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Breedlove isn't SUACEUR anymore
Only the Jews will win this war.
>threatens to invade russia
>learn from napoleon and hitler please
that is one gay video.
>nigger jungle music
Yeah and fuck all slav subhumans
>burgers can't even make proper military videos
Go bomb a country that can't retaliate or something.
It's a Pol who made the video you fucking Jew.
>Fight for muslim welfare
>Die for mehmet kids
Jesus, it's all your cuckload influence
nato is a joke
what do i have to do to have this at my doorsteps?
Let squatting slavs anally rape you, would you let them?
i just want natalia as my gf
Shut up shill. We bffs with Russia now
Do you not realize that your country is the issue? Russia isn't Europe's enemy - it is USA. You are the no1 enemy of the whole world you idiot
What's US beef with Russia?
Why American Jews want to get rid of Russia so much?
NATO is a terrorist organisation
>1,247 rubles($0.50) have been deposited into your Slav account.
Based Serbia says the truth
The cold war, baba
It's funny when burgers complain about another country having military presence in another country. Like it's copyrighted to burgers and only they can do such actions. Git gud nato fags. Russia is gonna whoop yo ass.
If we don't want shit to fly - it doesn't.
>nato fags
>is in nato
Thanks for showing how stupid you roaches are over there in turkey. How's the ISIS supporting coming along there Ahmed?
>while his country is becoming majority non-white, he wants to invade Russia for the benefit of his (((masters)))
give this man the best goy award now!
>fucking ugly.
How to fail at propaganda 101
What if i tell you that Buran was designed for unmanned kamikaze dive at Washington with a fusion bomb that is impossible to intercept?
Fuck off moscotive pig. USA is the protector of human civilazition against barbarian hordes. Roman conquests wasnt equal to barbarian raids.
>taking out the seat of corruption and judaism
wew lad
What's next? Carpet Bombing Wall Street? Nuking the FED?
What's your point, nigger?
You do know that:
>NATO is under American control
>NATO has bases close to the Russian border, yet you have the nerve to label them as a threat
>USA has destabilized the Middle East
>the refugee crisis is your fault & Europe is suffering because of it
>USA enforces cultural degeneracy all over the globe (the plague called consumerism)
The list just goes on & on. The point is, the country you are so proud of is nothing but a slave to the Jewish banking cabal
lol what is that, a fleet for ants?
Trumpfags will ridicule this.
>burning flags like isl*mist terrorists
That star spangled banner yet wave motherfucker were is your Jugoslavia flag?
That's funny.
Fucking autist. Russia should be our greatest ally. Cold war is over faggot go be faggot elsewhere.
Better keep those Rothschild banks goys. or our military puppets will attack you
Literally ever civillian plane ever constructed by Russia is intended to be repurposed for military transportation in case of big war.
Gotta be ready, just in case.
Buran wasn't developed specificly for an attack but with that possibility in mind.
What do you think it's unique feature of unmanned landing was?
So you can drop it from space without sacrificing the crew.
>object falls from space
>implying it doesnt get shot down
>kills the giga kikes
bad goy
>shilling for USA
How can you be that retarded?
>Git gud nato fags
>nato fags
>Roach education
>400 km interception for a 10m^2 target
Doesn;t sound bad
I am shilling for civilization
>from space
>shot down
No it doesnt.
yeah i guess breaking its therman shielding will never work hmmmmm
Our civilization is fucked, dawg. Just give it time and we'll be WW3 up in this motherfucker.
My problem with Russia and the USA as a German is that both are heavily trying to influence the german people to pick a side.
Pro Russia points:
>a fresh alternative media wise
>not as germanophobe as Americans
>even have german WW2 cemetaries in country
>don't want me to remember Holocaust daily
Counter Russia points:
>using "Nazi" and "Fascist" for everything
>comparing everyone they dont like to SS
Pro USA points:
>love german culture
>behaved well while occupying us
Counter USA points:
>more germanophobe in media
>compare everything to the SS even more
>pretend german war cemetaries don't exist
>pretend US vets not befriended SS Vets
I can't decide
If it goes down from orbit you won't even know before it hits you.
Also no developed means of interception for space treats.
>shilling for civilization
>shilling for USA
Pick one
Choose Germania. You dont need to choose which jew is frendly to you.
Wise words Turkbro
>object falls from space with an obvious flight path and predictable speed
>Object is big and fat
>Cannot be shot at with anything
>cannot be intercepted by anything
>object in space flying over USA isnt monitored closely for the sake of cold war spying let alone security reasons
is this a case of soviet education?
This is why people compare you to the SS
Yeah its pretty good.
But the things the US would be flying why you still have those up are .0001
My mistake, you don't understand what kind of comparison i was talking about.
"SS" is a buzzword in Russian and American Media to refer to "ultimate evil" which obviously is untrue.
If they would use these comparisons when fitting it would be alright, but they don't. I don't mind comparisons when accurate.
Media uses "SS" when a person is against foreigners.
