How common is purple hair dye in your pais amigo?

how common is purple hair dye in your pais amigo?

not fucking enough tbqhwy

I love that Sup Forums is still butthurt about this

I'd love to be able to post there :)

the force powers are getting a bit crazy


why are they upset?

It was a badly written character.

there is a big crossover with poltards and they are easily triggered by it

looking to move to the land of purple hair...Sup Forums bros help me out here

More women should have anime hair ^__^

why is her head a rectangle

your country probably has more weebs than we do they just cant afford all of the figurines

Here's why
>she had no relevance to the story before this point
>she came out of nowhere
>she almost got everyone killed by not letting the crew know the plan
>she let much of the crew die when they were fleeing using the transport pods when should could have just kamikaze'd her ship with the enemy ship (she was going to do it anyways at the end)
It all boils down to Rian Johnson being a dogshit director

May or may not be true (I don't know because I don't care about Star Wars) but definitely not why Sup Forums is mad

I didn't like this movie at all but I love the massive asspain it's caused faggots on the internet


I've seen a lot of old people with their hair in a sorta blueish-purple white hue, I don't know why.

I haven't seen star wars. My father forbid anyone in the family to see the new movies. We saw the force awakens and there was a nigger in the main role, and that's when the boycott started

So can someone explain the sweetie meme? Does she call people sweetie?

It would've been 100x times better if she had actually called Poe a sweetie

You have to be 18 or older to post here

Then where does the sweetie meme come from

Jokes on you, I'm 23, I'm just a neet who lives in his childhood room in his parents' house


According to Sup Forums Holdo was a token character created for SJW's to feel represented, and SJW's are supposed to be known for saying sweetie.

I think this is the reason, although, t b h I thought saying sweetie in a demeaning way was something right-wing/Christian thots did, not lefties.

I've never somebody with purple hair.

move out of the sticks user

Why would the people who hate it be asspained? The movie fell well below its financial projections, was panned by audiences, and bombed in China.

The only one who should be mad is Disney.

TFA also bombed in China, they are just not into it

I thought it was a tranny word.

Sup Forums is more chill and less autistic than people watching tv and movies all day, who woulda thought