this show is fucking retarded
what do people see in it
This show is fucking retarded
Other urls found in this thread:
Clever plotlines, idiosyncratic and fun-to-imitate titular characters with a great rapport, episodic structure that allows people to ignore the bad episodes.
2D waifu fags that want to have sex with Summer
>not being a pickle ricker
>take a shit on the flooooor
Rick being a dick for laughs, and the whacky adventures and plot lines.
>a comedy show is RETARTED REEE
>stop having fun REEEE
fuck off
It's pretty funny desu senpai
>le god doesn't exists morty xD
Its literally animated doctor who with a lelsorandom standin for the doctor.
its brilliantly written.
what do you not see it. are you fucking blind?
It's okay.
Redditors are too stupid to understand it.
>"only a show this smart can be this stupid"
It's a wacky, science-fiction show with decent humor and somewhat interesting plotlines.
Overrated, sure, but still a good watch.
not gonna lie, former rick and morty hater here, this little guy made me change my opinion on the show
This is to generation Z what TBBT was to generation Y
Hello non conformist friend! Please, if you wouldn't mind, tell me of the high brow show you watch after work that transcend the idiotic rhetoric and nonsense we see spewed in the aforementioned show you have made a jest at. I am looking for shows that match our unique intelligence that "normies" couldn't find interest in, let alone understand. Then we could have meaningful discussion of the shared chuckles we've had on a board such as this one here. HAHA! Can you imagine what fun that would be? To together enjoy the conversation of a show that rises to our stature? Truly magnificent.
Go outside and stand still till lightning strikes you.
>redditors ITT defending this schlock
There is literally nothing wrong with Summer
Are you gay?
wouldnt it be fantastic if there was no pickle rick at all in season 3? if it was made solely to troll?
Is it bad that I find Jerry to be the most relatable and realistically written character?
no, i think most people would agree
this will do?
Literally Jerry's head on a female body.
So have the people who criticize this show actually seen it or just cherry-picked clips that conform to their worldview? Because I get the impression that most of the people on this board who claim to hate it haven't actually seen it.
what? I hate that motherfucker
It's fun
that's what makes him the most relatable and realistic
what animated shows do you watch OP?
if none then your opinion is worthless anyway
Okay... I've remained silent about this for a long time, since the series came out, as a matter of fact, but I have now decided to state my opinion on it. I find the show both entertaining, as well as disturbing. I am entertained by the parts of the show that make me laugh, but am disturbed by the parts of the show that make me cringe. Mostly what makes me laugh are the absurd situations and certain lines of humorous dialog. Most of what makes me cringe is the promotion of sjw type ideas and pro-jew ideals... and the toilet humor. I hate that shit. So there.
Its original. Nice job on trying to fit in OP
This is a troll right
Definitely this. The "god isn't real better rip that band-aid off" is in the first episode. In past threads the people complaining didn't believe that Rick prays to god when he's going to die because they just haven't watched the show. And really this scene makes fun of his atheism pretty broadly.
Also they don't seem to get that "wubadubdub" is supposed to be stupid and not funny. That's the point of that joke too.
No. It's not.
Such a tired line of argument. So sick of this post-funny "ironic" anti-humor "comedy"
You guys really don't get it? It's not complex. He says "wubadubdub" for no reason as if that would be funny and then decides it's his catchphrase and says it for no reason. It's obviously not funny. The joke is how shows use stupid words as catchphrases. It's a joke about shows. "wubadubdub" isn't the joke.
I can't believe I have to explain this, seems pretty fucking obviousl.
I thought that line was later explained in the show to literally have a meaning in bird person's language. So even that joke failed by overexplaining it into a "woah so deep it means Rick really does have feelings!" emotionally manipulative attempt to tug at the audience's heartstrings.
The show tries too hard to be both edgy and sensitive and fails at both.
I took it that the meaning is coincidence. I don't look for this show to be sensitive, it's a cartoon.
