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I had hamburgers yesterday
I shall have pizza today instead

I have a question for the CHIs. Was your mother a hose maid scrubbing toilets and floors for living? Do you feel humiliated by this?

My mother was never a house maid so no


sort of

>Anglo Americans hate you
>Mexicans hate you
>even niggers hate you
>you hate yourself

how do i become a chi?
is there some secret ritual like eating the spiciest taco sause there is with spoon?

Yes that’s exactly how you become a chi

For like a year when we first came here and no, why would I?

Fuck off whitey.

The muscles in my left arm won't stop twitching for some reason.

i am actually chi
so, amigos i really hate anglos too i can't stand them

Hmm where are your parents from?

do what these guys did


From where in colombia?

they never told me in case i would quit the /chi/life

>stumbled upon something about balding online
>never even thought about it until recently, always had a full head of hair
>no history of baldness in my family only except for my uncle as far as I know
>check my hairline out for the heck of it
>tfw basically a Norwood 2 at 18 yo
>brother has the same hairline at 22
Literally why
Not ready to be a hairlet desu CHI bros


Sure thing buddy

shave your head get a tattoo on it problem solved

they seem to be pretty popular

>Not ready to be a hairlet desu CHI bros

Fuck off Euro devil.

Nice. Is the Dutchy accent nice for latin audiences, like Swedish is for English? There is also this girl getting really popular in Brasil. In need to learn some Spanish or Portugese I guess.

Some people in the south of Brazil that also speaks German got dutchy accent, it does sound funny though

Fuck off. White people do not exist here nor are they welcomed here.

Most of them live in Santa Catarina go see for your self

i don't really notice it to be honest

Good choices, it's been sometime since I last had a burget but I quite often have pizza for dinner. I ate sushi today which is very uncommon for me, was breddy good.

i can't stand sea food

No notice is also good I guess. Some people hate our accent.

i think it be a different it he was just talking

I'm Italian disciple of KARA BOGA

Beer is nice with sushi.
Good point.

Not that big on beer desu. If i'm drinking I usually have long drinks, long drink seems to have a little different meaning in finland then elsewhere. Checked it just now and the english wikipedia article is like 20% the international definition of the word and 80% about the long drinks "evolution in finland".

I hereby decree you honorary CHI
You may now fugg goblinas

holla bros

whats up?

que honda guey
*dabs in spanish*

I'm not big on alcohol myself as I'm always drinking coffee. But when I order sushi I order some beer with it as it compliments each other. What would compliment a long drink?

How could you give our woman away so easily?

>Some people hate our accent.
why my friendly toothpaste friend?

> our woman
CHI women only want white cock anyways
fuck them
i would rather have a qt negrita

I don't think it would be that good of a food drink. Coffee with almost any pastry is 5/5. How do you make your coffee? I use a french press.

I use a french press for expensive beans. Sometimes I get my coffee from the nice baristagirl nextdoor. But I also have a senseo machine for cheap supermarket pads, pic related.


When I was doing my conscription all coffee machines that I encountered there were moccamasters (it's a brand but their coffee machines have a somewhat distinctive look), looked at the wikipedia article about them for more info and turns out they are handmade in the netherlands.

The company that makes those machines is also dutch, which isn't surprising since they are made in the netherlands I guess.


Coffee is love. Coffee is life.

Most companies here use Douwe Egberts machines. Sounds like your government went for quality instead of quantity. Makes for happy soldiers I guess.

Whats a /CHI/

Ecuabro :3

Deposit 5 dollars into my account and I’ll tell you



It just sounds silly for most people. Especially if the accent is still heavy. It does not sound exotic like other accents.

Good night

Being a CHI is not that bad, unless you're a fucking failure. What happened in your life that made you want out?

>unless you're a fucking failure
what do you think i am? a winner?
>What happened in your life that made you want out?
a lot of things but not going to post on here ofc

incel with no job?


>incel with no job?
No qt3.14s and jobs in the area?

This was for you

I need some sleep. Don't have my (you)s straight. Goodnight.


My CHI girlfriend's dad still doesn't like me

why don't you just have a beer with him? also start listening to some mexican music

I did several times
It went fine but he doesn't like me
We visited her parents a bunch of times but her dad just ignores me

probably just getting use to it