Be mongolian

>be mongolian
>posts on random Sup Forums thread
>guaranteed (You)s

But seriously, what is your honest opinion about Mongolia?

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it's kinda empty


Impressive throat singing and otherwise I just imagine a barren wasteland nestled between Russia's barren wastelands and China's barren wastelands.

How's life in Mongolia? Describe your average daily routine plz frend

Do you consider Mongolia as poor cunt?
How does it feel when you're surrounded by two large and (considerably) powerful states?
Why have you abbadoned you're own writing system, while you're Inner brothers have not?

Steppe commies, comrad ghengis. based as fuck

throat singing is also based

that's what I only find comfy about this cunt

Come back to Japan, Asashoryu.

>massively long borders with both China and Russia
>there are only four border crossings that are open to international travelers

My ancestor ;)

does mongolia have any significant industry or international trade?

Cool overall, hopefully will become the most advanced nation.

lots of dairy, people live in either tents or high rises, and the language sounds like a hybrid of gaelic and turkish or something like that

>hybrid of gaelic

The same we had 1600 years ago, people with horses,they don't have homes and they do nothing in the mongolian's lands

One of the most enigmatic state of Central Asia


a*stralians should be shot

pretty much this, but there are stunning places as well
>Do you consider Mongolia as poor cunt?

yes' but could be rich

>How does it feel when you're surrounded by two large and (considerably) powerful states?

That sucks, feels like they gonna to anschluss us anyday

>Why have you abbadoned you're own writing system, while you're Inner brothers have not?

commie """internationalist""" idea, shame that we didn't adopt latin alphabet

You're american.

His English suggests otherwise, Spasti.

Hi, are you really Mongolian?

How realistic is it for someone to visit and travel around Mongolia? and would you recommend it? are Mongolians friendly/patient to tourists?

My opinion on Mongolia is that it's one of the countries that you barely ever hear about these days and that's why it fascinates me more than most countries (the mystery is exciting)

based mongolia has a statue of Gengis Khan watching the steppes that is higher that Brazilian and Polish statues of Jesus Christ

Seems like a place with lots of untapped potential.
However, I heard men are quite hostile to foreigners.
Is this true?

love your singing

know literally nothing else about your way of life these days, for all i know you still roam the steppes drinking horses' blood and planning to reestablish the khanate

no sigificance. buys stuff from china and russia and sells coal, copper to china, that's all
we have almost same faces

Are there NEETs in Mongolia?

Is Ulaanbataar the only city?

They hate Chinese because they blame them for Mobgolias poor economy. I don't think they mind tourists. Originally nomadic cultures always treat travelers fairly well.

please post "moi" on here

>tfw you will never travel the vast open plains of mongolia
feels bad man

>But seriously, what is your honest opinion about Mongolia?
lot of yurts outside the capital

they spent all their moneyz on that one statue and now they dont have any

I bet the Finns are really excited
being Mongolian and all

I live in capital city, where the half of country's population lives. My daily routine isn't very different from you anons, I live in a commieblock, there is no metro so I take bus to college, if it is too cold i get taxi since it costs almost nothing. Traffic is meme, I spend 1-2 hours in jam daily. Rest of the day, I don't get out my room, browsing internet and playing games. That's it

If you really wanted to you could, you know?

Is it worth visiting?

a poor shitshole with savages but i don't dislike them cause chinks are the worst subhumans i'm sorry for inner mongolia

is it facing poland

where am i going to get the money and motivation and visas though? better just to dream about it than go through the trouble of actually working to improve my life haha

I'm a longterm NEET and I could blast most of my savings on a trip to Mongolia if I wanted to. Git gut with money.

Mongolia is a poor country sandwiched between China and Russia.
And they hate Chinese very much for some reason,which make them more pathetic.

Do you bully people over CSGO ?
What sort of games are popular in Mongolia ?


>And they hate Chinese very much for some reason,
They have every reason to hate the chinks.

foreigners can only apply to westerners
I think there are, but they must be suffering
technically no, basically yes
only 3 millions of people, 1 million of it have internet access, 100k know there are the sites other than facebook so on Sup Forums, there are about 10 mongolians, I guess

There's nothing wrong with hating China

We have many reasons to hate them too.
But we don't.
Because Mongolia is too irrelevant and in most of time Chinese don't even feel it exists.

I'm interested in basics of the modern Mongolian language
I find its phonetics quite complicated

My ancestor:)

Mongolia isn't an ordinary easy summer break destination. You have no reason to visit at capital city, better just prepare to go countryside here if you are into adventure and wilderness. You can witness genuine nomadic lifestyle and people are very friendly and kind.

I hope Mongolians would stop hating Koreans.

We friendos :_;

Sounds comfy.

There are quite a lot of Mongolian workers and brides in South Korea. So I have met them about three times. They learn Korean very quickly. Anyway, I do not feel bad at least for the Mongolians in South Korea. But I do not know why Mongolians and Inner Mongolians are hostile to each other.