As far as "edgy", I think transporting to an alternate dimension where you're dead and pretending to be the alternate versions of yourself is pretty edgy, no? Or the purge ep where Morty blasts the fuck out of a bunch of people? I don't know what you're looking for.
it's hard too admit that a show is to smart for you sometimes
My god there are so many hipsters on this board.
>if it's not an obscure foreign film then it sucks reeeeeeeee
it's just a bit of light hearted fun. normies have hyped it up to be the best thing since sliced bread though.
>nihilistic masterpiece
i like rick and morty but whoever wrote this needs to be thrown off a roof
First episode I saw was where aliens had created a virtual reality to trick rick into giving his formula for dark matter creation or something like that.
I thought it was hilarious and made me really like the show. Since then I've seen most of the episodes and not all of them are great, some episodes are decent but not all the jokes are great. So my opinion has gone down since the honeymoon so to speak. Still decent and I don't really get people who just absolutely hate it intensely
The people who hate this show are generally responding more to the mainstream cult following the show has obtained rather than the actual show itself. Criticisms directed at the show itself are more of an extension of criticising those who do like it as being inferior for liking it.
>Still decent and I don't really get people who just absolutely hate it intensely
Most of those people haven't actually seen it, or they're hating it on this board ironically since they enjoy shitposting about shows they like.
It does seem to be only drumpftards that hate this show, so you may have a point.
I don't love the show but I don't hate it, people irl look at you like you have 3 heads if you say you don't like it
If anyone asks you about it you can literally say anythimg about season 3 almost being here and no one will bat an eye
it's Futurama for millenials but with more edge
The fans are fucking retarded and might be a big reason why people don't want to watch it
I hate the actual show.
Well, not hate, but dislike. I've tried watching it and saw nothing worthwhile.
Not an argument.
that problem is that the episodes are hit and miss
that one episode where all they literally did was watch tv was fucking retarded
then they went ahead and did another one where they just watched tv in a hospital instead
People find the exploits and character of Rick endearing since the show is so unapologetically self aware, and eecially in this day and age where everyone is exposed to an over abundance of information it's pretty easy to project themselves onto the smartest being in the universe, since our universe has essentially been condensed to our fingertips. Basically the show happened at the right time, just like the Simpsons happening in the 90s, it just connects with the zeitgeist perfectly, except unlike the Simpsons I really don't think ruck and morty will stand the test of time
>that one episode where all they literally did was watch tv was fucking retarded
>then they went ahead and did another one where they just watched tv in a hospital instead
I agree those were the worst episodes. They were also the most obviously improved ones. Improv can be done well (like in Curb Your Enthusiasm) but Harmon and co aren't good enough at it to keep subjecting viewers to their shitty attempts.
what kind of reddit and memey faggot uses a purple board
Can someone explain the deep philosophy behind Szechuan Sauce? I'm just not intelligent enough to get it.
Those are the "improv" episodes where the only joke is that the animators tailored animations for shit that was completely improvisational.
I.E the Plumbus Joke. Here you just have some improvised How It's Made skit where he's just spewing some mash-mouth words and then the animators put together an animation of a surreal alien tool. The part where they first show "the fleeb" depicts a blue creature being rubbed on the plumbus because "It has all the fleeb juice" then later it's stated "they cut the fleeb" despite that having no baring on the items creations, showing that he lost track of what the fleeb was in his skit. The humor stems completely from the structure, not the content. Same reason you faggots laugh at BBC shitposting on Sup Forums. It's not the black cocks, it's the fact that somebody is posting them to piss off the mods.
d-dont you get morty
it an alternate universe
w-w- burrrp where they use purple backgrounds and suck eachother off!
i--its great!
idk when i made it i didnt use the right color
I'm a Bethfag
>McDonalds came up with a limited edition dipping sauce for their McNuggets to promote Dinsey's Pocahontas.
