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king of the bongo
king of the bongo


Right now
Now that forever
Has taken it's best shot
And the whole wide world is raging
The music, the music of Munich
Fades into the ashes
I think we're alone now

Goodbye Goebbles
Sometimes there's no solving
Problems and pain
So one more refrain
Before our names
Are buried in shame
Chew up the old world
And spit out the new
Heres to the fourth reich
I bid you a Jew

Silence, silence is easy
The walls they are shaking
Your courage was sacred
And you lit up
You lit up my conscience
I think we're alone now
We're nearly alone now

Goodbye Goebbels
Sometimes there's no answer
Questions and games
So one more refrain
Against the grain
Beyond all blame
Bury the old world
And dig out the new
Here's to the fourth reich
I bid you adieu




>Salford child sex attacker 'thought victim, four, was 18'



where'd you get that picture of my runt farm

shit song enjoyed by soyboys who also attend 'free palestine' demonstrations on campus

mark zuck's an odd looking duck

staying in a hotel on my own in my home city tonight
don't know why


what was the B-52's best song

fantastic post. enough to finally get me out of bed in fact

I agree really, but it's stuck in my head now


What books you lot reading then?

u lads reckon cokelad and lisicki will ever meet up and talk about how they do drugs? i reckon it would end well because they would both be trying to one up the other the whole time and they would probably end up in a dumb argument about who can score the most highest quality drugs

walked outside and tried to communicate with aliens

didnt work

government mandated nofap
good idea

british people are kept stupid and docile by their norman overlords


nearly done


a star wars fanbook

Gf just couriered this over


This fucking performance is godly
I literally cry every fucking time


looks like someone gave him a good hiding at the station

string him up i say

Reckon based cokey would win easily


Should the world have more and smaller countries, or fewer and larger countries?


TA is the hardest TA I've ever had. I made a slight error a quarter way into a page and a half proof and he gave me 0/5.

Oh dear

they both lose automatically regardless of the outcome

more countries means more flags

no countries

would love to be a porn producer

must be the easiest job in the world

ah yes the Northern Powerhouse


stasiland, interesting tbf

They could check whether you want to fuck them or not


This leviathan of a woman (left) messaged me on bumble

Kind of interested

Ordering a prostitute?


wasted potential

I'm not sure I have time for that

go for it, fat lasses need love too

Served with mad taff mcpoo-breath he was a brave man indeed

no dad dont eat me!

no countries because we revert back to a feudal society

You're a loser


more and smaller

centralisation of power only benefits the elites and people in the capital

>Kabul attack: Taliban kill 63 with ambulance bomb in Afghan capital

feel like pure shit just want her back

Whatever you want man, are you going to let other people tell you who to date?

hes got quite the trump like personality cult going

Be honest lads, would you?

rate my new shower lads

gradually getting weaker every day

reckon my death in imminent

You're both losers

Received Facebook messages from 6 different people today already being a deano is fucking hard

wew lad

Well yeah of course I would, no straight man would say no

yeah go on

big fan of that lad i am. would love to meet him one day to get to know him and treat him to a poo hot dog


the britain experience

imagine living in a modern western democracy and having to put up with this shite the fucking STATE of poms lmao

no i wouldnt

lucky bastard

Ginger Sophie > Maisie >>>>>>> Blonde Sophie

Looks like he might need a cuppa


Yes, but is probably use 2 condoms. Don't know what she's caught over the years.


i wouldnt have a chance against that guy he fucking did solvents and psoted about it i cant compoare with sniffing fucking glue or deoderant like a 12 yewar old and every single post being some retarded shite meant to seem cool regardless of hjow moronic it ioss

you're fucking daft. absolutely fucking moronic actually.
you literally have shit for brains mate

Disgusting. We should let our kids watch interacial anal gangbangs all they want!

so is ur boyfriend cokelad

Private Idaho

the face of no fap

2 years of weight loss and she would be pretty




Trump's been getting huge praise from the globalists at Davos

deadbeat club

Bit upset are we my friend?

porn is a tool of the jews

Hate this Orwellian shite

putting your willy in a bumhole is overrated

who'd a thunk that a billionaire with lots of billionaire globalist friends would be popular with globalists

>stopping under 18s from watching porn
nothing wrong with this

tell us a story cokelad

can barely even comprehend what this post means. this is the effect of drug abuse on your brain

If I have kids I will regulate the internet very strictly. Lord knows this website has warped my mind and soul


Parents can install their own restriction software on devices.