I just woke up and it's too fucking hot

I just woke up and it's too fucking hot.

I hate this country.


Our ankles look exactly the same

what's up with the floor?

Australian acid sweat

Wie sagt mann ankle auf deutsch?

Fucks me, it's just like painted over cement or something because it was probably a laundry or something 20 years ago but now it's owned by some chink who's trying to be as cheap as they can so they don't fix shit.


That's likely the culprit.

Lel was ein lustig Wort

>you will never kill your enemies by merely sweating on them
Why live?

Everything else is fine tho

Was für ein lustiges Wort.

Also I too am literally shitposting right now

how do I gtfo here?



Conquer a quarter of the world obviously

Ride on your trusted horse to Baghdad and roll the Caliph up in a carpet then trample him to death.


What is wrong with your big toes?

I can never remember if things are supposed to have -es or stuff like that, Ich bin blöd


Ich werde ein wichsen in die Dusche gehen

How do you survive in a yurt with that temperature?

*ich werde mir in der Dusche einen Wichsen
*in der Dusche werde ich mir einen Wichsen
You can do it user!

I see mongolian flag first time on this board.

Probably forcing them into shoes way to small when I was growing because my mother was a filthy addict whore who wouldn't buy new ones. Probably.

Lel thanks, based germanon

First learn your cases (genders and nominative/accusative/dative/genitive) before worrying about adjective endings.

For this specific case it's lustiges because it's neuter, nominative and wasn't preceded by a word for "the". The chart is small but gets the point across

>Spätzle is mentioned
I’m honored

i knew you got cold winters but i didnt think it was like that

Cooked it once without really knowing what I was doing when I was still in school for 'culinology', was alright. Subscribe to my blog

Check out Käsespätzle und Maultaschen

It's right near, if not in Siberia

I don't even know what dative means, for real.

The short version is any noun that follows aus, ausser, bei, mit, nach, seit, von or zu or any verb that makes sense if you thinking about it like ("I'm [verbing] a/pronoun [noun] a/pronoun [noun"] such as I'm lending a friend my cock" or "I'm giving my dad a blowjob", in these cases cock and blowjob would be dative). There's also two-way prepositions which I'm too lazy to get into

Sorry I'm sleep deprived, "friend" and "dad" would be dative


you're a fucking australia it's pretty obvious the country fucking hates you to

I thought any Australian had AC

Not when you're poor

It's 30C here.

I'm literally dying.

OMG! I'm talking with a real bogan. Nice. Is it true that you only drink VB?

It's been 30c since 10am here.

Poor doesn't equal bogan. Bogan is white trash.

Also nobody actually drinks VB.
Shit, I don't even drink any Australian beer, I like Asahi and Stella.

Fuck off, VB is the best

It tastes like it's made from leaves and water straight from the Murray River.

I learned from Sup Forums it's sucks a lot being poor in both cold or hot. Some Ukrainian and Russian posters complain everytime because they can't pay heater.

Hot weather without money is really hell.

No AC, no cold baths, no money to go to beaches or pools.

i haven't worn a shirt in like three fucking days. have to go back to work tomorrow fuck my life

Last summer I went to have a cold shower because that's the best I could do.

Turned on the cold tap, it came out hot, which is not unexpected, it usually cools down after a few seconds. Nope. I ran the water for 5 minutes and it was still hot.

Clearly Australia is not a place where white people can live.
I just have no idea why they keep living there going so far as getting skin cancer for it.


At least you can't die in 30°C.

Also, you can make parties naked, or stay naked with your girlfriend in your home.

Hot >>>> Cold. I love summers.

>At least you can't die in 30°C.

it's australia he can die from fucking anything it's australia

Cold = snuggling with your waifu in bed
Hot = ew gross you're all sweaty don't touch me

Cold weather is TOP tier
I always sleep naked and with an open window when it is below 0 degrees C

Yeah it's easy to get comfy when it's cold. If you don't have AC you're fucked when it's hot.

Tell me about it

Yeah, it's super comfy sleeping in the cold.

