>Heath Ledger was murdered according to Lindsay Lohan, who says the “Hollywood bad boy” became a problem for “the pedophiles at the top of the Hollywood pyramid” after his performance as the Joker in The Dark Knight propelled him towards superstar status.
>“They couldn’t trust him anymore. They knew he had a big mouth and big balls. He liked to rock the boat,” Lohan said.
>“He knew a lot of industry secrets and he wasn’t afraid of speaking out.”
>It wasn’t a suicide. It wasn’t an accidental overdose. Everybody in the industry knows the truth. He was taken out. He was an example to the rest of us to stay in line.
I bet Lohan was passed around the Hollywood elite too. She was a cute kid
Hunter Walker
this attention whore just needs to go straight to porn
Cameron Nelson
"How can i remain relevant..?" ----Lindsay Lohan
Cameron Green
Who the fuck will listen to what this cokehead has to say? Even if it's true she has literally 0 credibility
Lucas Edwards
i wonder who could be behind this post
Luke Jenkins
Even if this is true, Lohan is literally the least credible celebrity in Hollywood.
Anthony Cooper
I don't trust women as a general rule, Lindsay doubly so, but none of this would actually surprise me were it proved true.
Josiah Russell
>were it proved true. It won't be
Aiden Martinez
go away pls
Mason James
porn when?
Ayden White
These pedophile things keep popping up, for years and years they have. Why aren't the feds investigating this shit?
David Jenkins
Because a distracted, fat populace hung up on media retardation makes for a population that's easier to control and pays it's taxes like good goyims.
Jayden Sanchez
>t. Harvey Weinstein
Wyatt Price
Ledger's last performance ever was as a man who is incredibly charismatic on the surface but is revealed to have a history of trafficking organs from children on the black market. Just sayin.
Evan Bell
America is going to have its own Jimmy Savile moment sooner or later for sure
Aiden Myers
Maybe 10 years ago. Now: gross.
Camden Hernandez
Hopefully never, she looks like shit. I rather watch Madison Ivy's Coma Sex Tape.
Jonathan Thompson
It doesn't matter if the truth is revealed. ((They)) will just refuse to acknowledge it until it's forgotten.
Adam Morales
More like 18 years ago...
Liam Brooks
I really wish that movie was better.
Ethan Torres
she's no longer in coma, m8, she just quit hardcore porn and only does soft cam shit now
Wyatt Perez
and England will keep having its rotherham moments every other friday
Adam Ward
you guys really like used up cokehead porn?
Liam Rivera
Yes. Have you seen her nudes? She has huge tits.
Hunter Thompson
Some, if not most, are in on it. >$65k on hot dogs for one weekend.
Oliver Cruz
no I just wanna see her collapse to the lowest pit of social class. I'll hold a picture of her mean girl times next to it just to make that fap extra good.
Jaxon Wilson
That's a small sacrifice for vibrant diversity.
Austin Ross
>The coked out hasbeen makes incredulous claims
Reminds me of how weird it is that only redneck nutcases on moonshine get abducted by aliens
Alexander Cruz
t. 54% white country
Elijah Anderson
She's in the exact position you'd have to be to know all this shit and finally speak out about it But >hurr durr what a dumb whore do porn
Joshua Phillips
This poster needs to be hung from a street lamp. Keep the discussion on point fucker.
Chase Ramirez
Rats. I kinda wanted that sex tape to come out. What does she look like?
Kevin Stewart
>Pedos Run Hollywood Didn't Brad Pitt say the same thing?
Adrian Powell
Whatever floats your boat user
Ryan Bailey
How is that humanly possible. She looks 55 at 28. Poor girl probably won't live till her 40th birthday
Kayden Taylor
do you really think that's an unusual number of hot dogs for americans
Ian Barnes
Along with Corey Feldman. Along with Elijah Wood. Reminder that a fuckton of A listers still defend Polanski for fleeing his conviction for raping a minor in the ass.
Brandon Morales
>Hollywood elites are pedos And now Tom with the weather
Parker Reyes
You took our aussie champion away from us hollywood you fucking cunts
He was such a charismatic on screen presence, he elevated the films he was in
10 things I hate about you, lords of dogtown, knights tale would all have been so much shitter without him
Mason Baker
I think anyone without an agenda that tries to crunch the numbers can come to the conclusion that sixty five thousand dollars spent in one weekend was not spent on fucking hot dogs.
Levi Gutierrez
I rewatched mean girls the other week and she is so hot in it it's unbelievable. It's sad to see this
James Fisher
same as always, but she got this shitty hippy tribal tattoo on her chest
Carson Peterson
Cocaine, cigarrettes and booze.
Noah Allen
Daniel Taylor
>t. Hollywood Jew Pedo
Aaron Carter
Man they weren't kidding, Cocaine IS a hellofa drug
Colton Barnes
Hahahahahaha dumb whore got tricked out
Literally everyone knew this since forever
Jack Morris
Logan Scott
>ITT: Ignore what she says goyim, lets talk about porn. I hope each and every one of you have to bury someone you love in the next 48 hours.
Adrian Perry
She must be tired of being a whore for saudi princes, or they just dont want ther wrinkly ass anymore..
Jacob Cox
She needs to release her old porn, if you know what I mean.
