1) your cunt

1) your cunt
2) what kind of threads do you ignore and why?

2. Sup Forums threads they really hurt my feelings and make me feel glum for being brown.

Basically just generals and fag shit.


I ignore nation-specific generals because half the time they aren't even speakng English and talking about stuff I don't get or care about since I don't live there.

those that repeats everyday, cuckoldry, anime, copypastas, foreign generals

Never be ashamed of who you are, friend

i try to filter out certain threads but it doesn't seem to work.

that wasn't a smart move considering current trendings here

>Sup Forums makes me hate myself

Sup Forums threads
/r9k/ threads
Sup Forums threads
/lgbt/ threads
/s4s/ threads

It'd be nice if this board had janitors/mods but what are you gonna do, eh?

Obvious: Trash threads that don't belong here, like TFWnoGF TFWnoBF TFWnotrannybfgfthingbeast threads. Sup Forums just needs moderation.

Also generals in other languages because everyone should just learn American. Why do I have to bother.

I hate to admit it but I'm getting bored of Trump's antics so I usually ignore anything mocking the orange flavored dictator. It's just not funny anymore when it's every day.

any greentext or Sup Forums threads

also generals

All the generals. And the gay anime threads despite being gay and liking anime.

1. USA
2. All Canadian threads.



threads of fags bitching about Sup Forums

gay threads

all generals except the good ones (complete list of the good generals: /deutsch/)

Brit generals, probably some autistic anglo makes 2 or 3 threads at the same time everyday, at least in lat we wait till is dead.

Threads about international culture

> flag
Attention whoring threads from the so-called Sup Forums celebrities