Hillary's Med Records?

This twitter account was removed.


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Wtf I hate hillary now

This is kinda important you faggots

Seems legit

bump, don't let them slide it

You guys are retards, clearly faked... jesus christ

fake and gay…
no logo on stationary, no signature


Streisand effect incoming


she's clearly not well but if you believe this you'll believe anything

haha try harder and thanks for the bump

Bump cos this shit seems important, how sure are we that these are real?

This same twitter account posted a brain scan claiming to be Hillary's last night. I posted the link here 4 times before the account disappeared, but was accused of being a shill. I just wanted the smart people here to look at it and post an opinion.

not a CTR faggot shill but this doesn't follow any standardized SOAP or History and Physical outline for documentation, also it should be AMA formatted and or correlated from an Electronic Health Record input.
The bullshit detector is rather high with these 'documents'

this is advanced shilling, creating:
-false narrative about Hillary's very real health problems
-obfuscation re: dead people surrounding DNC leak
-obfuscation re: clinton foundation corruption

No wonder she doesn't drive. Blackout seizures. Holy fuck.

Why the fuck are her and Bill so focused on this shit then?

They're both give the impression of being really close to passing and probably both wouldn't make it through Hillary's first term.

Why focus on the power struggle and everything that's gone along with it at this point?

So who's going to be killed as a result of this?

Do you honestly believe this? Literally anyone could type up and print those papers on Microsoft word...

Somebody typed this up in word in 20 minutes and you guys believe it. Wow I think Im gonna create my own "leak"

Hillary doesn't care about what happens to the country, she just wants to secure her place in the history books before she croaks.

Fakest shit on Fake Street. I don't need faked "medical records" to see what's obvious when Hillary can't even stand on a fucking podium or walk up stairs without assistance.


yes, while such documents could easily have been faked, isn't it eery how her physical appearances seem to well corrobrate this?

You fools, this is only going to boost her poll numbers.

What the hell lmao, what retarded media would report on fake shit that we made to bait replies?

Another flag coming down??? this happened during the DNC, kek is really warning us

Then why don't we do more digging into Kaine and what dirt he might have if it's getting more and more likely that he's the endgame for president?

Faking this seems much more difficult.

This will be proven fake and everyone who mentions her health in the future will be assumed to have been fooled by this and dismissed as morons.


An evil, souless, corrrupt, power hungry old lesbian that shits herself and literally is demented...fuck yeah, let me vote for that!

Bump. Any medicalfags care to chime in? The MRI looks legit, and harder to fake that typing some shit up.

inb4 leaker is found mysteriously dead

Not really. If you actually believe that you're stupid.
Hillary Clinton was doing speeches at the time that pic is labelled (Feb 2014)

>google a random pic of a head scan

i hat to sound like a hillshill but come on...

it even has the "45 degree angle" every "leak" has
only missing the blur

Got any more of them seizures?

Not to mention the name is clearly a different shade of white than the rest of the image.

Shitty fucking bait.

Speeches for banks that never happened but she got paid for?

How are these documents fake? Any proof on fakeness would be nice. CTR shills need not reply

Cuz she's going to jail if she loses lol


this account is stupid bait
i say this as le drumpf supporter
there's no doubt hillary has actual medical problems though

These days, and for the last 15 years at least, no one prints out MRIs. They're all in a single file and burned/delivered to whoever ordered the scan.

I'd need a better shot.

>had tons of MRIs for brain tumor
>have a few medical texts about it but no training

What you really need is a radiologist. They should be getting home from work soon. Maybe if you posted just the scan itself in /adv/ you might get a hit.

The remove of the account and amount of shills proves it's reality. Fuck you shills

No because the person is making it up....

It's just an MRI with a shopped name. Are you fucking kidding me with this?

Gake and fay

Why would anyone believe these are real?

looks legit not

1. Bump

2. The amount of Hillshills here is hilarious.

...I believe it's real...;-(

>no really I do


Based martin's back at it again.

Feel bad for shillary
>could possibly win the election
>gets to the white house
>dies from 1 of her 99 health issues immediately

It's like she can't back down anymore because she is so far ahead.
Maybe she'll get the "First Female Dead President whilst in power" title?

This would explain why the FBI said she was free to go

She is/was mentally incompetent and therefore can not be held liable for the crime

This was before the DNC convention, but this happening again must be a bad omen.

Hillshills? No we just aren't retarded

Hillary's actually dead though.

Check out this legit death certificate I got, guys.

>Kaine and what dirt he might have
This is why they picked him, He has hardly none except being a mediocre gov.

Hillary actually has a world class neurologist follow her 24/7. He can be seen with Hillary often during the rallies.





It quite literally says "Clinton, Hillary" on it

He wasn't mediocre

man your projections are pretty gnarly.
"Because she is so far ahead"


You take an opinion base it on fact then use it as a way to undermine trump supporters. clever.

And by this arrow you can see where saddams mobile nervegas factories are located…

Why do you all believe what you read on the internet for your confirmation bias?

Sup Forums is right more often than it is wrong

Thanks for setting the record straight



Sup Forums is always wrong.

How many it's happening threads result in nothing happening? 99% of them.


Stop ending your sentences in fucking dots. If you're going to shill at least be fucking professional about it.

It's about time he was id'd


Those are either newfags or paid shills. Sup Forums is alwats right.

>black man
>world class

kek based albino

Yes, there are some black niggas out there that escaped the struggle although that guy is straight from Africa and not your ordinary american nigger


>Dr. Bardack
Holy fucking kek.
You just can't make this shit up.

I have that exact flashlight.

>You take an opinion base it on fact then use it as a way to undermine trump supporters. clever.
You're the clever one taking an image off the internet at face value as fact and call us dumb. Right.

>Hillary is Satan! Very calculated and evil!!!
>Hillary has a mental crisis reeeee!!!
Pick one faggots.

Does anyone have proof these are fake?

Whose more likely dead in 5 years, Hillary or Bernie?


> Doctors writing info with that kind of format

It only needs comic sans.

Ah yes so ignoring the fact that Hillary displays every symptom diazepam would be used for and the injector for the drug looks identical to that and the man pictured is allegedly a world renowned doctor, a secret service man decided to carry a cheap flashlight in a well lit corridor

You are giving doctors too much credit.


x-ray user here.

used my google fu
here's the source image

CONFIRMED FAKE please stop with this shit and focus back on CFG and Email leaks



Reminder, copies were stacked to look like multiple different items, but just the same shit repeated.

Still, it was a nice try.

This is false flag or a very dumb supporter. Media will just use this to "SEE THEY FAKED IT SHE'S FINE". She's clearly ill but spreading forged medical files is going to hurt more than it helps

It was a TERRIBLE shop my dude

fuck its fake...