Is manual labor paid well in you're a country?

Is manual labor paid well in you're a country?

It depends, qualified workers get paid pretty well.

Thanks to Pollacks, no.

And they are trying to import East Euro rent labour to make it cheaper.
so cheap that you get welfare for being a poorshit while you work a full-time job.

Is there a way to get over a fear of hights?


Nationalism is a tool of the elites to erode working class solidarity. If you want better conditions then organise.

face your fears
take the leap, user

they just fire everyone within a year of any major strike, because we're in the EU and they can get Slav(e)s with Russian owner firms to replace them..

Include them in your unions. Show them how it's done. We could use some know how about industrial action.

>If you want better conditions then organise.

Poles etc. have no interest in joining such a thing.
They get paid bad, but still better compared to their home cunt.
If everyone would earn the same, who would hire a foreigner over a local?

Poles and Lithuanians bring the wages down so no

thanks to romanians no

Yes but you need to pay for courses for health and safety reasons and there is very little job security in it.


yes, very well

>it's the worker's fault for trying to better his living conditions
>not the business owner who wants to buy labor as cheap as he can get away with

You guys do realize that globalization on the other hand puts upward pressure on wages for skilled labor, right?

Yes, but that was not the question. And lots of people are hurting by the low wages Eastern Europeans are pushing down.

Who is saying the business owner is in the right also here?

It’s too hard