Cooper Sanchez
Jeremiah Brooks
How do you even know she said it you fuckwit?
Nolan Bennett
>attack the source, not the statement
Ethan Brooks
you gay, brah?
Charles Parker
Why do people like you always point out the news site when it's completely irrelevant to the topic at hand? Are you implying they made up what Lindsey Lohan said and this interview is nowhere else to be found?
Chase Price
She's already an escort in Dubai, why would she enter porn where the pay is an order of magnitude less?
Ryan Watson
Did you even read the fucking article or did your handlers just tell you to start spamming and shitposting in this thread?
Luis Ortiz
>Are you implying they made up what Lindsey Lohan said and this interview is nowhere else to be found?
Yes, absolutely
Ethan Green
>OP posted the article
Camden Rodriguez
>What? Lies on the internet? Impossible!
Joshua Edwards
;_; the one hollywood death I can't get over.
Jackson Cooper
Huh, Might take an acting class.
Adam Adams
Let this thread be a reminder to all how quickly threads that are "bad think" get fucking derailed and buried. Almost like theres an (((agenda))). Pedo fucks in Hollywood have grown too lazy and bold with their shenanigans and they fucked up big time. The truth is all starting to come out and Americans will have their own Rotherham to deal with in the very near future. >t. Oldfag who remembers when even mentioning the catholic church was involved in some fucked up shit got you labeled as a loony.
Elijah Butler
I know you're desperately scouring the internet for another source right now. Hurry up and post one please
Brayden Taylor
>THEY CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT Why can't trump lock anyone up?
Nicholas Lee
One would figure those guys in Dubai could buy hotter prostitutes.
Alexander Parker
The only reason this thread is getting buried is because the retards foaming at the mouth over this realised it was fake news, and left the thread.
Ayden Miller
Mass incarcerations when?
Mason Jones
>threads that are "bad think" get fucking derailed and buried
How is this thread any different from any other thread on the board? It never ceases to amaze me how dumb people like you are. Your capacity for confirmation bias is limitless.
Joseph Scott
>unprecedented number of pedos getting arrested and rings being dismantled within the first few months of Trump taking office. Tick tock pedos
I honestly don't understand why anyone would suspect that Hollywood ISN'T full of a bunch of pedophiles
Nicholas Young
She'd be completely fine if she just worked out.
Kevin Miller
You guys have hit almost every logical fallacy trying to discredit this article. Keep it up and you might get a gold star for your efforts.
Leo Diaz
They're taking down the low-level thugs to cover their tracks.
Let me know when an actual member of the elite gets busted.
Blake Richardson
Including the girl, she defends him the hardest
Hudson Moore
Maybe she became a drug addict and alcoholic because she couldn't handle the truth. Really makes you think.
Carson Rodriguez
Pretty much this. It's the same reason nobody gives a fuck about the allegations Corey Feldman did about this pedo stuff. It's all true, but if any of them had a bit of credibility left, they would have been suicided as well.
Evan James
Brandon Brooks
Well, it was for the meme president. Who knows what kind of fag gourmet hot dogs were those.
Dominic Nguyen
I guess its mostly about the story/conquest.. I dont know who else from the celebrity circuit is banging around Beirut, but i imagine Lohan being pretty cheap. She's fucking pig disgusting.
Nolan Green
Heath sniffed cocaine off her tits.
Zachary Flores
Successful, credible actors have been recorded taking part in drug-fuelled orgies with children. If any of them speak out the tapes get released and they go to jail to get buttfucked by inmates. If they stay quiet, they can enjoy a lifetime of luxury with large amounts of fame, food and beautiful women.
Samuel Howard
Even top brand gourmet dogs go for 2 to 3 bucks a pop wholesale. Again, do the math for an event that supposedly had only about a hundred people.
William Green
Yes, like high end politics you dont get to be an A-lister without someone having dirt on you. Thats why Trump is getting hit pieces for two scoops of ice cream. They dont know how to take him down, so they'll demolish themselves trying for 4years.
Easton Gomez
>elites >eating processed meats
Owen Gutierrez
You bet. I wonder what happened to her sister, nobody seems to remember her.
Connor Baker
It's Almost Like They Weren't Talking About Hot Dogs You Dense Fucker
Lucas Mitchell
When will Miranda Cosgrove break down and reveal all?
Luke Lopez
press F to pay respects
Leo Green
Anti slide bump
Aiden Powell
Lindsay Lohan is not the most trustworthy person, but I can believe that.
Blake Nguyen
2 possibilities: a massive jewish illuminati conspiracy that has the entire branch of american law enforcement in their pocket, or it's just a titillating myth with no credible evidence of widespread abuse. The better question is why there haven't been massive investigations into the catholic church, an organization with well documented systematic abuse and coverups. But we aren't allowed to discuss that on poltv
Joshua Stewart
If only more poltards would take to the streets with their assault rifles
Nathan Ortiz
Didn't this dumb bitch convert to Islam because it's feminist?
Joshua Lee
Kubrick literally told us all of this in 1999. No one will ever publicly believe it or take on the monumental task. Heroes only exist in capeshit.
Ian Thomas
>if you arent receptive to my crackpot internet conspiracy theory youre part of the conspiracy jesus christ its good that you guys never leave your house because youd all be indoctrinated into the very first cult you encountered