shills are trying their hardest to slide anti-clinton threads
Justin Smith
#SethRich was trending last night but nobody saw it because it was late.
Mason Thomas
It was trending a bit this morning, but it died. Not enough coverage. The #JusticeFor will give us a boost.
Wyatt Davis
This would attract a lot of SJW fucktards
Charles Turner
This goddamn sliding almost making me miss this thread
Jayden Cooper
Keep bumping it.
Asher Walker
Logan Murphy
I'd go with #JusticeForSeth. Rich could be misconstrued - first name also makes it more personable/human.
Carter Williams
Carson Moore
The Peoples Democratic Party.
Brandon Jenkins
We are hopeless. We must keep trying but if the media can simply ignore something like this... America is like "1984" and "Brave New World" at the same time. For once I'm glad I live in Spain.
Carson Thompson
Gabriel Gray
SPREAD IT Sup Forums
Caleb Kelly
Bump. If I had a twitter account, I'd do it.
Dominic Cruz
so who's gonna start the angry ghost meme?
whyyyyyyyyyy didn't you aveeeeeeenge me pooooooooool wooooooooo
Benjamin Hall
I agree
Landon Young
Thomas Diaz
>HAPPENINGS bomb blasts in turkey
Brody Lopez
Change it to #JusticeForSeth
#JusticeForRich can be misinterpreted
Lucas Russell
Fuck off shill. Shit always happens there it's nothing new.
Jayden Gray
Aiden Martin
Cooper Turner
Should mention the 20k reward wikileaks put out for his killer
Matthew King
#sethrich was trending but Twitter hides it.
Connor James
I was thinking "HillaryMurderedSeth" but I do like the "Justice" angle to attract activist types and have it blow up in their face.
Christopher King
I used to not believe in the "Clinton Body Count" thing but it really does look like she offed this guy (Seth Rich). I have a few questions about how the logistics of such a thing would go down
1.Why? What could he possibly be hiding that would make it more beneficial to kill him than to just smear him? Everyone knows Hillary is corrupt. Most people don't care. She has the media in her pocket. They'll say anything to distract people from whatever comes up. Killing this guy just makes her look worse....unless she want to send a message to those who might want to leak info
2.Who do you think she uses as a triggerman? how high up does the conspiracy go? The higher up it goes the greater chance of there being a paper-trail of some sort, and yet even after all of these leaks we have yet to see a single email that mentions or even hints at Hill-dawg killing people in this manner. Do you think she just pulls some thug off the street, hands him a Hi Point and promises him a wad of cash if he returns to her with the guy dead and the gun. That would actually make more sense if it was informal like that. Even if the thug spilled the beans he'd just end up in a mental institution. People close to her would know what was going on but they'd have no way of proving it.
3.Why didn't she make it look like a suicide?
Aaron Ramirez
1. cause she's a witch 2. Doug Stamper 3. not simple
Charles Harris
>Doug Stamper Wouldn't it make more sense to use a private contractor or something?
Aaron Johnson
>unless she want to send a message to those who might want to leak info This is why. Normies will never know the man even existed, and no justice will ever occur, but potential leakers will become scared.
Isaiah James
don't think she'd take that risk. There's a $20k reward for info on the murder, she'd need someone who would benefit more from her winning than getting some money
also this
Kevin Ward
No shit
Asher Hall
It's time brothers!!! The new king is here
William Jenkins
Another suicide would be too obvious. Gotta mix it up a little
Lucas Gutierrez
Asher Long
Saved and tweeting
Dominic Hernandez
thanks bud
probably wont pick up atm cause >man climbs Trump tower
but I don't think we should let this get slid
Colton Watson
>SJW sees >notices it's a white male >about to close >sees 20k reward might be interesting desu
we might get some good noses to help us
Liam Morris
I posted links in the tower climb to this thread so hopefully some faggots make their way here