>Yeah it's easy to get comfy when it's cold

Bullshit. Without heater you're fucked.

You are not a white man...you are probably a fucking chink or pajeet. So I don't give a fuck. Even if you are white, you are probably a trash and disgusting; abnormal. I only care about white men who are well behaved and charming.

It's almost like you can put on more layers or something.

>open window


t. Québécois

Nah, man. You just have nice thick blankets, the cold air on your face while the rest of you is warm is wonderful.


>thick blankets

You really don't know Canadian winters. It just doesn't work without heater.

>thick blankets only

lel enjoy hypothermia or tuberculosis

pick a destination and kill everyone you find on the way there, of course

I live in Alaska and you're objectively wrong. Get a fucking down comforter. Layer it with another blanket of your choosing if you're that much of a soyboy.

That's all we had when it was

I really doubt you live in Alaska. You are probably a Floridian or Texan.

Cold without fireplace or heater is hell and annoying as fuck and you know it.

And I really doubt you have a pair of testicles.


He was saying sleeping with cold ambient temps under a warm blanket is great. Which it is. Sorry you're just a bitch cuck who cant handle the cold, but some of us like it.

fake there is no internet in mongolia

There is, but it's just delivered by reindeer, it's why he hasn't replied since. It takes that long.

And you are mentally ill if you love the weather of shitholes like Alaska meanwhile America has super comfy states like Kansas, Colorado, Missouri or Tenessee... Always windy and cool.

Nah, most houses are fucking shit when it comes to cooling because unless it is a new place being rented or you own the house (not fucking likely) landlords tend to be boomer cunts that cheap out on as much as possible while ramping up the rental costs. For example, there is only one state where landlords legally have to provide an active landline. That state happens to be Queensland, which is notorious for older houses designed with passive cooling that works in theory but have long since been chopped up into duplexes, etc. and are now little more than hot boxes during the late spring and summer.

>Also, you can make parties naked, or stay naked with your girlfriend in your home.
Top kek, clearly you've never experience an Australian summer. The last fucking you want to do is share body warmth with someone or move around a whole lot. The only reason people throw BBQs is an excuse to drink during the day.
People tend to move around a lot less during the summer, despite the whole going to the beach meme. Even then, a lot of that is idiots actively speeding up the process of cancer by lying under the sun for hours.

>I love summers.
Maybe were you live.

>Without heater you're fucked.
Get fucked man. I've slept in a van during the winter were the average overnight temperature was around freezing. Layering up is an amazing thing and while it may not be the extremes of -50; people in the past in Northern Europe, Asia, etc. didn't need central fucking heating to survive the winters. Really gets on my nerves when cold winter cunts go on about the "cold" when in reality they spend almost all of their time in overheated rooms.
How often are your taps frozen till mid morning?

Humans have been able to survive as nomads living in the Mongolian steeps with colder winters, without your modern comforts. Shut the fuck up.

>tfw comfy in the australian heat thanks to part indian and african heritage
thank you based melanin

Here we have the same climate, every body lives in brick houses with cooling fans and some richfags got air conditioners. I don't use air conditioner, all I do is having a cooling fan at the window at night and no sweat

soft cunt desu

Fuck you desu

>Nah, most houses are fucking shit when it comes to cooling because unless it is a new place being rented or you own the house (not fucking likely) landlords tend to be boomer cunts that cheap out on as much as possible while ramping up the rental costs. For example, there is only one state where landlords legally have to provide an active landline. That state happens to be Queensland, which is notorious for older houses designed with passive cooling that works in theory but have long since been chopped up into duplexes, etc. and are now little more than hot boxes during the late spring and summer.

Yup. user speaks the truth.

All Aussie boys need to feel my big throbbing willy at the back of their throat.

I'm sorry but the only thing in my throat will be Andy's creamy log.


Confirmed for retarded.


greetings my elder brother

Mongolia, Alaska, Kazakhstan. Keep sending baits with cold fake country flags.

Is that her real tits or is it part of the costume? Asking for my willy

How did you find Sup Forums
