The internet has already fallen head over heels for the new Wonder Woman and her trailer

The internet has already fallen head over heels for the new Wonder Woman and her trailer

what's your excuse Sup Forums

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>the internet is one person
And I thought I'd never see a meme worse than "Sup Forums is one person"

>what's your excuse Sup Forums
>asking Sup Forumsntrarians to like anything marginally popular

I believe the word is called 'contrarianism.'

I thought it looked promising. Wonder Woman has always had a special place in my heart, I just hope they don't butcher her.

Every single thing about the trailer looks awesome except for Diana being spiteful to Trevor & Etta.

It was pretty cool. Her theme song is GOAT.

It appears to just be wonder woman vs shitty ww1 soldiers. Where's the challenge?

It's like take Captain America, remove Red Skull, and make Cap bulletproof.

She has cute toes, so I liked the trailer.

He wasn't referring to Sup Forums as one person you stupid retarded faggot

Maybe Ares is behind the war?

>Wonder Woman trailer views 14,723,848
>Doctor Strange views 8,412,068

Who was the woman in the mask?

Why is it set in WW1? Why isn't Diana killing Nazis!?

Danny Huston is playing Ares disguised as a Prussian General.

But I have also. What's your excuse, OP?

I fucking hate the Doctor Strange trailer.
I fucking hate Benderdoo Cumberplum.
I'm sure it'll be a great movie, but seriously, fuck the trailer and fuck him.

Dr Poison makes the most sense.

If you think about it, WW1 is right up Ares' alley. Pointless conflict, millions dead, horrible, awful death and destruction. It's the most Ares-like modern war ever.

I'm happy that Gal really commited to her character, except the posture of course

I'm amazed how many people are unironically saying it's Kino just because of a simple kaleidoscope effect

I like the trailer. Especially the bit where he's standing on the side of a skyscraper and the city's going fucking nuts.

And I like Bendydick Cuminsnatch.

Could listen to him talk about pengwings all day.

Why do you hate him so much?

Really? I thought that was one of the worst shots in the trailer. The obvious greenscreen was really bad.

>people are unironically saying it's Kino
I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but you may just be retarded.

I've seen much worse in Gods Of Egypt

his face looks inhuman, and the few episodes of Sherlock I watched, I found him to be really boring.
Beyond that, something about him really bothers me for this role. He doesn't look the part, and I'm not sure he's going to be able to act the part.

A more unfair judgement is that I'm just generally unhappy with this being an origin story movie. I'd really have liked it if we got some flashbacks to strange's past, but the movie stayed in a time where he was at least somewhat developed.

Obvious greenscreen? You mean obvious because the shot is literally impossible? because it's not like it looks shoddy.

i wish it was just the bracers that were bulletproof its so much more interesting

>because it's not like it looks shoddy
It does look shoddy. All of the effects look really low quality.

wait is it just me or does she auctualy have some muscle in that picture

could the film be saved

it might well be a good movie.
I'll never know, because DC movies will never get another dime from me.
You've hurt me too many times.
I'm actually starting to get bored with the marvelshit too. Is there going to be an Image Cinematic Universe?

>Image Cinematic Universe
how would that work theres no image comics universe

how do the movie rights work there anyway does the creator owned extend to film

Looks fair to me

The jl trailers shit though

I'd wager she's not a pre-existing character and instead serves to help disillusion Diana about warfare and combat. The mask she's wearing is a facial reconstruction mask after all.

which trailer is this i want to see for myself

It also has only 50k more likes and 2x the amount of dislikes the Dr. Strange trailer has

And honestly, who cares, we all know Gadot is going to be atrocious

I don't remember anything Cumbersnatch said in the whole trailer except some cliche shit about not being strong enough or something

Yeah but it's hard to make a trailer from 2 months of footage

Isn't that a problem?
That's why I really didn't want another fucking origin story. I get that marvel needs to "establish characters" for the normies, but all of these movies feel the exact fucking same.


This is a character that really needs that origin story. He changes the universe too much.

