Modern human was mixed with a Neanderthal twice

Source: WTF (World of Technology Finland)

It has been proven several times already that modern humans were having sexual intercourse with the Neanderthal.

Now the genes show that this mixing happened in 2 different time periods. First wave of modern humans in Europe mixed with the Neanderthals who already were living in European caves tens of thousands of years before modern human was born.

Then the modern human - neanderthal mixed offspring went away from Europe to the Siberia and South East Asia.

In South East Asia the mixed human found another species of hominid, the Denisovan cave man. They mixed and then somehow managed to travel to Australia where they were cut of from the rest of the humanity for the next 45 000 years.

While the native Australians were evolving on their own cut from the main line of humanity, so did Africans for the next 40 000 or so years. But in Europe another mixing with the Neanderthal happened by the already mixed population, causing even larger part of genome to become Neanderthal. This last mixing happened somewhere in modern day Hungary - Czechia or Poland, these areas are the source of European peoples but today their population was changed so many times the largest portion of Neanderthal genes is now in elsewhere in Europe.

In addition, Russia and particularly Georgia has several human female lines not found elsewhere on Earth, they must be tens of thousand of years old lines which are still alive.

Finnish population is the "most pure" example of European genetics but also diverged on its own and now somewhat distinct from Europeans because Finland had several thousand years of inbreeding resulting from lack of new comers to the region. However Finnish genes are still very ancient and very European and contain much of Neanderthal.

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But abos have neanderthals in them too. But I dont know, maybe they are concidered to be whiter than Africans.

Africans are the only ones who dont have Neanderthal DNA at all


I'm neanderthal, you all get out of my homeland

Neanderthals were the superior archaic humans but they got killed/fucked to extinction because they didn't have the numbers. Sad.

>Anonymous 01/27/18(Sat)13:11:56 No.8485
Ukraine would have been at the center of Neanderthal civilization

Does it give Europeans a certain edge ?

well lets look at the Africans and their achievements.. wait a minute, Africans have accomplished nothing, while everyone else have been able to build a civilization

so yes, this is important part of genetics

What civilization did Finns build? and it's only like 1% dna or something

and its happening again...

All I have read about it shows the other way around like for example, humans knew how to hunt better than them and so neanderdumbs lost their food.

>authors read Suur-Suomi literature
>think Karelia is Urals(also rightfully Finnic)

We was caveman n sheit mayne.

1% is a lot when you take into consideration the fact that we share most of our genome with bananas
Also Negroids were born when modern humans mixed with some unknown hominid explaining their simian skull shape

East Asians have the most Neanderthal genes of all modern humans.

"Researchers also have found a peculiar pattern in non-Africans: People in China, Japan and other East Asian countries have about 20 percent more Neanderthal DNA than do Europeans."

"Now, East Asians show more Neanderthal ancestry than Europeans do, with approximately 2.3 to 2.6 percent of the population containing Neanderthal DNA, compared to the 1.8 to 2.4 percent of Europeans who have the same."

They also have Denisovan admixture

>Negroids were born when modern humans mixed with some unknown hominid explaining their simian skull shape
That is silly. Neanderthals were much more ape-like than modern humans (slanted foreheads, browridges, obloid skull, occipital bun, receding shin, longer arms, shorter legs, funnel-shaped ribcage). You'd expect people with more neanderthal admixture to look more simian - and to some extent they may, though hardly (and fortunately) anyone gets the full package and whites tend to have proeminent noses that throw off the smooched face look that mongoloids and negroids have).

Considering a bunch of genetic diseases that have been related to neanderthal markers, it is probably for the best, though the increased resistence to european pathogens is pretty useful.

>They also have Denisovan admixture

No they dont. Did you even read the article in the OP? East Asians are very closely related to Europeans genetically.

Those that have Denivosan genes went to South Asia, SE Asia and Australia. Modern humans that have Denivosan genes are Melanesians aka the Aboriginals of Australia.

>You'd expect people with more neanderthal admixture to look more simian
But they don't, compels one to ponder
>that mongoloids and negroids have
You clearly haven't seen a Negroid profile next to that of a Caucasian
Mongoloids have a different base skull due to Denisovan admixture

>Denisovan admixture

Why do you keep repeating this when it is false - do you even know what the fuck you are talking about?

They do, though.
Embrace your Denisovan heritage, my Mongoloid friend

Why are White people obsessed with Neanderthal ancestry?

It is even more ridiculous than WE WUZ KANGAS Africans.

So why don't Melanesians have this skull type despite being 10% or whatever Denisovan?

Those morphological differences have absolutely nothing to do with being ape-like.
Homo sapiens evolved to be a long distance runner who needs to dissipate heat.
Homo neanderthalensis evolved to live in colder environment where you don't need to be tall to see beyond the tall grass in africa.

Those Sup Forums memes are pareidolia at this point. When there is random differences, all you see is "proofs" of your evolutionary "superiority".

It's 4 to 6% in Melanesians, but they have mixed with some non-Denisovan hominid also.

Any proof that Uralics have Denisovan admixture?
It could be just overflow from SE Asia associated with haplogroup O.
Haplogroup N is probably in the clear.

Compels one to ponder why don't people with more neanderthal heritage don't look more like neanderthals? What are you arguing here.

I have studied skulls, yes, as I've studied early hominid evolution and wrote on simians for college. A lot of the traits that we observe in blacks and asians are pretty neanderthal-like. Abos take the cake, however. If you placed an australoid skull in front of me and didn't tell me it was from a recently deceased person, I'd sooner assume I was looking at a neanderthal skull than a modern human's.

