4.4 master race here

4.4 master race here

shade 3 I guess

2.2 here

5 here, better luck next time wh*Te cucks

0.5, whitest person on int

56% here

2,15 i guess

Are you the niggest?

I'm 1.1 or 1.15


me on the right

I'am paler than 0.5, what to do ?


prove it

2.2 here

he's shitposting to get easy (You)s


I have bad news for you, you are long dead!

2.25 I think. Or 3.2. I know I'm not wh*Te and I'm proud of it.

I'm probably a 1.1. My sister is a redhead and she's on 0.5.

Kill yourself wh*Toid
If your smaller than 2 subhuman

0.5 due to my GINGER genes


3.15 easy, could reach 3.35 where the skin is exposed

1.2 to 2.25 here
Who more get tanned easily in the summer?

pretty fucking racist that there's no red skincolor now that I think of it

I'm Dutch. Ofcourse I'm not a manlet.

how DARE they
I have know that I’m PROUDLY a descendant of the Cheerokee clan.
With my obviously superior 1/23 Indian ancestry, I’m able to connect to my ancestors more easily than any European would.

Irrelevant. People of color is superior, that's why your wh*Toid need to import million of Muslim, Asian and African to culurally enrich your subhuman

Chinese people yet have to learn fucking invent & use lettters! It's being 2018 and chinese pricks still draw hieroglyphs. Pathetic.

Learn how to read the world map first, r*ssia

>he doesn't summon the power of his ancestors through moon runes

Somewhere between 0.5 - 1.1.

>Learn how to read the world map first, r*ssia
I know how to read it. China occupies worst lands ever, no soil no trees no anything. Great couhtry yeah.

Unironically 4.05

Wow so rich coming from the land of AIDS
My bruther

Not your brother.
My father took down a few of your kind.

How black are you on the "nigga nigger niggest scale"?

Neither just an ordinary mutt

Kek, not my kind buddy
Then you're not my bruther, fuck off mutt

3.2 is the best.
Others are just machines to make a kid.

1.15 here

4.5 reporting it


0.5 probably

Sorry but they all look like niggers to me. Im getting 0 instead. Id love to take her to a sunny

3.15 I think

2.1, i wish i was paler to make contrast with my very black eyes and hair

1-1.15 here, but my eyes are blue so they make up for it

oh no, very sad

probably around 3.35 desu, get out wh*Toids



1, but I want to achieve 0.5