1. You're a country or flag

1. You're a country or flag
2. What did you want to be when you grew up?
3. What did you end up being?
4. What would you rather be?

Had no clue
Have no clue

Catholic Priest
IT Security
The second

My mind changed all the time, I wanted to be everything from an Astronaut, to a Politician, to a Sailor.

I'm currently a chef, although this job is only temporary, after I make a trip to Europe, I'd like to be a Flight Attendant.

My dream job is to be an Actor, and I'd like to pursue that once I have some money saved to live off of, but I don't think I can handle living off rice and beans and waiting tables on the side.

1. (flag)
2. Engineer
4. NEET in Scandinavia

do you have any ambitions or dream or feel any need to be ''successful``?


Actor dude you replied too.

My dream is to be a successful actor, but it's not very realistic, which is why I want to become a flight attendant.
I'll largely be able to work my own schedule, and still audition and shit for different projects.

And, for most airlines, you can elect to go on "hiatus," so if I got a role that could get me some connections (but wouldn't give me enough to quit my job) I could simply take a break from flying to act in whatever work it was.

Honestly though, I mostly just want to be able to live comfortably, (which isn't much money that I need desu) and to be able to do acting projects, whether they're as a hobby, or a career, I don't know.

I hope everyone else are successful in their lives, so that they can pay more neet bux to me.

English teacher

1. United States
2. Hacker
3. Software Engineer who also mines cryptocurrency
4. The latter. It gives me more time for my Chinese cartoons and pretend elfgames.

Gym teacher

>2. What did you want to be when you grew up?
American commando, farmer, king or engineer (in that order, as I was growing older)
>3. What did you end up being?
Medical student
>4. What would you rather be?
A king, of course

>1. Serbia
>2. Motorcycle racing champion
>3. Computer sience student
>4. A guitar maker :)

Bus driver or scientist
Nothing really, it's good

>I wanted to design cars, figured out I hated the auto industry after working in it for a few years, left and never looked back
>Interning as a game developer, work part time at a pharmacy with my best friend and am working on writing a few projects separate from my interning job.
>Pretty happy with my positions right now. I'd like to own my own Indie developer in the long term .

Delta is hiring a bunch of people for flight attendant right now as part of an expansion. I literally just drove my neighbor to LAX to depart for his interview. Delta paid to fly him neighbor out from LA to Atlanta so he could interview. Definitely a good time to be jumping into the industry. It's always good to have a more practical fallback position that's flexible and allows you to pursue creative stuff on the side. Good luck user.


1.) Flag

2.) Super hero, NFL player, Boxer, and President depending on when you would have asked

3.) Student/Furniture Mover

4.) Self employed

1. You're a country or flag
2. What did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to work with robots or become an astronomer.
3. What did you end up being?
Computer engineering student with a minor in physics.
4. What would you rather be?
I'm on my way.

1. flag
2. Pokemon Master
4. Pokemon Master

Successful novelist
Faceless bureaucrat
Successful novelist