Is he /ourguy/?

Is he /ourguy/?

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hes pretty cool but no

i wonder if he browses Sup Forums

he has a strange fetish for denmark

Why not?

I want to punch that arrogant face

He's a massive normalfag. Fuck him.

Reminder that int is a normalfag board.

t. little amerinerd who cant handle Chads of int and youtube.


Jim Carrey has a Filipino son?

I watch him unironically, his travel vlogs are pretty nice too

He's le 56% and proud, he's specifically /ourguy/

What about him?

I watch his videos but his sense of humor is kindergarten-tier and I find some of his mannerisms to be unbecoming of an adult.

I also have a feeling there's a slightly darker side to him that we don't see. In an old vlog he talked about how he had to wait in jail for 4 days (don't remember what for) and his instagram likes are almost exclusively pictures of half naked women

>his instagram likes are almost exclusively pictures of half naked women
There's literally nothing wrong with being heterosexual


He is probably a chad then. He does definitely look like one.

t. scared roastie

Make way for real Sup Forums tier channels. You already know he lurks.

Most of these you tubers are pretty seedy people.

>There's literally nothing wrong with being heterosexual
Never said that you dingus. But an adult going around liking softcore porn on instagram is intensely creepy and weird. Keep that stuff private

See above

>Reminder that int is a normalfag board.
You've spent too much time on Sup Forums lad.

Sup Forums is the normiest board but nowhere near normalfag level

Seem too pure to be true, desu. Maybe I’m just jaded. In any case he’s teaching young kids geography with PG 13 humor, promotes good family values and health, and he’s the only overtly Christian internet personality that I know of. So as far as I’m concerned, he’s an alright guy. Too normie to be /ourguy/, though, good for him.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure he lurks Sup Forums or Sup Forums. His videos are literally Sup Forums 2014

Anyone who learns other languages is a faggot

He is too based to be Sup Forums. His videos are non biased and factual.

Defiantly here though. Its a really good channel and I am glad he is getting huge subs.

I watch both, but there is a clear winner here

That Danish girl is better. Victoria, I think.

What about Nativlang?
Wish he would hurry up with his Chinese video though

Was really impressed with the Israel episode, it could have been a really shitty one but it painted a pretty good picture of the conflict.

don't mention her name here

Pretty sure this guy posted on TheApricity

He had some intersting vids on nahuatl and latin, languages hardly anyone speaks

he'd spew out more memes if he did
also has a redditor face

i like his videos, but he goes and comes to the same subjects a lot of times

>In an old vlog he talked about how he had to wait in jail for 4 days (don't remember what for) and his instagram likes are almost exclusively pictures of half naked women
i guess for a nordcuck this must be awful and evil

Is he that guy with the geography show for kids and mentally challenged adults?

he is cool, but languages are an infinitely more boring subject than, well, everything else about countries

Barby - Geography Now!

Make room for the kings of Sup Forums

Just ignore the libertarian propaganda

I like his vids tb.h

yeah him
i'm wainting for him to fuck up at Paraguay (he's at letter K yet)

First time I watched him he looked like a passive aggressive cunt. Like he puts on a good face for the camera but he beats his girlfriend behind the scenes or something. He's grown on me tho cool dude

Do you not know our proto-lord and proto-savior Langfocus?

Based Paul

I do now. Thanks


>Part Irish himself
>Doesn't notice/care that the Irish flag is redundant there/is in English rather than Gaeilge
I really wish he weren't this dumb cause otherwise I like his content

Ravioli ravioli, don’t lewd the geo normie

>wow girls all need validation
>guys don't send me raunchy dms


who else wants to catfish Barby now

Sure newfag

That was a little bit cringy, that was a teenage talk.

I like his channel, but he ain't one of us.

who the fuck are these cunts

Literally Who?
