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>he doesn't commiepost on Sup Forums during real commie hours
what the fuck is wrong with you

thread theme established
based peru walks the shining path

LibSoc lads reporting in

Not real communism

What is your tendency?

What the fuck did you just fucking say you little revisionist?

Justify this NOW. Maoism is maybe slightly less pure than muh leninism, but it's justified in terms of existing conditions in china which is the very essence of scientific socialism. Maoism is obviously real communism.

Get this vanguard bullshit OUT of my thread


fully-automated post-scarcity distributism, preferably in space
go take a Great Leap Forward off a cliff


That's not theory, that's vague liberal roleplay bullshit. You probably never read a book in your life.

holy shit kiddo

What is it like being a communist in russia? Do people take the theory seriously, or is it just nostalgia and nationalism? Is it only old people?

>nostalgia and nationalism
reminder that Russian nostalgia over the Communist days created this shitstorm


actually sweetie I just finished reading "The Wealth of Nations" so your assumption is invalid

>is it just nostalgia and nationalism?
>Is it only old people?

Thankfully nazbol is all astroturf and memes funded by thinktanks. They should go the way of golden dawn soon.

unironically a good start, now move on to the 19th century

idpol redditors fuck off
i know you're redditors because "FALGSC" is a redditor meme

Younger people do tend to take the theory seriously, the older people are the nostalgic/nationalist ones. The second category leads our communist party though and it's painful, turns off a lot of people. I wouldn't vote for them either until the current leader croaks.

Literally a meme that's more famous abroad than here.


What happened to golden dawn?

They fizzled. They still exist but they're a meme party like our greens or your... some meme party

8 channer fuck off
I know you're an 8 channer because complaining about idpol is pretty much the theme of /leftypol/


>Orchestrate the Slavic equivalent of the Potato Famine
>Confiscate and export grain while peasants starve
>T-they were kulaks

Tbh that's every party on left and right right now. I wonder what has more feds, NSM or CPUSA.

CPUSA is just feds spying on feds

I agree FALGSC is a reddit meme, but you're also right about leftypol. I gave up on it because literally all they do is share anti-SJW agitprop with each other all day.

Not that SJWs are 100% right about how to view things, but you can tell a lot from who someone's target is- they're strasserites.

I have work tomorrow


Only teenagers/college age kids unironically support communism. Nobody above the age of 25 continues thinking it’s a good idea.

Ah yes... the might of leftypol

>Thankfully nazbol is all astroturf and memes funded by thinktanks.
What? No. Never heard anyone accusing Limonov of being on government pay, he and his gang do too much property damage for that.

Tho it's not same anymore ofcourse.

>mature and eventually you will support your masters!

They're on a campaign to pretend they're not strasserites, but look at what they actually post all day- they believe all the same shit.

"thinktank" doesn't mean government, in fact it implies non-government. I didn't know that about limonov, though.

user, not only does everyone in this thread already know you're wrong, you've also revealed yourself as young. You're probably 24. You probably like Ben Shapiro. You probably have never read a book about political economy. You likely don't even have a good idea of what communism is.

Why would you just go into a thread and announce that you're 89iq?

I didn't even get INTO communism until after I was 25, I used to believe in liberalism.

It is nice that younger generation finally managed to look past the layers of cold war propaganda.

>Literally a meme that's more famous abroad than here.
Because their are only real opposition to current order.
Regardless of who will be leader of CPSU it will never be communistic.

What a retarded pic.

Boomers were commies when they were young. Millennials were commies when they were young.

It’s just Gen Z babies now doing the same thing.

Many of the staunchest Communists from the Boomer generation remained steadfast in their support for revolution.

what the fuck

No jokes allowed


>because literally all they do is share anti-SJW agitprop with each other all day
Have you been there recently? Nobody cares about SJWs anymore.

wtf this is brilliant

>What are the hippies
>What is Occupy Wall Street

Just dumb kids being dumb kids

They never truly grew up

>You're probably 24. You probably like Ben Shapiro.
Lmao, the retards that like him are almost entirely underaged&b& in my experience.

>tfw know two people who jump from nazism to communism to being muslim to other random shit every month
>tfw starting to feel disgusted by extreme politics

t. kulak

Those people have personality disorders.

watch those ones, the people who hop from one extreme ideology to another often end up being spree shooters and shit
>t. had a online friend i play vidya with kill two people after converting from neo-nazism to radical islam

People who use politics as fashion trends are the worst, especially when it's out of pure contrarianism.