What would be wrong with just showing us some real character defining story? Why does he need to get the same boring origin story that has been every marvel movie?

I think it looked pretty damn awesome. I'm actually excited to see it now.

Because I'm not a shill

They really need to downplay the shield.

I liked the trailer, but the Captain America: First Avenger vibe was "too" strong. Like, shit, it's almost looking like the same movie.

She needs to lose the shield fast in the movie and focus on her bracelets, rope, sword, and fists.

There's enthusiasm for the promising and the new. I remember the first trailer for MoS - you know, the one with the kid that was implied to be Clark, running around the clothes line with the red shirt - presumably Jonathan's, as a cape.

Trailers are advertising. When you look at a trailer from the 50s, they are intensely simplistic and the exhortation to attend is based on a celebrated actor, writer, director, or subject matter with exceedingly few of what would today be considered money shots.

I thought it was a well-made trailer and, while there are things I wish were different (for example, while I like Pine, I wish they had picked either someone who not associated with another large franchise and was a bit lesser known for Steve), I'll likely pay money to see it in a theater, based on what we know today.

Mostly, why - beyond bait, do you think people don't want to see it?

I have a question...what uniform is Chris Pine wearing though?

That's not a US Army uniform.

I mean, I know that movies generally try to not do uniforms exactly, but it isn't anything like the WWI period uniforms...

Needs more Greek Mythology. That's what makes her character unique and I'm worried by going down the WW1 route they're steering dangerously close to what Captain America did. Granted Wonder Woman was war hero too but that's not her only stand out feature.

Bats is gritty and street level
Supes is Aliens and Metas
Diana is magic and mythology

We see soldiers fighting Amazons on the beach. I'm positive some mythological asshole has sent them

>Diana is magic and mythology
diana is bondage and feminism

And here's what I'm talking about

They're not the kind of visuals you see every day. I know it's been done before but not that much. And it looks even more incredible in Strange.

It feels from the trailer it has the generic marvel origin story plot that I'm gradually getting more and more sick of, fallen student villain, mentor figure telling the hero they've been watching them and that everything they know is wrong and maybe a forced love interest and out of place humour?

But the effects look amazing and I'm sure we'll see things we've never witnessed before on the silver screen. But yeah I've never really liked Cumberbagel that much as a person, he seems like the snobby type. He turned down doctor who because he didn't want to be on lunchboxes (ironic) but sold out to marvel probably for the cheque.

if your talking about the bit i think you are it looks odd but also realistic

>He turned down doctor who because he didn't want to be on lunchboxes
the fucks his problem

I have been burnt too many times to be excited by a mere trailer.

Oh that's easy. Those are the german uniforms.

So they're going to be undercover at some point...hrm.

I laughed when I saw an article about Doctor Stranhe merch with kids lunchboxes in the photo. Then I thought about how much marvel must have payed him to go against his weird pet-peeve of being on childrens merchandise, which I don't get at all considering he's recently become a father. Plus he advocated to let in tonnes of refugees from Europe into the UK (my country) while he sits in his cosy mansion and we all get "culturally enriched". Celebs that say that shit always rustle my jimmies.

She's still way too skinny for the role.

>what is reading comprehension

Because the MCU is blatantly unoriginal. The Inception vibes are reeking from the Doctor Strange trailer

>they both use a shield
>must be the same movie!

man nothing about that trailer was Captain America at all except for the shield. Stop being so shallow.

I wanna see her being nice

DC movies have sucked since TDKR, which was only notable because of the memes it spawned


>it's a "the kaiserreich is evil and the kingdom is the good guys" episode

I feel ashamed that it took me until the end of this to realize what it was from. I really need to rewatch this series.

There's going to be a Valiant cinematic universe

>The internet has already fallen head over heels

Sorry, JIDF. No matter how much you repeat that it will never be true.

What show?

Wonder Woman is simply not a good character. It's that simple. No matter how much you faggots cry and shout and call me a casual it's not going to the change the simple fact.
>m-muh Rucka
>m-muh Perez
>m-muh Azzarello
>m-muh Messner-Loebs
All sucked.