Still one of the most common and most retarded historically falsifying usages of "SS" as an insult.
>object falls from space
>traveling at several times the speed of sound
>lol we'll just shoot it down goys
>he doesn't know about the SM3
way too new
you realize that the space shuttle enters orbit with its belly aiming forward like a concorde landing and it needs to transition into lower flight speed or its wings will break off.
Or is it made of Stalinwod and Stalinsteel so it can fly at 100 times the speed of sound in lower orbit and it will never break its wings off?
We used it in like 2009 to shoot down a satellite in a totally not muscle flexing way.
but mate we are talking about the cold war here. The rocket is too new.
>but mate we are talking about the cold war here.
>dat mushroom pin
Why the fuck you Nazis have to be so damn cozy for.
In 2002 the hangar of the space shuttle collapsed upon it and destroyed it. Last flight was 1988.
Still, nuking the white house with a space shuttle sounds sexy and fancy but is retarded considering ICBM.
That's Sukhoi T-4MS, which has little to do with future bomber project.
Everything was cozy before you Guys decided to fight us instead of joining us to fight in the East.
You were pretty cozy with our Vets post-war though.
Many Beers have been shared between my relatives of the 1. SS LAH, 6. SS "Nord" and 23. SS "Karstjäger" and US Veterans stationed in the nearby town.
Too bad nobody listened to Patton
dude did you even have a history lesson, is never a good idea to attack russia NEVER
Failure exists to make you overthink your strategy and try again, not to give up
one nuke in low earth orbit and everybody's eating insects for 20 years
i take russia over USA nowing USA and Israel is the cancer of human race
and my German friend you attack you aliat and karma knows what to do
>ill never be a paratrooper
why live
I guess you didn't know that you are in NATO and closer to Russia than we are.
>Its everyone elses fault not ours
Why is a nuke in low earth orbit so dangerous?
Wtf burger, you are the ones fucking around and destabilizing the world. Stop poking the bear, you fucking morons.
You have pretty much surrounded Russia with your bases and are the ones making all the hostile moves. If you keep pushing them into a corner, shit is going to hit the fan.
I used to absolutely fucking hate Russia and love the US, but now the opposite is true.
I fucking hate that you are right
NATO is a terrorist entity.
Tell me a single act of NATO that doesn't fit the definition of global terrorism.
protip: you can't.
i don't know if i dislike nato more or turkish cucarachas
yeah, nah
Looks like one of the Chuckle Brothers
NATO is the reason Turkey hasen't been nuked by the Russians already.
This is exactly why everyone says you fags are ss
>3.24 rubles have been deposited in your account
Hey ruskies, whens the next tank biathlon?
Nigger why would you pick Russia
We are bros
I have a German Futbal scarf hanging in my room adjacent to my b17 poster, Whigh my grandfather flew on while bombing Germans
Don't end this relationship, Hans :(
Bummed that we are not in this
Host your own, your country hosts alot of military events.
>napoleon had old tech and still managed to get deep into Russian territory, only thing that stopped them was the weather
>Hitler was at war with two continents and nearly single handedly took Russia, again, weather stopped them.
this meme needs to die, if Nato was to actually invade innocent Russia, they would be in Moscow within 3 weeks.
Fuck that bro I'd rather live under Putin than hillary or trump
Welcome Russian Soldiers!!
OK first beat Russia's land army then figure out how to occupy the largest country on earth
Retard, 10m^2 RCS is literally a hundred thousand times greater than the jets you'd be trying to shoot down. The S-300 is a piece of shit compared to what US SEADS can do. No offence.
Meanwhile back in reality
They hacked Hillary's email server and confirmed we supported terrorists. They made fun of Obama for being a nigger too.
>Behaved well while occupying
Raped your women. En masse.
>Behaved well
So cucked.
The jews trully could not have dreamed about a more servile race of goys than the American people
Russia should be hit HARD if they even look at Ukraine or Estonia the wrong way again. I hope Hillary is desperate enough to prove her penis envy and admits Ukraine to NATO immediately, promising to help them take Crimea and Donbass back.
Oh, but "muh nuke deterrent." Yeah, you mean the rusted out shitty ICBMs everyone knows won't even fire? I bet half of them blow up in their silos. The other half are easily dispensed with missile defense systems and orbital platforms in space.
There's literally no reason not to take on Russia, short of rustling the global economy. I think even the Russkis know how bad their military is.
Putin will literally piss himself and call Hillary crying after he sees us wreck his entire airforce in just a few hours, and smoke whole columns of Russian tanks like they're nothing.
WWIII - and I hesitate to call it that because it would be so fucking underwhelming - would also be a fine time to throw Drumpf in prison, confiscate all his family's wealth, and put the Republicans on watch for giving aide and comfort to a foreign enemy.
>muh russian winter
Winter has been conquered by technology and logistics, even hitler was on the doorstep of moscow before winter even set in, he diverged his trooops for oil, giving the mongolian cannon fodder from siberia time to arrive.