Slavic women

Polish women are demons in angel skin. They will make you feel loved and happy, you will spend your entire time with them, cuddling, joking, fucking and kissing. You will share secrets, you will be there for her when she needs you the most. She will make you think this will last forever, but then she turns on you and stabs you in the back, guts you like you never knew each other, like you're her worst enemy.

And now you're left alone with a rotten hole in which there was once a loving and warm heart. Why do you think so many Polish men kill themselves? Women don't, only men do.

I think they are the ugliest in the world actually

Right. I want a Swedish gf, at least they're open whores.

You kill yourselves because Poland is fucking depressing. Like Germany but without all the good things.

Now be a fucking man and go find another chick.

They are my thing

What about tatars? My qt is half tatar and half Russian, should she be trusted?

Wtf? No I'm against race mixing. I'm just telling you my opinion, Polish women look very ugly, and if you think about it. They are among the ugliest in the whole world.

She's only half human then.

Uhhh is that the tatar part or the slav part?

Tatar. Slavic women are heartless whores.

*loses olympics on own-goal*

This is why I’m scared to gf slavic women. They seem too good to be true. It’s uncanny. Like a wolf pretending to be a sheep so it can sneak up close and eat you.

>Poles bash all other nationalities and insist Poland stronk
>Poles are selfloathing

What happened?

Don't mess with women. Especially with slavic women.

>geographical location of the birthplace of a female determines how shitty of a female she will be
Women are whores everywhere. Slav(e)s are neither worse nor better than the rest

Stop pretending you're not a virgin.
Stop pretending you know anything about women
Stop pretending grass is greener on the other side of the fence

Nice projection.
Why not both?

Happened ages ago, kid

>Poland really started to get on the internet
>Always bragging about glorious Poland and bashing non-Poles on every website
>Everyone gets fed up and bashed Poland
>Poland is mindbroken into cutesy Polan the plucky underdog internet hero of countries

No, it's mostly because even stormfags are starting to praise Poland today. So Poles can finally go back to being depressed and bashing their own shithole.

There a semi-serious satirical book in Austria that was written in the early 90s about the people of the former eastern block. What they are like, what they behave like, etc.

About women of Poland it says they are the nicest and most loyal women on earth as long as your bank account is nice and fat, but will shit on you the day this changes because for them man and money is the same.


what title

Mein Kampf

What you’re referring to as slavs, are in fact, ruthenians/eastern germanic descendants of kievan rus, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, east nordids.

Slavs are not a race unto itself, but rather another component of the ethnogenesis of the scandinavian norse germanic people from the migration of the peoples and onward, made historically relevant by the kievan rus settlements in Gardariki by the norsemen who traveled down the Volga and founded both Russia and Ukraine before being christianized by the byzantine empire.

Many eastern germanics speak the artifical glagolithic church language invented by the greek monk Cyrill, which is where the term cyrillics stems from. Before that, they spoke old norse and revered pagan germanic gods.

All the so-called "slavs" are really descendants of eastern germanics. There is objectively no argument to be made against this historical fact.

Thanks for reading, and please refer to them as "eastern germanics" next time you make a "slav" thread.

The words "Swarthy" and "Slav" are cognates. Let us first examine the English word Swarthy, which means “dark-complexioned”. The English word Swarthy is derived from Old English Sweart (black, dark), which is derived from Proto-Germanic *Swarta with the PIE root *Swordo (dirty, dark, black). Now, hypothetically, if Proto-Slavs were darker than their neighbours, could they perhaps have referred to themselves as “dark”, “black”, “dirt”, “soil”, “poo”, or “swarthoid”? The linguistic evidence seems to suggest so. The Slavic autonym *Slověnin? is most likely a derivation from *Swordo, as the Proto-Slavs would have referred to themselves as perhaps “the dark ones” or "the black ones". Over time this autonym evolved to refer to “people of the word” (i.e. people who share a language), leading to the Proto-Slavic Slovo (word) replacing the original Proto-Slavic derivation from PIE *werd?om (word), and ultimately leading to the Slavic autonym *Slověnin?. Thus we can conclude that Slavs were probably swarthy, if not outright dark, until mixing with lighter populations following their expansion from the Pripet Marshes/Dnieper region.

Also type "kara boga" into Google Translate and translate from Polish.

We Slavs are part of the BLACK race, we have nothing to do with western wh*teoids.

>Slavic women
Some say they are magpies.

>iron rainbow


>You will share secrets
This is where you made the mistake.

You ALWAYS keep a certain distance from a woman. I'm not saying be cold or completely emotionally available but the deepest depths of your soul are something that you can only share with your dog, God and your closest friend (and many men nowadays don't have this type of friendship sadly).

Are you, by chance, severely autistic?
