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going to apply to be a janny next time it comes up just so I can fucking smack the shit out of earlyposting runts


It's not up to you
Well, it never really was

>no edition

hope this aussie actually does the poo hot dog
patiently awaiting


post peng google street views

Love when cokemong says stupid crap and everyone makes fun of him


the suicide shower is perfectly safe

cokelad tell us another funny story

doing a line atm lads

Are you supposed to get 7 hours or 8 hours of sleep a night? (toilers only)

Wish I could go back in time a few months and make her my gf

can tell he has a normal hairline but its just shaved for the part

>Leeds is richer than London
povvo southern runts btfo

i just need a free house for the night. cant have my parents or siblings finding me making a poo hot dog no way of talking myself out of that

wait, cokelad does coke by himself at home? what's the point of that?

youre an observant man

I read a story about a welsh sergeant who lined up his squaddies and in front of all of them, produced a slice of bread, tropped his trousers, squatted over it and did a poo on the bread. he then folded it and ate it

mad taff mcpoo-breath i think his name was


Big fan of these French comedians

Might troll /his/ for a laugh lads

why would he? it looks like shit

am i predictable as well

to get riggedy-riggedy-recked

london is 1% tarqs built off the back of literal slaves

The rest of the country has a more equal distribution of wealth

The Northern Powerhouse isn't a meme

what would it take for china to fall apart
really hate that country

Not him but I've done similar many times and enjoyed myself.

there is no point he just posts on here about how hes doing drugs

>he doesnt post with full confidence
>not seeing Mad Men

different for everyone. see how much sleep you need without an alarm when on holiday

why do brainlets like you have such a hard time understanding that drugs simply make you feel good

>really hate that country

fucking rich paddies REEEEEEEEEE

micks win again


Don't listen to that nasty paddy, he's very autistic every weekend he posts about his schizo episodes and self harming in his room drunk and high. You're a good jew *pats your head*



holy fuck i thought people saying leeds was a fast growing city was a joke but even i cant believe it

i would follow him into battle

my drawing :"-)

lend me a tenner mate


bit lewd


rocky IV is such fucking kino

this reminds me of a painful conversation with a slovak cleaner at my last job
>"user you no bad looking guy, why you no hev the girlfriend?"
>"ahah you know, just too busy for all of that at the moment ahaha *goes red*"
>"actually i know why, is cause you look like you 14!"
>"haha yeah"
>"and you skinny you need to go gym"
>"yeah haha i know..."
>"and you hev no facial hair haha what are you, child?"
>everyone else in the office joins in and starts roasting me

that one guy has a very long arm

Imagine being France, creating the Eurozone then Britain becomes richer than you lmao

sort of wish the soviets were still around
don't think I'd mind living there

Haha they having a wrestle or something?

they're trying to dethrone us as leading power
and they're getting close to succeeding
they threaten the status quo
imagine a world controlled by chink culture

fuck off d isn't that far from t

>you no bad looking guy
>you look 14 and you skinny!
yeh no

If I had a sex bot I'd use a condom

>later Stallone would be busted for steroids



aussie gf is cooking pastries while I play with our pet eel

Burst out laughing. Are you the user the other day posting about that works night and everyone made fun of you for living with your mum?

>lol you just sit on Sup Forums and do coke

i fucking buy £350 worth of the shite every bastard weekend and never sleep go out for hours every single friday and saturday night without fail but nobody notices that

haha just like my favourite american comedies

was with you until species out of this planet
reminds me of nordic aliens loons

cokelad tell us a story

Alright m8 we get it, you're really cool


oh you're so bloody cool
where are you from? want to come and take your jaw off

for context, all the other lads around my age in this office were all fat bastards


*walks into pub*
*struts up to the bar*
>gin and coke with a lime please

>Wastes £350/week on coke

hows living with the 'rents?

>we will see robots this lifelike in our lifetimes



could be a bloke who knows

remember that Rocky movie where he and Paulie spitroasted a 16 year old Rocky fangirl in a hotel room?

odd that incest has become so popular, or at least very prevalent


Remembering that time a girl rejected me and I told her it made me genuinely consider dropping out of uni lmao what a cringey wanker I am

ive never seen rockie and cannot dispute this


old east coast yank neighbourhoods are so comfy

incredibly bent post

he probably spends his carers allowance on drugs instead of looking after his booze-addled father.

>gf constantly wants to go do gay boring shite like "escape rooms" and "dog cafes" and gets annoyed that I'm not interested in such shite
fuck meeeeee FUCK OFFFF NO I do not want to pay £5 entry into a fucking subpar cafe where they have a couple of random dogs running around FUCK OFF WOMAN FUCK OFF

have unironically been acquiring a taste for autoerotic asphyxiation recently

i hope i dont die haha

wish you could find real incest porn. probably illegal though.

for most people its pretend and roleplay, at least i hope it is

Tempted to have a wank but my balls really smell and it's putting me off

cokelad makes me want to snort coke

I read this recently and it made a lot of sense
Our generation has grown up on easily available vanilla porn and are now bored of it and seeking out more taboo/controversial stuff

wow so cool and interesting cant believe i ever doubted you

>escape rooms
sounds kinky

alright pet that's four pound twenty five


escape rooms are banter tbqh

Toil requires 2 hours travel even though the place is only 20 miles away from the house haha i will be getting a car xx

imagine them scrabbling around for something to say at your funeral

Hello good afternoon. I am interested in British culture, especially in the culinary area (curri) and religious (Sikh and Islam).

I can't believe I'm doing this with my STEP brother