Why doesn't society see anything wrong or care about young males being jobless...

Why doesn't society see anything wrong or care about young males being jobless, girlfriendless and staying in their rooms on their computers all day? Why doesn't anyone care?

society doesn't care about anything user. it is not even conscious

Other people enjoy seeing you in this situation, it makes them feel superior even if their own lives are mediocre at best. It also means you're out of the competition.

They do but you just call them normies if they try to help you

Cause it's an invisible phenomenon

It's hard to see anything wrong with people who are invisible. The more you resent society for making you the way you are, the less likely it will be that you will ever fix your problems.

men are disposable fodder. it's been so throughout history, don't know why you expect that to change

More like because people try to help then realize it's a lost cause.
See: every thread on here about losing weight, getting a job, getting a drivers license, etc. It's the same pattern everytime.
>Guy makes thread "looking for advice"
>People come with good intentions to help him
>OP calls them "normies", becomes aggressive or repeatedly makes dumb excuses for why he can't do anything
>Thread dies, op makes a new one later. Repeat ad infinitum.

we are the shit of society

we are the real slaves, abused and gaslighted to think we are guilty and the bad ones

this guy thinks the blame lies on the individuals, it's not, it's a global societal problem of millions in advanced capitalist society that didn't exist before

Women are naturally better suited for post-industrial labor. We're the ones that had to be sacrificed accommodate them.

Yeah it's capitalism's fault /r9k/ exists and just feeds their own negative delusions in an endless cycle?
>that didn't exist before
Yeah because of the internet. Before these people would just realize something's wrong with them, not society and "roasties".

It's the same as Sup Forumstards who convince themselves the reason they're unemployed is because of the jewish-lizard conspirators.

Why is this even a bad thing?

>he hasn't taken the MGTOW pill yet

Just abandon western "society" and go Asian

>MGTOW means yellow fever
fucking die you sperg

because if you aren't able to find a girlfriend by yourself or the help that you can find by yourself society consider that your genes are bad quality and there are out there more virile inmigrants put to replace broken gears of the society. Also there's plenty of institucions out there meant to help in this matter (e.g. clubs, bars, cafes, dance, etc)

advanced industrial society and post-scarcity is the cause

that means technology such as computers and internet, abundance of food, ready housing

that leads to superfluous individuals who are propped up by their families but with no real purpose or place in society

sheesh that's simple stuff: go read some bookz

You were playing life on easy mode and still managed to game over.

the existence of NEETS and hikikomori wouldn't be possible in, say, caveman or medieval society (monks aren't NEET)

>easy mode
comfort does not mean life is on easy mode you philistine

Young males control and decide society. You are society. Care for yourself (leave the house and do something) and society will care for you.

Is this a joke? There's huge initiatives in Europe to solve this problem. Billions of Euros is spent to help, what more do you want? Free gfs?

They even coined the term NEET. It means not employed, in education, or training

yes it could. they were the offspring of nobility who sat around all day drinking tea and doing fuck all while the peasants provided the food and labor

>Feeling sorry for yourself

Ask Allah for help.

nobility have an obvious place and role in aristocratic society. postindustrial neets dont in democratic society

I think this phenomenon is not as widely spread in the West as it is in Japan, where autorities really take it seriously.

What's your solution?

a revolution not just social but individual, to replace the cheap, low, spiritually bankrupt values of modern day with something that strives for the best about humanity

I'm neither a fascist nor a communist; I don't know what's best anymore, but I know that human beings can be better than the shit we are today. And yes culture society everything is shit

imagine if we just colonize space only to spread future versions of dabbing and hip hop and instagram and advertisements and all the bullshit. fuck it all. if we're going to space we better be the best version of ourselves

Start with yourself

>nobility have an obvious place and role in aristocratic society.

At times of war that was true. At peacetime, most nobles just fucked around. That´s why the second and third sons usually became either clergymen or went into the military.

the system will never change

1 participate in it and become a capitalist, which means part master and part slave. you have to play by the rules which some people think are stupid
2 nonparticipation - suicide, avoidance, inactivity, fatalism
3 active destruction - terrorism, communism, lonewolf behaviors

Why not participate but follow your own intuition and path? You don't have to be a mindless consumerist or a lonewolf neonazi terrorist, there can be a middleground.

because modern life is shit. this is what millions of people experience. most dont even voice or engage like in a rational dialogue Im doing now. the problem is not them. our grievances are legitimate. it's just not in the zeitgeist, nobody cares about young men

this is what countless numbers feel, real alienation

r9k and pol and b Sup Forums in general are shit but we are trapped in the limbo of history

I wish I could die

Why'd you copy my thread word for word from the other night and repost it.

Males are expandable.
Society cares about women.

you don`t care for society why should society care about you?


because you're not a part of society?

Capitalism knows you buy more as an atomized spec.

Because we are literally 0.01% of the male population.
The other 99.99% is fucking daily, drinking like a sailor, aceing college courses like it's nothing.

It is absolutely unbelievable to normalfags that social pariahs like us exist, the fact that someone could be alone for so long is a foreign concept for them.

No one gives a shit, actually, they think it's good human trash stays hidden

What does this graph change what I have said?
Being unemployed or not studying doesn't mean you're /ourguy/. Brazil, for example, expresses one of the highest numbers of this "desconnected youth" because we are in a profound economic crisos.
This shit doesn't mean absolutely anything in terms of this discussion.

you're human trash. you don't contribute anything. you barely even try. I feel sorry for some people but I've lived with neets and they really just sit around and collect benifits and don't help themselves.

>OP is Australian
>There is zero Australian posts ITT besides op
Why would you make a thread asking a question then abandon it with zero followup.

Is your cunt full of ultra-normalfags?

Because we live in an ever-increasingly capitalist society (certainly true for Australia with the LNP in power) and there's no economic incentive for anyone to care about NEETs. It's not a case of why doesn't anyone care, but why SHOULD anyone care?

What society do you think would care more about neets? The only society that allows neets is a liberal one.

because they want us gone

I do not know, just answering OP's question of why nobody cares about NEETs; because there is no economic incentive to.

because it doesn't affect anyone but ourselves

Japan has rehabilitation for them, and there obsessed with working.Ni know there's counselling here but no support groups

would recommend you read future shock by alvin toffler 2bh, explains a lot of the rapid sociological change that societies are experiencing

I'm not sure how many years I can take being a perma neet.

I'm ugly but tall dude with legit diagnosed autism so I can't get gf since birth.

dank memes

