Ur cunt

>ur cunt
>ur kot

Pic related, my kot.


the virgin kot


I'm not gay or a woman, or a gay woman, to have a cat.

>no kots because mom hates them
i'll get a kot one of these days

post kots you fucking dickheads


Cats are such fucking cunts you pet them like usual and all of a sudden they scratch the shit out of you and spit on you and give you attitude.
Dogs on the other hand are true buds.

kot number 1

Pic related

kot number 2

very good kitty, good paterns
very fluffy

is not my cat but sometimes she comes to my house


>very good kitty, good paterns
Yes it's a purebred mongrel after all.
Probably mixed with either an european wildcat or a large breed like maine coon. He's huge. Whenever I bring it to the vet people stand in a circle and watch him in awe. And I'm not talking about his massive belly. His skull is like twice the size of a normal cat.
pic rel, praising da sun


we also got a cat in the neighbourhood that's literally the size of a fox
my roomie's cat sometimes provokes him and excapes into our cat flap where the big fucker doesn't fit
I've been trying to take a pic but he's here very rarely and leaves pretty quickly when he is


She's a complete asshole but she's killed like 5 rats since we got her so she gets to stay.






i had a pet pig but i had to murder it
his name was Sakib

Why did you kill it?

my smug kot

the alb*Nians were coming

I find kot

cute desu!!!

It's my dog



Are our kots related?

it's your dinner?

This is doggo thread now.
Meet, jastin.

my kot


cuddle this sweet kot for me



So u be sayin

kek, Bastet is unironically her name

My dinner is your mom


Have a picture of a kot.

>that cat in the background

i don't have kots no more :(

That's sad, user.
I don't know what I'd do without my cat.


Put that kot on a fucking diet, you're going to kill it.



That cat is a /brit/ meme I doubt it's his. I'm not sure whose it even is honestly.