Now, I haven't read your finnish report, but I have read on how several pockets of sub-saharans have high neanderthal admixture (khoisans and yorubas, if I recall correctly) that suggest we may be dealing less with actual mixing and more with different retention rates (could be explained either by genetic drift or environmental selection) of older hominid genes (older than either neanderthals and modern humans, and therefore present in both populations) across geographically insulated areas. This is a compeling argument to me. I think the role of inter-specie mixing in us having neanderthal genes may well be overrated.

Now, last I've read, the most comprehensive study on different neanderthal heritage rates across world populations placed Tuscany as the most neanderthal-ish place, not Finland, so I'm skeptical of the claims you made in OP.


I wasn't arguing from a racial supremacy standpoint. I'm genuinely interested in human evolution. I'm not arguing that having more or less neanderthal traits makes one more or less evolved or superior - no serious biologist would put it like that.

>They do, though.

Did you even read the study you posted? Denivosan genes in modern humans is extremely small.

"The actual amount of Denisovan ancestry is difficult to estimate directly as it is so low. As it was previously estimated that the Denisovan-related ancestry in EE/NA populations is 3.8–4.8% of that in Oceania (Prufer et al. 2014 € ), combining this information with our new estimate of approximately 3.5% Denisovan ancestry in New Guinea and Australian leads to estimates of Denisovan ancestry in EE/NA populations of 0.13–0.17%"

1) Melanians = 4-5%
2) Eastern Eurasian and Native American = 0.13–0.17%

And of the different subgroups of Eastern Eurasians, Han Chinese have none or the lowest (which most of the attributed to statistically noise). So again, East Asians have no Denisovan ancestry in them in any measurable amount.

Correction from above :

1) Melaniasians = 3.5%
2) Eastern Eurasian and Native American = 0.13–0.17%
3) Han Chinese = Zero or statistical insignificant

>yfw pure africans and native australians are the real humans

See Mongoloids should embrace and cherish their Denisovan heritage, not deny it.

If you are genuinely interrested in human evolution, then you should start by dropping the idea that the shape of the skull is linked with genetic makers.

When people think of neanderthal features they think something like this

From your own fucking study you posted based on the different subgroups in Asia. Anything over 1 = have significant Denivosan ancestry. Han Chinese = none or so low as it is not significant


Let me tell you this. I'm not white. we aren't white. That's clear now but Finns aren't white either and that is a GOOD thing. Finns look like hapas with blonde hair. It's just the truth.

Embrace your African heritage, my Caucasian friend

It's a way to justify white supremacy. If you look at the information provided in the OP it describes a pattern that would confirm and justify what white supremacists have always been claiming.
>Assumption: Neanderthals are superior to modern humans, and died out for a primitive/stupid reason.
>Sub-Saharan Africans have no Neanderthal DNA, in other words they lack the superior Neanderthal genes are thus inferior intellectually and otherwise.
>Native Australians mixed with another primitive human race, which presumably cancelled the superior Neanderthal genes, and makes them inferior, just like Africans
>The rest of the moden humans have Neanderthal genes, and are superior to Africans and Australians
>However. Europeans got twice the dose Neanderthal genes, which makes them even more superior than the rest of humans, and are thus the natural choice to rule the world.

Everything about this fits perfectly to justify white supremacy.

>However. Europeans got twice the dose Neanderthal genes, which makes them even more superior than the rest of humans, and are thus the natural choice to rule the world.
East Asians (Chinese, Japs, Koreans, Mongols) have more Neanderthal DNA than Europeans

The argument only requires slight modifications to still be valid. Most white supremacists have no problems with admitting that East Asians are slightly more intelligent than them, however they often assume some other flaw instead, like lack of morality or creativity or something. If Neanderthal DNA follows the IQ maps that closely it strengthens the argument further.
There are also many that accept East Asians as equals, and that the two groups should share the world or something.

Caucasians only have admixture from modern humans and Neanderthals.
Every other race with a different base skull has admixture from non-Neanderthal hominids, the same goes for Mongoloids. Embrace your Denisovan heritage.

>World of Technology Finland
ahahahaha WTF like wtf dude

modern human = """"nigger"""" though
that's the joke.jpg
we will never know for sure but for me the modern human was dark like arabs and dravidians though, not BLACK black

>Every other race with a different base skull has admixture from non-Neanderthal hominids

My cephalic index is 69,8 and I am exclusively German. What freakish hominid gave me this skull?

>Caucasians only have admixture from modern humans and Neanderthals.
LOLWUT? You do know that 'Caucasians' include everybody from Southern Europeans to Persians to Arabs to Northern Indians.

>different base skull
Yeah, the different races have different skulls. But to say it comes from non-Neanderthal hominids is idiotic since Neanderthals & Denivosans were genetic "cousins" and came from the same ancestor.

You have to be trolling now because you really cant be that stupid.

>My cephalic index is 69,8 and I am exclusively German
Are you a cute trap?

>World of Sticks and Stones Paraguay

>Are you a cute trap?
Uhhm no. I am ugly.

ooga booga where da finn women at

gugu gaga

Cephalic index isn't what your race is inferred from, Negroids and many Nordic people are dolichocephalic for instance. There are also dolichocephalic Mongoloids such as Yakuts.
>But to say it comes from non-Neanderthal hominids is idiotic
No, it's logical when you take into consideration that every other race with a different base skull has admixture from a non-Neanderthal hominid.

You can always be pretty.

modern humans come african you fucking brainlet

So this might be some Nordic punching through in me.


I wasn't arguing for that. In fact, I pointed out how the other user was being silly, because people with the most neanderthal-like skulls are not the people with the most neanderthal heritage. See and . Also, while the shape of the human skull is significantly plastic, it can't be denied that some skull morphology relates to some bits of genome - otherwise you wouldn't have a face similar to those of your parents. There is no need to go ti the extreme of the opposite direction when arguing.