Pretty sure it's Megas XLR. The guy looks like a bald Jaime, but the amusingly labeled button clinches it.

Bonus, its spoofing of Flash Gordon

where are the twitter posts about the "what I do is not up to you"?

You sicken me

>being sickened by a post showing intrest in a show you like

>The internet has already fallen head over heels for the new Wonder Woman and her trailer

The internet also loved the trailer for Batman vs Superman, I'll just remind you.

> Marvel launches Captain America as a man-out-of-time whose origins as a hero are shown in the past during world war 2 where he fights against german forces using his distinctive round shield and engaged in a thrilling motorcycle sequence through the european woods.

> To compete, DC sets up Wonder Woman as a woman-out-of-time whose origins as a hero are shown in the past during world war 1 where she fights against german forces using her round shield in shots that mirror that of captain america, meanwhile chris pine engages in a thrilling motorcycle sequence through the european woods.

Don't get me wrong, I actually think that having her origin story be set during WW1 is cool and interesting. But its hard to shake the impression that this movie cribbed some notes from The First Avenger.

>what's your excuse Sup Forums
I don't give a shit about Wonder Woman.

Yeh, s'alrigh.

>I actually think that having her origin story be set during WW1 is cool and interesting.

but Germans as the bad guys is such a stale trope, having her fight against the Young Turks that were slaughtering Armenian and Greek non muslims would have been far more interesting

>TFW action will be watchable the plot will make you want to walk out.
I'm betting that Gadot's acting as Wonder Woman will be as flat and boring as her ass.

The internet isn't being referred to as one person either.

The one person thing is always a metaphor. OP is pretending as if there is unanimous love for the trailer across the internet, which is simply not true.

It is the same behavior when people shit post with "why does this board hate x," "why does this board love y," and "this board suddenly hates z, what happened?" It's dumb and blatant shit starting.

Holy crap those legs are veiny

More like Slavery

Probably because the uniforms you posted look more like british uniforms to someone with no clue about WWI and because most moviegoers probably wouldn't recognize the outfit so they went with a more modern look

>The internet

SJW will eat up anything with a strong female lead, These types of movies are always going to have a biased view.

An example would be ghostbusters, I don't trust positive reviews because I feel like it's just SJW saying it's good to make Anti-SJW angry and I don't trust negative reviews because it's just people spouting SJW TAKING OVER MY MOVIES!

It was 13,4 million early yesterday
Seems like it's stopping

> Internet machine
> Reliable or trustworthy in any respect.
I wish I could get paid to advertise this trainwreck on Sup Forums.

I have seen 4 movies that Gadot is in. She is so wooden. If she is basically silent for the entire movie, it could be fine.

>DC A-list
>MU C-list
>competitive trailer views
wew lad

1. Gadot still can't act.

2. The internet loved the BvS trailer too. And the MoS one. Look where that lead.

3. Nobody actually cares about WW in any capacity save for an obligatory "uh yeah I guess she's like important for women" way. Casuals barely remember she exists unless you remind them.

That said, I'd love it if the film was great. Hoping Ares resembles his Azzarello version and that the rest of the cast can make for the absolute void of talent that is Gadot.

The internet has fallen head over heels for a superhero film with a female lead, not because it's a wonder woman film.

DS trailer looked more like Inception

My life would be greatly improved if use of the word "kino" here resulted in an automatic 3 day ban. Lifetime ban for "capekino". It'd keep some of the Sup Forums shitposters out.

It's just a well-constructed trailer. It did its job of making me interested in the movie, that's all I really ask of a preview.

Thought the trailer looked great. Diana was one of the best parts of BvS, and WW being a period piece means it won't be tied to MoS or BvS. As far as I'm concerned, I'm all in on the WW movie. The rest of the DCEU? Not so much.

It did, I enjoyed the trailer but "the internet" is going to love it regardless of how well put the trailer is, solely because it's a woman lead, like ghostbusters only they didn't have the woman power to drown out the voices that time, and they tried their asses off.
Hopefully DC and friends won't fuck up yet another movie, I need this.