Greeks think they own all of this

>greeks think they own all of this

Im greek

The rest of the land was greek too. Don't see how urbanizing it changes that fact.

>greeks builded the only relevant part of the city

The rest of the land was native american, too. Don't see how urbanizing it changes that fact.

It's been theirs longer than it's been yours roach.

Exactly, glad to see we agree then

All the natives are US citizens though.


cry more inbred wh*Te subhuman

All the ones that you decided not to kill even after wiping 95% of them with diseases.

natives always attacked the colonists first and nobody actually knows how many died of disease, really its just guessing.

>German flag
ugh, how embarassing

Natives butchered 600 colonial children for no reason. Don't confuse British settlers with Hispanic settlers. British settlers were only looking to peacefully coexist with the natives.

what is this fagotry?
fuck off :')

>for no reason

disease was just a natural result of Eurasia coming to contact with America.

t. chief two leaves

What's up with the homophobia?

bullshit we invaded their territory most of the time

Not Greek, but Roman.

>this is what anglos really think

>The rest of the land was native american
They didn't have the documentation to prove it, no land deeds, nothing. Were the colonials just expected to take their word for it? It was unclaimed land.


Romans were Greeks and Latins. Separating them like one ruled over the other doesn't make sense.
People refer to Greece and Rome as different things only when referring to Ancient Greece. The Greek ethnicity was absorbed into the Roman Empire and made as Roman as Italians were. The Roman aristocracy spoke both Latin and Greek, The East was the richest and most important part of the Empire after Italy. Italy itself was divided between the Latin North and the Greek South.

our nation is a product of the same english settlers.

Everybody better stop bullying Greeks. The entire Western world owes them a debt that we can never ever repay, and all of these jokes don't help matters.

Nobody is scared of fags, they just want them all dead.

The people you're talking about are long gone.

That maybe so. But if a man Made your grandfather rich, wouldn't you be nice to his grandchildren

That's how things went over here until much later.
They didn't just show up and just start butchering the natives, who weren't total retards like Abos. They fought with us for 200 years
Things gradually got ugly on both sides.