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Left of course.

automatic is for women and brainlets

Left for people, right for women and americans.

This is how people who drive manuals think.

Automatic is the choice of the civilized man

This is 2018 where automatic is better than manual. You are either poor or a luddite if you prefer manual shift.

I heard automatic was made for a disability person.


>Ahh yes, please take control out of my hands.

Bet you cucks will jump straight into self driving cars too. Do you even like driving? lmao

right if you own a car to go from a to b
left if cars are your hobby

>Can't tell left from right
>Calls others brainlets

>americans usually drive auto
>make their performance cars manual
>euros usually drive manual
>make their performance cars auto
Who was in the right here?

Left, driving would be boring without switching gears.

>thinks oh so smart
>doesn't know that in Bosnia left is right like in Australia up is down
pic related, it's you

i have an above three digits IQ so left, of course.

You're alright mate

>be mutt
>try to drifting with an automatic car

Americans. Auto to efficiently commute, but manual to give the driver total control when driving a more advanced machine.

economy car- auto
muscle car-manual
luxury car-auto
super car-auto flappy paddles

number sticks are dangerous, for manchildren, and have statistically proven they cause more accidents. like, give up the past you autists

automatic tbqh

it's not like having a manual gear stick is going to make your '96 open vectra any less attractive, might have it be more convenient

They'd cause accidents in the same way that guns cause murders.

>it's an australian pretends he's any different than America episode

>be american
>buy expensive car
>park in the worst ghetto
>car won't be stolen because the average ghetto inhbitant is confused and frightened by manual cars


An automatic gear stick is actually pretty chill when you communte to work in cities with a lot of traffic congestion.
A manual gear stick on the other hand is a lot more fun and to drive with in general. You feel like you get more car for your money with a manual gear stick.

>being engaged with the act of driving is dangerous
>manual drivers actually pay attention while autonormies use their free hand to text and fall asleep from boredom at the wheel


Are claps really such a hivemind that they think countries are one person or hold a singular opinion?

I responded to a bunch of betas crying about the fact they have to drive, hadn't said anything about anyone's countries. Please keep your insecurities to yourself.

>statistically proven they cause more accidents

Automatic is like not driving at all just pressing the gas pedal and steering, no fun no control no anything.

It's only acceptable if you have to drive a lot on a daily basis than maybe you can drive manual since its less intensive

Automatic is more comfortable, while manual is better.


I know one person who has a car with automatic transmission.
He lost his right leg in an accident and is physically incapable of operating pedals in a car so he has a lever for acceleration and brake and a knob on the steering wheel

Aren't European performance cars mostly semi-auto?

If by "civilized" you mean
"neutered as a male kitten in Oprah Winfrey's mansion"

Yes, even more affordable sports cars like the Alfa 4C and Alpine A110 are dual clutch only.

>i have an above three digits IQ

>he doesn't frequently go street racing at night in major european cities while blasting 90's techno

Americans, I swear to God...

Only faggots drive automatics

That is only because the only people in the US to get manuals are aut/o/ enthusiasts who then proceed to speed and drive dangerously.

Driving a manual in itself is probably safer since it keeps you attention on driving. Otherwise you might drift off on long drives.

>have to drive auto because I don't have a 4-digit IQ

I want to drive manual but I don't want to kill myself learning how to do it and I have no one to teach me and I know they will soon be impractical

what do I do

If you live in the countryside just go to a corn field or something.

I live in the burbs so I can't really do that
and how do I even get the car there if I can't drive it well enough to be safe lmao

Empty parking lots on a Sunday night.
That's how I first learned.

I've read about people from dealerships teaching how to drive stick
it's pretty easy though, my aunt taught me when I was in 6th grade
you could also probably get someone to show you on forza or something and at least get an idea of it

all yuros here like to pretend their rusted out shitbox hatchbacks are rally cars so they'll say manual despite it being inferior tech

I can only drive manual.
Being in control of the car and shifting feels so good.
Driving automatic makes me feel uncomfortable.

I remember, when I was getting my theoretical exam for my licence some guy showed up to the driving school desperatly trying to find a school that would teach automatic. They had to call up the only school in town that did it.

It's weird how a difference coming from oil prices fifty years ago is so deeply rooted in our cultures.

I'm not a edgy, neanderthal tryhard who fights technological progress. Right, of course.

For driving in the city I'd rather have an automatic, but outside it manual is a lot more fun

>manual is a lot more fun
What the fuck is so "fun" about driving a fucking car? Seriously, you yuros need to STFU with that

>mad clap can't understand people enjoy things

More at 11

Did you ever try driving a manual?

>most Americlaps will never know the feeling of pulling from 4th to 5th gear.
>gently but quickly pressing the clutch while relieving the accelerator
>feeling the car sliding down the road for a few brief moment
>all whilst pushing the stick in a swift but firm elbow arc
>then suddenly pressing the accelerator and letting go of the clutch gently again so the gears fall into place and the horizontal glide turns into raw power underneath your very feet

Fuck, my pants are tight already.

You sound like a fucking faggot my dude
>durrr leaf no operate crunchy stick
My last 3 cars have all been manual and shifting is not an orgasmic experience

>learn to drive manual
>don't want to kill myself whilst
if you won't be training in minefield you're pretty safe


Left. If I'm going to put automation in my car, I'd rather go all the way and buy wholly automated car, but for the meantime manual is more satisfying.

I think that is partly because they are mid-engined. It is really difficult to get the gear-change right on a mid engined manual car.

your moms alright

he is probably refering to that incident where a car robber shot a family father because the robber couldnt drive his manual bmw

How do you distinguish the handbrake from the automatic gear stick?

And this happened in america?

>cucked pooropeans defending their historic-tier transmission

It's like

>"w-who wants to use a smartphone, t-there's totally different feeling using a telegraph"

>manual transmission is a telegraph
No, it's a mechanical keyboard.

Well yeah, manual gives you better performance if you wanna drive sporty, but it doesn't make any sense if we're talking about 1,6 liter common sedan or family wagon.

I'd say in 80% of all cases there's no excuses for manual transmission.
>muh manual is better because my grandpa's grandpa said so

Manual is FUN. Refute that bitch nigga. Check mate.

>muh manual
just something euros can be elitist about because americans don't do it. literally the only reason

No it's not if it's powered by vacuum cleaner.

Are you a burger that moved to Finnland because of muh heritage by any chance?

Nope. I'm a pure finnborn Pirkka-Pekka.

Regardless of what you actually own, you should at least be able to drive manual. Not even knowing it is like not knowing how to start a fire beyond pressing the button on your propane grill.

Why do you autistically defend burgerland at every opportunity to the point where I can recognize you without a trip?

I'd probably sleep while driving if I didn't had to change gears.

I can drive both so I don't care