Maybe I will raise class consciousness if I keep making threads about communism on Sup Forums

>Maybe I will raise class consciousness if I keep making threads about communism on Sup Forums

>not socialist

>i'll end racism by telling every poster i see who says something that isn't politically correct to go to Sup Forums

This is the average canadian

Rangeban when

>Rangeban when

I don't do it to raise class consciousness, I do it to make you cry.

>> Rangeban when

You can't 'raise class consciousness'.

That's not how it works.

>the virgin leftcom
>the chad leninist

>>> Rangeban when

Don't know why they just don't go to fucking Sup Forums

Because they will get always bullied out by their own people

You can't commiepost on Sup Forums, your thread gets saged to the reply limit. And that's if you could find another communist on there, which you can't. Besides, Sup Forums is a lot more knowledgeable about communist theory than Sup Forums

>implying /lit/ isn't the superior commieposting board

It has much more traffic so it's impossible to samefag as some do here. On Sup Forums you can actually have numerous threads up on the same topic, also there's IDs on Sup Forums.

I don't understand why people are still told to go to Sup Forums to discuss politics when it's just a Nazi discussion forum and hasn't been about discussing politics for years at least

>muh Grand Soir

/lit/ don't even discuss politics, they just repost well-aged leftypol memes about bordiga

Nazis and Commies deserve get shot together

Go spread your bullshit theory in hell with Karl Marx,Lenin,Stalin,Pol Pot,Mao and others psychos

Probably because some people want to discuss topics on boards without hearing Sup Forums or /leftypol/ memes but they keep on coming and coming into every crevice.

I stopped using /fit/ for example as lately it's unbearable. Regular threads about how leftists are soyboys and that gets responded with people cuckposting or kekistani threads in a vicious cycle.

>Sup Forums is le superior and cool!!
Reddit is the other direction. Go ahead and spam your little spergout reply about how "akchually int is reddit haha im an oldfag i got here during gamergate lefites BTFO!". You're not getting any more replies.

I never said it was superior, that's precisely why I don't use it but then I come to other boards and it's the same bs brought over
>Making up my reply for me
Literally in a conversation with yourself.

You don't sound like you know much in terms of specifics.

>not real communism

The entire South and Central America have risk to become a fucking big Cuba and you think I should care about muh different socialism, why the hell you don't come taste how is live in hell and stop thinking that you stupid economic theory that has been debunked for numerous economist's will have any different result than dead.

>not real communism
But I didn't say anything resembling that?

So fuck you and go be a commie in Sup Forums or Venezuela

>im going make it seem that I hate Sup Forums to maintain Sup Forumss separate subculture

Sup Forums is only for nazis, and 80% of the economy in vz is private.

Government regulating prices

>when the government does stuff that's communism

>and the more stuff it does the more communister it is

Int is leftypol.

Int is leftist, but not /leftypol/

That's as dumb as saying Sup Forums is a right wing board. It's pretty scattered here.

>everyone who is not right wing is left wing
int isn't leftypol but its not pol either

Compared to Sup Forums, Sup Forums is definitely left-wing.

>ignoring all the communist shitposting
>ignoring all of the 'go back to Sup Forums comments'
>ignoring all of the overwhelming left-wing participation in political arguments

Pretty much just depends on the thread. I find it difficult to see "overwhelming" left wing posts in any political thread here, it's got to be at least about equal.

>people who tell people to go back to Sup Forums are automatically a commie/hard left
wew, since when? the intrusion of Sup Forums's race politics and tin foil hats are just plain annoying

Sup Forums has a strong communist presence, but not quite as strong as its fascist presence. Lots of """classic liberals""" too, who are anything from libertarian to neolib to neocon to nazi depending on the time of day. is right

Fug. You guys are actually right.

I am a brainlet.

it's ok all is forgiven fren
i still can't properly pronounce kinesiology properly half the time, we all have our brainlet moments

I'm glad I'm not alone in my autism. Goodnight friend.

Everything is left of Sup Forums and Sup Forums is left of Evola, that doesn't suddenly make Sup Forums leftist.

>maybe if I keep posting race stats on other boards they will get redpilled

>Sup Forums has a strong communist presence

>Compared to Sup Forums, Sup Forums is definitely left-wing.
Why is it that the dumbest posts are always the ones with the American flag attached...

>strong leftypol presence
I have to disagree with you. The presence of pol is at least equally strong as leftypol