What are your views on China and Russia and Mongolia's future with them?

no me shit at csgo
dota2, lol are praised here
come here dudes, it won't cost much
frankly the man who built this statue is mongolian president now
yes if you're aware of what to do here

Your ancestors are uralic slant eyes, jebany cigany

god damn mongorians

what is there to do apart from wonder the countryside and look at that funny statue?

fairy tales

surely you don't know the enormous amount mongolian koreaboos
shit neighbors, shit life. no hope at all


every country that borders china ends up hating those chinks.

they are the ugliest of the asian groups and the worse mannered imo.

also their national sport is literally the most beta sport, fucking table tennis.

I wonder who is behind this post

Is he a new genghis khan?

just average mongol

Are mognols too poor to afford proper weights? Why does he use a shitty chain?

no clue m8.

chink bois wish they can compete

some korean dude told me I looked mongolian once. I am indian. do you have any idea what he meant by this? Is this a compliment or an insult?

he is manlet

How are the girls?

It's kinda cool to see a president like him though.

i and finn's ancestors:)

no idea why he equals mongolian face with indian, do you have slant eyes, strong cheeks or something?

come to /ex-ussr/ brah (inb4 not ex-ussr, that's the only relevant general for you guys)

Anyway, can you record something in Mongolian on vocaroo and share it with us?

What do you parents do for a living? What did your grandparents do?

Is Buddhism really popular there? How popular is Tengrism?

Do you have any popular historical figures outside of Chingiz Khan's era?

Can you share some cool Mongol porn with us?

How bad is corruption in Mongolia?

How's the relations with your former lands, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Öz-Beg-stan and Tajikistan?
What do you think about the Kalmykian Oirats and Buryats?
What about Tuvans and Uyghurs?

not that other guy but can you read mongolian?

I think it is one of the coolest looking languages in the world

Damn you took that finland is mongol meme way too seriously man.

what you're interested
really fine :) booties

>surely you don't know the enormous amount mongolian koreaboos
surely you don't know the enormous amount fingolian mongolboos:DDD

you still Genghis Khan?

yes that looks aesthetic, but holy shit, if we also write in moonrunes what'd else would you expect from our irrelevancy? also vertical writing is meme.
I barely read those, that says "one and only vertical writing. that is mongolian script"

I listen to some Mongolian Folk Metal like Tengger Cavalry and Nine Treasures, though the latter might acctually be chinks idk. Really cool usage of "traditional" sounds in modern music. I'm also studying archaeology and it would be awesome to get a chance to go there and dig. Do you know anything about the state of Mongolian archaeology? Do you take good care of artefacts and historic sites when building new stuff?

>Be me
>Posting on a mongolian throat singing forum
>Actual mongolian arrives who can call us out

How to get Mongolian gf?

these countries are surprisingly unrecognised here except kazakhs who live in some part of mongolia.
>What do you think about the Kalmykian Oirats and Buryats?
>What about Tuvans and Uyghurs?
my blood relatives :)
really waiting the day of reunification


Shut up Northern Tunisia.

>Anyway, can you record something in Mongolian on vocaroo and share it with us?
can'y vocaroo r.n
>What do you parents do for a living? What did your grandparents do?
father is engineer, mother is teacher. grandad was a monk
>Is Buddhism really popular there? How popular is Tengrism?
buddhism is slightly popular than tengrism
>Do you have any popular historical figures outside of Chingiz Khan's era?
no any significant others. but baron Ungern was quite influential
>Can you share some cool Mongol porn with us?
porn is illegal, but you can browse xvideos and find some amateurs
>How bad is corruption in Mongolia?
really bad

You don't want to reunify with Tuvans friend, trust me.

is tengrism an interesting religion? anything you think we would be interested in knowing about it? What is it like in general?

that's great, folk music suits really good with modern music
>Do you know anything about the state of Mongolian archaeology?
archeology was not a thing in mongolia in any times, only chinese, tibetan and russian style buildings can count
>Do you take good care of artefacts and historic sites when building new stuff?
Yes I guess

>can'y vocaroo r.n
What the fuck, do people really talk that fast?
>grandad was a monk
Did he get any shit during the commie regime?
>baron Ungern
You gotta be kidding me
>Can you share some popular music from Mongolia? I really like Mongolian hip-hop with the throat singing.

How are your democratic institutions developing? I was surpised to see that you werent completely Russia-tier.

that is basically shamanism, their spirit/magical thing is really interesting, but I refuse to believe in it.
foreigners like to do studies about it

is equestrianism still common there?
is there someone teach me to shot arrow accurately while riding?

quite good, press freedom is actually a thing here
but still there are bunch of things to change

Are mongols the most hti by the WEWUZ sindrome? Every time i see some media of theirs it seems to refernce khans in some way and medieval times. Is it just skewed perception because that's what foreigners are itnerested in and thus what i see or is it really like that?

How did that happen? Why didnt Mongola become like the central asian pseudo-democracies? Was it cultural or people with large influence?

so no tuvans then, I don't know much about them but I heard that they like to cross the border and steal livestocks & stuff

Are you a buddhist?