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bum your mum
i say don't
bum your mum

haha :)

need to speak with the queen urgently

how do i get through to her

Right now
Now that forever
Has taken it's best shot
And the whole wide world is raging
The music, the music of Munich
Fades into the ashes
I think we're alone now

Goodbye Goebbles
Sometimes there's no solving
Problems and pain
So one more refrain
Before our names
Are buried in shame
Chew up the old world
And spit out the new
Heres to the fourth reich
I bid you a Jew

Silence, silence is easy
The walls they are shaking
Your courage was sacred
And you lit up
You lit up my conscience
I think we're alone now
We're nearly alone now

Goodbye Goebbels
Sometimes there's no answer
Questions and games
So one more refrain
Against the grain
Beyond all blame
Bury the old world
And dig out the new
Here's to the fourth reich
I bid you adieu

skinner and his crazy explanations
superindendent gonna need his medication
when he hears skinner lame exaggerations
there'll be trouble in town, tonight.

I made it... despite your directions

>using a registered copy of hypercam



el monstroso

love this style

far far too many gooks in the colonies
would rather not tbqh

i'm broad
broader den broadway


when did men stopped being men

looks like such a dyke

love this style

join the army

if the alternative to gooks is pakis and wogs I'd much rather the former

gooks are also red pilled on niggers

Be honest lads, would you?

love this style

creasing @ this

time to start the toil




Nah mate

white "men"

Honestly, I would! Haha!


Be at the windsor job centre when it's benefits day

9/10 body

3/10 face

reminds me of that twitter bint who used to get spammed here a lot

Climb in her window and ask for a cigarette

30p a minute mate, make it quick

i dress like a man with taste. no faggot clothing but im no slob either.

>9/10 body

fuck off yank

Did one of those things where i click on a board then click on 20 thread and spend the next 3 hours wasting my life posting in them

Canadian MEN have the strongest jaw lines in the world. you could land an airliner on there and it wouldn't even be phased.

Why do east asian girls have the nicest feet?

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grundling deeply at this

mate that's a drawing not a statistical analysis


Sounds fun

*steals your masculinity*

Love the new Land Rover advert with the doggies desu

fucking hell

>A toddler was strangled by his own T-shirt after it became entangled at the top of a slide he was playing on in his back garden.

>An inquest held at Crook Civic Centre heard how the youngster's T-shirt got caught on a screw that had been used to fix a handle at the top of the slide and was protruding just 6mm.

>As he tried to go down the slide the garment acted as a ligature on his neck and arms, which would have put pressure on his neck and stopped him breathing.

yeah the range rover vogue
saw that in the cinema almost had an orgasm


tune of my teenage years

did love it 2bh and still do.

Alexa, book me a vasectomy

cheers for brightening up my day with that heartwarming story there chum

no this site is a curse

can you imagine your child dying in such a stupid way

how does anything get stuck on something 6mm what in the fuck


*donates £2 to oxfam*
*it goes directly in to the CEOs bank account and is spent on petrol to fill up his 6liter BMW*

ah yes

Gonna be seeing a girl I used to go out with on Monday. Dunno if I should ignore her blatantly to make her fuck off and leave me alone or if I should just try to pull her and get another shag on the go.



should probably get out of bed and go to my hotel room in town

>girl who i fancy and buy things for doodles love hearts and smileys on my hand at my desk and giggles in my ear and talks about her problems with her bf

lol i'm so much better than 99% of you fucking autistic inadequate morons

well it's a step up from her laughing at me with chad behind my back and mocking my attempts to shag her! that must be true! everyone here is so sad and socially deficient the very CONCEPT of anything else is RIDICULOSU!!!!!!!!!

Better not be any soyboys in here

the one where the dogs try to face it down but they get scared because gRR LE land rover?

cringed badly myself tbqh

Yeah because he's actually having sex unlike you ya fat nerd

so are americans anglosphere or not

*gives you a present for christmas but it's actually just a thank you card for buying a new goat for some villagers in uganda*

hope you like it x

has a more peng car ever existed

butchers there do excellent pork pies

Charities have to compete with huge corporations when hiring executives, of course they're going to get paid a lot

>Rome never really fell it just morphed into the Catholic Church of Rome. and they controlled Europe from there.

thought it was called the range rover velar

oh dear

hmmm jews poisoning the wells of Europe perhaps?

find this depressing for some reason

not getting out of bed until I get a (You) from a wacky bruce

no and a yank obviously made that image


sounds like you think you're better than everyone but in reality you're actually not. quite sad.

you're anglosphere in the same way india and zimbabwe are, i.e some of you speak english

Nope but Americans make the majority of Anglosphere memes so they include themselves.

Can't stop!
Lose job!
Mind gone!
What bomb?
Get away!
Pay day!
Make hay!
Break down!
Need fix.
Big six.
Clickity click.
Hold on!
Oh no,
Bring bingo!

*blocks your path*
fuck off twink

if Wayne Rooney doesn't have one, neither will I

Canterbury mentioned

would love to move in between those arse cheeks


e type l
porsche spyder 550

Those were wolves mate

are you literally a 14 inner city ethnic minority?
pic related is the pengest car ever

just woke up lads

could unironically beat her up though, bet she can't move for shit

Absolutely not.
I have a fairly decent sized willy at 8" in length but she has too much arse in the way that I don't think my willy would satisfy her at all

only runts drive crossovers

you stupid boy

there's also that other advert right now (Volkswagen?) where the little black goat gets faced down by the car, basically the exact same thing. cringe.

>tfw first car was a '94 land rover discovery and I still drive it every day

it's seriously perfect


no they're swiss shephards

Mercedes G-class

I fly a starship across the Universe divide
And when I reach the other side
I'll find a place to rest my spirit if I can
Perhaps I may become a toilman again
Or I may simply be a single drop of rain
But I will remain
And I'll be back again, and again and again and again and again..