke sweden dont know but hope so

Yeah I think so unfortunately.

Reactionary capitalists and their PURE IDEOLOGY will need to be gulaged

3 meme answers

alrighty then

who's the guy inbetween Marx and Lenin? is it the guy that helped Marx write the book?

>meme answers


Where's Hitler?

You already outlawed populism though so I don't see why you're asking the question.

It is the privilege and the duty of workers to rise up.

Replace the word Wall Street with Jews and Bernie Sanders = Hitler.


This notion that perpetually outlawing more things will somehow make the world a better place would be a good spot to start.

>Images of communists + Sanders (which is not really far off)

I kek'd. I bet whoever made the image doesn't even understand russian.

That would be Friedrich Engels.

Yeah, Fredrick Engles

The only idea that should be outlawed, is the idea that an idea should be outlawed.

Yes. Ideas are dangerous

We will always need an enemy until aliens come

Did you know that increasing wealth inequality correlates with increase in violent crime, increase in mentall illness and drug use, worsening test scores in school, worsening public health, increase in unwanted pregnancies, increase in prisoners...

And it's not dependent on racial demographics. It occurs even within ethnically homogenous (white) societies with high employment.

What we need to do is break the zionist controlled media, banks, politicians and institutions. A hard task I admit but if we ever want to see national socialism spread we essentially must destroy whatever society we live in today as the zionists claws are so deep in everything.

>national socialism spread
theres your problem friendo, you are a mong!

That unkempt dodderer is not a socialist. Just because he calls himself a socialist doesn't make him one. He is a confused grandpa who wants to be edgy.

Never. It is too slipery of a slope. When it comes to laws, you want to stay from anything that relies purely on opinion. And what is considered "dangerous" speech is purely ideological. It's not like murder where a physical risk is at stake.

You can't outlaw certain ideas.
Communism for example will forever be ingrained in minds of those who want "fairness". The only real way to stop communism is to kill them all and hope they don't spread their poisonous ideology to others.
Franco and Sheik showed that killing them was the only true way to stop them from gaining traction and starting their disastrous policies.

>12 year olds against communism