/bant/ Embassy

Hey Sup Forums!
I'm an Ambassador from /bant/.
I'm here to improve relations and interactions between our two sisterboards.
I'll send any messages you want to send over to /bant/ and I'll also be delivering messages from /bant/ over here

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck off you aids infected failed abortion

Someone wanted to know if Sup Forums was more of a nice or mean board


kill yourself faggot. /bant/ is cancer

Someone wanted this message along with the pic sent.
"fight my champion"

Fuck off you god damn autistic faggot.

someone just wanted this pic to be sent.

An Aussie wanted you to know that he thought you were a buncha pooftas.

fuck off back to your containment board

Why does that place even exist?

another Aussie wanted to know if they could have your excess nines.

Not really being too friendly Sup Forums...

Why does any board exist?
It's just a community where you can discuss and shitpost.

Dab on them for me, Mr. Ambassador

get fucked, retard

a burger wanted this gondola sent.

Will do!

Tell them that
1) Asuka > Rei
2) Cirno sucks
3) I love them

>me inspecting /bant/


Messages on the way!

Tell the kiwis on /bant/ I said hi and I like them very much.

another burger dabs harder at you

That's not nice!

Send him 'Kazakhanon wishes you to have more nines'

i know a Kiwi that'll appreciate that very much.

A burger wanted this pic along with this message sent to you.
"ur ghei"

On the way!

A burger thought that was very rude and sent this pic in response.

Tell that guy he can grab my terryfolds


Tell him "I already know that and I will do ghei things (like cuddling and patting on the head) to you as long as you want to".

Send the pic and the song, please. Give my best to niceposters


He asks if you could send a giftbasket of them to him

On the way!

Sure, no problem

Wish them a good night or good morning or whatever. Goes for you too, OP.

he wants you to to pace yourself immediately and stop being so lewd

I'll deliver it immediately!

I'll send it over and i hope you do have one as well!

He declines your offer and says you're super gay, but hestill likes you in a non homo way.

Fuck off /bant/

he says that's a nice 9 and really appreciates it.

Send him one from me too, say they're all under the blanket.
I don't know much about it this 9 business but I just thought it would be nice.

but we luv u!

Alright, sent!

>a burger wanted this gondola sent.
Send him the pic, please

ok, it's on its way!

He (an Aussie btw) says that Kiwi's are the best!

And a Kiwi wanted this to be sent.

This shirt as an additional gift

message recieved


you want that sent?



What a swell guy.
You don't have to send that.

Tell him that now I know his id and that I wish him a good night
And my best regards to everyone else

he remarks that it feels like Christmas again.

ok, thanks for the nice message friend!
I wish the same to you!

Go back to R*ddit

You want that sent to him?

he worriedly asks you how much you know about him.

"Enough to send you a bouquet of rainbow roses
Sleep tight"
And thank you OP.

message is on the way and no problem man.

May those keep him from the evil of this world, thugs, hoodlums, crooks, failing himself and bureaucratic red tape

A leaf wanted to ask this.
Do yuo liek mudkipz?

So that retards from Sup Forums can shitpost without any of the fun you find on Sup Forums.

He'll receive your message of well-being.

A burger wants you to fuck /bant/ in the ass.

And a Kraut wanted this leaf to be sent.

A burger wanted to know if Sup Forums likes Kagari

he says he may have eaten too many of them already but thanks you nevertheless.

Tell that yank I'm thinking of him

I'll send it.

Send this:
Rei >>> *POWERGAP* >>> Acyka
With this pic

on its way!

nah, Sup Forums doesn't want to argue over shit mascots like you guys do

ok, I'll send that over.

send pls

he says that's very cute and he appreciates how this one is slightly less revealing

On the way!

Sorry forgot pic.

Hmmm... Tell him me on the right, him on the left

Alright, message is on the way!

what does /bant/ think of preggos?

in response a burger named SHIT POST sent this.
youtube.com/watch?v=XGtLCDMrXqc "

not really a fan myself but I'll ask.

send him this

he says that he's fine with the head rub and that I love the mood

An Aussie sends this message along with the image.

he sends this back.

tell him he's gay for not liking boys
also tell him to post feet

the town rapist says hi.

He says this in along with pic in response.

>the town rapist says hi.
Ask him hows business and if he's keeping busy please and thank you.

send to yank

also hi back at the town rapist

sent, and no problem!
This thread started off a bit rude but eventually the hospitality of Sup Forums started to shine through which is very reassuring.

Also sent

Tell them I'm looking for gf. Maybe you can hook me up with a /bant/ress?

Send my contempt silent.

He sends this finsal message.

*ignores him*

Ok, sent.


We hate you. Please go away.

he says that business is doing fine and he have been rather busy lately.
He asks if you want him to visit for a closer conversation.

The town rapist says that we do indeed have a swedish femanon here named Nee Nee who is rather lewd.
And yes, we have proof it's a she.