What makes estonian bois so incredibly cute?

What makes estonian bois so incredibly cute?
It's insane that you can just sense one within a one km radius.

>It's insane that you can just sense one within a one km radius.
So I'm not the only one!


Stop being gay.

gay anime roleplay is NOT okay


Something needs to be done about this.


I wonder what the people making these threads look like.
Probably not cute.


Let them sell their mushrooms in peace

perish the thought.

Their country historically has no quarrel with most european countries so you associate that with a person.

There are no girls on Sup Forums

They are hairy, smelly and fat losers.

Big hairy bois looking for cute eestis.

Yeah, it sucks. Only cute people should be allowed to make cute and arousing posts.

Please no.

Please yes.

No, I want someone cute.

Come to terms with the fact that you're doomed to entertain fat, ugly retards and probably will end up completely alone
new show your bp

This is why Estonia joined NATO