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they don't, I just wanted to earn some cash to help pay rent this year
would prefer drinking during the day and subathing at the lake near my house like everyone else but instead I spend my nights with depressed 50 year olds who work at a supermarket 5 nights a week. Such is life.

Beto is a literal homosexual

He fantasizes about sucking cock

kill yourself an*menonce

Kill yourself jewish parasitoid

Fucking dumb prick

>too early and stop with the karen lad

>it's another beto episode
*closes tab*

>be australian
>elect a 1980s new wave musician to parliament
>make him minister of education
what is wrong with the eternal wacky bruce



wtf how does london have this many algerians

Alri Poofter

Enjoyed sitting in the loungeroom in naught but my jocks and drinking vodka
Wish I lived alone so I could do it every night

wish digimon could kill the jewish faggot

I wish the spic would leave.

Looks like the big guy from Twin Peaks

we need an Edward Jenner edition

when i was at uni my rent and car insurance and shit just came out of my parents account and it's been that way ever since. my mum gets offended if i suggest paying it myself as if i'm not letting her look after me and she rings me constantly


*kills the jewish faggot*
motherfucker revived

i want Israel to get nuked, but i've heard that cockroaches survive nuclear strikes

When Emma Watson has to poo
Do you think she uses the loo
Or does she poo out in the street
Just like Ranjesh and Pajeeeeeeeeettt

Well, Emma take a poo
Emma poop your panties
Emma take a poo on me (on me)

Emma take a poo
Emma poop your panties
Emma let me drink your wee

When Emma Watson has to go
Does it come from her butthole
Or does it come out of her twat
Which I must admit would be really hot

Emma take a poo
Emma poop your panties
Emma take a poo on me (on me)

Emma take a poo
Emma poop your panties
Emma let me drink your wee


alri deano

autismoyank is trying to be extra edgy today

he created autism the yanks said so


based jannies

would enjoy beto posts but lost a lot of respect for him after the incredibly autistic dick picture he posted

Enjoy prison.

shan't ever go out with a woman who owns a d*g, absolutely repugnant animals

Ah yes, quality Australian humour

Why does the jew post here

what was the post?


how can someone live with them themselves for the rest of their lives after they've done something like this

my grandparents pay my tuition fees and they paid my accommodation for when I was in halls but my flat is cheap as fuck so with savings and my accommodation allowance I can cover it pretty easily


Is he ok?

tell me what the webm was

yeah he's fine just had to get a few stitches

Ah yes, quality Australian music


some slag letting her d*g stick his face in her ass

the fag kike is doing forced conversations

if you have Sup Forums X you can see any deleted post

>if you have Sup Forums X you can see any deleted post

What's this to the tune of


Sup Forums X has a better Captcha you spaz

What are some thicc asian pornstars?

crazy to think i used to actually watch amazing atheist videos and now he's seen as nothing more than a joke

It's a creation all my own.

Labour, what's going on big guy?

Scotty Doesn't know

the amazing atheist put a banana on his ass once LOL
pd. the jew is doing it again

Guess they think women have dicks
Very odd

Mia Li

Someone gave me a 1 star rating on uber for navigation even though nothing happened that I can think of.
Makes me very sad.

>driving uber

don't quite understand it myself lad
haha wow i love poo better stick me rod in it!!

It's past 3:00 am I'm going to bed

>he hasn't bought a pass

Wait it was probably this broad who called me asking if I knew where I was going and told me to hurry up because I drove around the block past even - even though that was because I already had passengers I had to drop off first

hahaaaa wankerrrr


it's time for your daily dose

PJW is part of the counterculture

stay up la

Good post.

beats toiling at a supermarket

I’m still mad we lost in Vietnam tbqh

>I drive Uber

Who else alt-lite here

Plumpf wants to wage a war against north korea LOL

i'm spacebar left ahahaha x


can't lose something that wasn't a war lad
just a conflict, and our interests and goals were still achieved

Want to be sexually degraded by an alt-right racist tbqh

ever make an inconsequential post and realize that no one will ever remember what you posted, regardless of how profound or stupid it was

more ctrl left myself ahaahaha x


>On 11 February 2007, Lisa Robertson, a Qantas flight attendant, was dismissed after having sex with actor Ralph Fiennes in a business class lavatory during a flight from Darwin to Mumbai on 24 January 2007. Robertson at first denied the allegation, but subsequently admitted the encounter in an interview with the British Daily Mail tabloid.

omg I thought I had lived this down

The spaniards are still butthurt that gibraltar is british

poured some voddy in my cokey can aha!!
no one will ever know


can't say i blame her tbqh, ralph is a fox

fb.com/lisa.wootton.14 her btw

Wish redditors didn't ruin /gif/ with their love of faggots and niggers

have an IQ of 130 and realized from an very early age how brain dead and herd-like normies are. basically they're a giant group of sheep everyone (who understands how normies function) tries to propel in one direction or another for their own gain. VERY similar to a domino effect as well, if you can get a few normies behind something many more will soon follow because it becomes socially acceptable to them and they feel the need to conform.

its all quite amazing really

>Whakatane, New Zealand

>>Wish redditors didn't ruin /gif/ with their love of faggots and niggers

Ok I found the trip with that women
Going to change my rating for her to 1 star out of spite haha


aha alri lad

If our goal was to humiliate ourselves before a world now questioning our integrity and judgement, then yes they were

wrong lad

bogan shithole for people too poor for Tauranga