I have my reservations about cyborg being on the Justice league. Sure he's half robot but he's also half black

I have my reservations about cyborg being on the Justice league. Sure he's half robot but he's also half black.

Does this mean he only gets a warning from the police when pulled over?

they should have put Jaime on the team and have him be best buds with Erza

When you think about it, Blue Beetle should have been on the roster to begin with instead of Cyborg. Him and Shazam together would have been funny

honestly if its not teen titans Cyborg could care less, because we need another fucking no non sense straight man

>straight man as in bland not sexual orientation

Yeah, after playing Deus Ex and reading Lex Luthor: Man of Steel, Cyborgs and transhumanism in general has lead me to being a robophobe and transphobic. You just can't trust sentient non-humans.

I don't think TT cyborg would mesh as well as Jaime or Billy would
They could also do a little bit of fun superman/shazam rivalry where they try to out super each other

Hey now.

He is obviously mostly robot.

wait thats the problem you have with it of all the stupidity of the descision you have to make it about your racism.

i mean i know he was only put on to have a black guy and thats immoral but thats not what your complaining about anyway

i get racism but being so obsessed with it you place that over any other problem is pathetic

Robot is not a race. He is full black, sorry.

Literally neither of those things make him interesting

...Guys? I can't tell if I'm being trolled or if it's just summer.

Yeah, but he's half black.

Oh, it's this thread again.

This place is stupid all year round, why would the Summer make it worse?

And yet both of those things qualify him to be on the Justice League.

His dad fucked a Mother Box and Vic was born nine months later. It checks out.

>trusting robots
People like you disgust me
Your kind will hang first during judgement day

No, because he's connected to Ted Kord and Dan Garrett.

Also Cyborg is the most well-known black DC character, period, especially with TTGO being so stupidly popular.

im just really getting sick of people hating things for the wrong reason the sjws are hating the barbra/ bruce sex scene because its problematic instead of because its fucking retarded and Sup Forums hates cyborg on the justice league because hes black not because he belongs on the fucking titans.

Teen Titans Go confirms that Cyborg was half robot as a baby, so it's canon, Cyborg is half black and half robot

>Straight man and bland are synonyms now
Why, there's tons of voice of reason characters around goofballs that are actually interesting.

I have no problem with them wanting a diverse League, but fuck, why did they have to fuck up both Titans and League history by removing the Cyborg and Martian Manhunter memberships.

Should had just left Titans history intact, kept J'onn on the League, and maybe added Black Lightning or Vixen.

I liked how in the old continuity, Stone started as a Titan, and later moved on to the League. Created a sense of maturation and stuff, and provided a link between the League and the next generation of heroes (he could be like a mentor to the next-gen Titans).

And Martian Manhunter is just the heart of the League to me.

>His dad fucked a Mother Box

...so THAT'S why they're called Mother Boxes...

Yeah, but the people making DC movies figure you're a virgin for knowing who the Martian Manhunter is, and they're not making movies for VIIIIRGIIIIIINS LOLOLOLOLOLOL

I guess summer is here

>You were treated too, Cyborg?
>Of course, Star, I'm half robot!
Damn DC universe is mad racist against the mechanically different person.