
Do you guys like Mexico? Yes or No

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Amazing culture
terrible government

Mexicans are ugly, lazy, stupid, perverts, greedy, untrustworthy, violent subhumans

i don't like tacos, and poland will build border wall to keep mexicans out of country. also trotzki died because of your country

What's it like to be a middle class Mexican?

what’s amazing about it

5 para cada una


are u ugandan

I live Mexico.

Been to about 40 countries and Mexico is definitely among my Top 3. Fantastic food, hospitable people, and a liberal cost-of-living.

To be honest, I didn't expect I'd like the place nearly as much as I did. When I was finally due to fly out of Mexico City for Dar Es Salaam, I almost hoped I'd miss my flight.

Thinking about going back again in April.

Pic from Puebla, IIRC.

*love Mexico, not live

Not really amazing but one of the most unique cultures in latam.

They are cool, we are THEIR Mexico

My ancestors :)

No, that's why my dad left it, kek.

I don't like mexico because the REAL mexico is dangerous, the tourist destinations there are 10/10.

they are alight, shit government, good people though

So like... literally almost everyone else in this world?



Yo no se

The food

No and anyone who does is obviously a chicano

The white ones with no aztec blood seems to be okay


Thanks. I'm 1/8 British


Why do yoy people love the Day of the Dead so much? Is it the only festival you have?

We have Dia de Reyes on Jan 6th
Cuaresma during the 3rd week of March
Cinco de Mayo on May 5th
Independence Day on Sep 15th and 16th
Dia de Muertos on Nov 1st and 2nd

But yeah, that's about it. Dia de Muertos is the most popular

>tfw no northern bf

Not after watching struggling guy with peeled face you dirty subhumans you should be unironically gassed.

Mexico largest export? gore videos.

I like Mexicans, but I don't like Mexico

nobody celebrates cinco de mayo

And who is your Mexico?

Love Live Mexico.

only the criminals or all of them?

Pipopes and Capitalinos do. My friend had to fly off Puebla last 5 de Mayo to avoid the frenzy.

I heard from my dad that one of his friends was driving on La Ribereña (one of Mexico's most dangerous highways) and stopped in a small town for gas and directions, and saw a bunch of kids playing soccer with a human head, kinda like Hostal 2.

Mexicans are easy going but their dialect makes them sound like sociopaths

Mexicans are sociopaths.

Nah, they aren't as emotive as other latibos are.

We're Amerindian, not L*tino subhumans.

that sound like fun but being the goalie is kinda gross.

This is some scary shit right here

Yes i plan to move to zacatecas one day


Shit like this make me so proud to live in CDMX

Mexico ranks somewhere between toe fungus and child molesters

No such thing you either have ducats or you don't.

you mean edomex? are you from ecatepec?

Why is it that no matter their socioeconomic background, be it rich or poor, all Mexicans smell like laundry detergent and musty sweat.

That's literally what latinos are.

Never noticed that. Are you samefag?

Thank god no also a shithole

La creatura maldita...

I got some family out there, i also want to check out yucatan and puebla

I smell like tomatoes :3

Yeah, I'm a creature but you're the ones who cut motherfuckers open alive and pull their hearts out while they're still beating. How do you even have the unmitigated gall to call yourselves human?

That's the layest video that came out right

It's getting ridiculous. Iwouldn't be surprosed if we stsrt seeing cracl downs because this is ruining mexico's reputation

All of them for good measure

Nothing wrong with smelling like freshly washed clothes.

Yeah but there is something wrong with smelling like musty sweat

why are you generalizing like a faggot.
cringy man.

It's a common theme across races. All niggers have a certain scent and all asians either smell like some of their weird cuisine sauces or rotting fruit.
I wonder what do whites smell like to other people tho. Or how Australians smell like.

jesus christ user shut up your making us burgers look retarded

>makings us burgers look retarded
It's like a drop of piss in an ocean the size of Jupiter.

Faggot, do you this on purpose to keep the mutt threads going? kys

el abominacion SEÑORES...

I haven't been to Mexico since 2007 before all this drug war nonsense started. How's Mexico. Is it safe now?

White people smell like wet dogs and milk. That's a well-known fact from way back.

My gf says I have Mexican habits so YES I do like Mexicans. They are hardworking people with good sense of humour .

Waaaah the mutt threads are still going. You deserve every single orc picture that has ever been and will be posted mutt.

Yes! We sing songs on how much we love Mexico.

>Caring what other countries think about us
Found the non American Latino

B-But I have zero dogs in my proximity and I barely ever drink milk user.


>being this stupid to accuse anyone who disagrees with you non white
fuck off back to Sup Forums retard

Mexico is more successful than Bulgaria

Are cartels a danger to normal people who don't fuck with them or compete with them or does everyone run the risk of having his face peeled off by a box cutter while Funky Town plays in the background?

Thanks for proving my point Jose

>Are cartels a danger to normal people who don't fuck with them or compete with them

It's you guys hair and the way you guys sweat. It makes you smell like a wet dog and I guess your cuisine or diets make you smell like milk

Brown hands typed this.

Damn, Mexico, get your shit together.

t. Chi who wants to visit Mexico again

You are not white filthy tatar

Hello brate, I am Bulgarian but I have lived my whole life in flag related. I feel sad how much potential the country had and how its corrupted beyond saving. I come every year and a lpt of streets and buildings look like after middle east bombings.

This picture sums up illegals.

It's actually cheaper to get into the US legally but those fuckers are so retarded that they manage to get scammed only to be abandoned in the middle of the desert in the US without any supplies.

Drop the proxy, faggot

Actually I am Bulgarian and therefore whiter than you José.

I can be your northern bf.

No sex tho I ain't about that gay shit.

As a wise man once said, "no, you".

I'm in Mexico you cuntflap, I can post a pic of the street with timestamp if you need

Doesn't prove shit, Cletus

What god-forsaken turn of events would ever lead you to want to PROVE that you live in Mexico.

i like it minus the liveleak stuff

confirmed gypsy. no wonder you are so concerned about whiteness that you come to a thread about mexico to shitpost about. kys faggot

But that's literally 80% of the mexican economy user. Without these poor souls getting flayed in the drug trade Mexico would be 4th world.