>Like all promotional items it's removed from the menu either to be brought back later for nostalgia or be gone forever
>McDonalds has yet to re-continue the sauce since the 90's
>A running joke in the series is Rick is given bouts of "human" character development that implies that deep down he cares about his grandchildren, his daughter and his ex wife only for that developed to be totally revoked and shat on as a misunderstanding
>In this case, Rick cares more about this "sauce" than his family, to up the stakes from prior "carpet pulls" such as when it was revealed Rick keeps Morty around to cloak himself.
That's basically it, every time they try to appease the "show is so deep and has character development" reddit community by giving Rick character development they're going to throw some absurd shit to take it away.
It's like Bojack Horseman.
People act like it's some amazing show, but when you watch it, it's just a generic show that tries way to hard and ends up being preachy.
when are they gonna start making cartoons that cater to the jaded outcasts on this website?
Bojack Horseman takes itself way more seriously than Rick and Morty. It's also much less funny.
They said god doesn't real and that hurt my feelings and that's not fair.
Why does Sup Forums get so buttblasted over this show
I-I think it's fun...
Deeply convinced that most of the ones raging about it haven't seen it. It's just somehow vaguely connected to (((them))) and libruls and whatever other boogeyman they fear. It's just a stupid cartoon show but someone in it said god doesn't exist so therefore bad.
Also the main characters went around beating up neo-nazis and Westboro Baptist protester types in one segment so they got triggered.
Fuck off reddit, this show is weak, it's Archer Vice weak. The half baked clever premise presented in a handful of episodes is stretched thin and compensated for by weak call back non sequiturs.
Burping, nihilistic rick gets old, the series jumped the shark with the multiverse council of ricks episode, why should audience give a fuck if there are no consequences for anyone
>no consequences
you know pngs allow transparency, right?
It's JUST edgy enough to offend strawmen religious people, so r*dditfags gravitate towards it.
Apparently not strawman though based on the consistent outrage about it on this board
We just hate it cause it's dumb, though
kek, this. Poe's law is in full force when this Rick and Morty is discussed here.
You maybe but in the past I've seen lots of posts about how this is part of the agenda by (((them))) to destroy Christianity or whatever. You know how that goes, everything is part of the plot you know. That's why the frogs are gay.
>Most of what makes me cringe is the promotion of sjw type ideas and pro-jew ideals...
God, you're brainwashee. If those are your biggest problems with the show you need serious help.
>God doesn't exist Summer. Let me pull that szechuan sauce off.
Not an argument.
Harmon is agnostic and he talks about God and """spirituality""" all the time. There's even a bit where Rick prays to God when he thinks he's about to die. Just because a character is an atheist doesn't mean the show is part of some war against your values.
Granted, the show sucks exactly because of Harmon and the fact that he thinks adding in shoehorned references to Zardoz and Jurassic Park is somehow inherently funny, and it would be better if Roiland just did it alone, but it's not some sort of personal attack. I'd take Doc and Mahrty any day over what we got.
What the hell even are "pro jew ideals"? I don't recall there ever even being a jewish character in the show, nor it ever promoting the jewish religion in any way.
Beth marries a Jew in one reality, he shows up at Jerryboree.
i kinda just like the weird universe.
People really read too much into this show and put it on a pedastool when in reality its just a above average whacky cartoon in a era of boring drab safe stuff like current adventure time or simpsons
I thought it was implied in the past that Jerry is a Jew. The (((Morty))) on the shows twitter would also imply this.
But Jerry is a loser so how would making him Jewish be part of some sinister Jew agenda
unironically believe this is the perfect summary of the series. I understand it's not for everyone but it's cleverly aware of how dumb it is and thats something I can get behind.
Because he's also the most sympathetic and relatable character?
So is Rick Sanchez a Hispanic or is that ever clarified in the show?
>What the hell even are "pro jew ideals"?
t. good goy
Not an argument
Fanboys of the show can't fathom that someone wouldn't enjoy their "adult" cartoons.
It outdoes South Park, Family Guy, Spongebob etc at their own game. It's got everything and it's all done better. It's still a silly cartoon but, heck, the rest of them are outdated now.