Devin something? Forgot the last name, some literal islamofascist Iraqi girl on this board knew him as well.

Was that the atomwaffen guy?

What the fuck is wrong with those people. Their nazis but they keep shilling some edgy book(iron gates) and you look up on the site and the author is a communist and they're also apparently doing "ironic" satanism

yeah that's the one
he was just odd in the sense that he was just so extreme in his politics, even in his own online groups from what i can tell
in the specific group I was with him in, there was no real political talk, and i thought he was just spouting the islamic stuff as a meme, some post-ironic nonsense or whatever
just remember when you see people embracing these absolutely nuts extreme politics, a lot of the time they're just looking for a political ideology that justifies their batshit craziness

>Western commies
>American commies
so impossibly dire
this thread is just sad to skim through

why do Americans latch onto these sorts of ideologies like this, like its some brand name to show off

There's no coming back from losing the Cold War :) You can write all you want about the endless variations of your failed system and it'll never change anything :D

Ah yes. Now shilling a gore book as entrance material seems very normal and healthy.

These people are actually a threat to others.

>all this racial supremacy and racial tension in a developed nation like the US
the United States was the worst science experiment of all time, pls never again

That's not the right word to use they hate "rotten" whites too.

>Rape, among others in AWD started to promote “Iron Gates”, a book for all intents and purposes,should be banned. It takes the reader on a journey of torture and gore porn. For example - first page, it describes how a baby is brutally murdered in front of his mother. This is REQUIRED READING to join AWD, Rape says verbatim “Iron Gates is a great read, that’s why I like it, and I find it to be very valuable.” It’s a great judge of character onto who the man Rape is when he finds the brutal murder of a child to be a “great read” and “very valuable”. Oddly - no one in AWD has any issue with this, mostly because they view the book as “just a meme bro”, I don’t see how torture and gore is a joke, but hey to each their own I guess.

its just a symptom of the decline of personal identity, more so in the West but its spread beyond there as well now.
people are trained to dispose of their own sense of being (which is formed at a very early age for the most part, as well as partially genetic) as part of some deconstructionist effort to leave people less capable of existing independently and reliant on endless consumerism to prevent the sense of foreboding dread that is always there
like look how ridiculous this commercial is, yet this is how Americans see themselves and their attachments to wanker ideologies

there is something wrong with people who get so emotionally attached to industrial era ideology in the contemporary post-industrial world

>part of some deconstructionist effort to leave people less capable of existing independently and reliant on endless consumerism to prevent the sense of foreboding dread that is always there
>here is something wrong with people who get so emotionally attached to industrial era ideology
Sounds like you are describing crapitalism m8

Not really a fan of capitalism but also don't think communism can work. What is an ideology I can explore

I am, communism in this case is just an affect of capitalism and serves about the same purpose as brand loyalty does, except its a brand for your person, one of many branded identities available at low low prices

old Marxism didn't work, but "communism" has evolved in Asia at least into something more similar to aristocratic technocracy, or at least it attempts to be that, with more of a system of patronage than true democracy as intended by Marx.
though there is no reason to go though communism to achieve this state, in many ways the USA has had a similar sort of governance, but more so as a local phenomenon like in California

Why are you obsessed with this idea that communists don't actually exist?

>democracy will never come back after the fall of Rome! Feudal kingdoms were proven objectively superior
t. you in previous life

I know American """communists""" and what they are like

cause you live in a common 3rd world shithole even your shithole is poorer than thailand

modern democracy is pretty far divided from ancient
and "old" communism is gone for good, its become something else now

Ain't nothing wrong with adapting to times.

my point is Western (American) communists haven't adapted, except towards becoming a mere adjunct to the capitalist system, a new flavour.

Sure thing champ. Any day now.

if communism does regain influence again, it wont be anything like the old Marxism, probably more like modern Chinese style state-Unitarianism

They are mostly students following a contrarian fashion trend, of course they don't have actual political direction. It's hardly an ideological problem, if they were to follow any other political fashion it wouldn't amount to much either.

>comparing bolsheviks killing tens of millions of people to the trial and error of learning flight

ideology is the problem

Do you actually think killing millions of innocent people is at all equatable to someone crashing their own prototype?