I liked her, it was a funny character and wasn't too in the way of the story
I liked her, it was a funny character and wasn't too in the way of the story
>and wasn't too in the way of the story
all characters should gel with the movie, you are admitting she actually was in the way of the story
She was woke as fuck
>he wants an absolutely linear no fat marvel formula movie
t. moron that doesn't know what he wants
The mundane funny shit is the only reason the movie was bearable.
I thought she was okay, I liked that she held her own beliefs but didn't force them on anyone unless asked. Big fuck-up with the MJ thing, good to hear they seem to be backpedaling on it.
she was a cuck, so i liked her. cant wait for spiderman 2 where she has to pretend that peter going out with betty doesnt make her wet with jealousy
I didn't like her, she was not funny, and served no aiding purpose to the story.
>implying that she making fun of betaParker wasn't based af.
Damn, you did it
it's weird that flash and her were basically wallflowers and served no purpose at all to the story
shes literally Sup Forums the character
more like tumblr
yea i wanted her to step on my balls
MJ thing went over my head.
What liberal reference is it?
They were implying that she is Mary Janes replacement
Betty brant?
did you guys know that slaves built that monument?
Better than WW?
Sup Forums wouldn't hang out in detention just for fun
>Spends this much effort hand-drawing a meme about a highschooler crushing on pretty girl
>makes a point to include her sleeping with a coffee to imply she's a dumb, "basic bitch"
I haven't seen the movie but this must have come off as extremely desperate and autistic, no?
WW is the worst capeshit of the year so far
though I bet Ragnarok and Justice League will be worse.
She didn't go in the washington monument "because slaves built it"
She also wanted to protest something but I didn't hear it, I think I was half asleep.
>implying Sup Forums wouldn't sit in detention to bait the other people in detention
more like instagram
I don't know about all that but I just realized what a tool I was for bringing coffee to class and sleeping
user, she's... different from you and me
>OP likes BBC
OP is a
disgusting nigger
did not see the movie but let me guess.
snarky apathetic woman who every feminist envisions themselves as
basically, complete with zingers every quirky grill wishes they can make. OP is wrong though because the story came into a stand still everytime she was on screen, which thankfully was only for a couple seconds at a time. She wasn't really shoe horned into the story since she is MJ after all, but she really served no purpose in that film at all other than to make snide remarks at times.
She wasn't funny though
I fucking hated her
Not because Sup Forums but because she was a completely unnecessary character that added nothing to the film.
The was the equivalent of the beta male stalking the hot girl in a shitty High School film from the 90s.
>Call me MJ
No cunt no I will not
>makes a point to include her sleeping with a coffee to imply she's a dumb, "basic bitch"
Do you have actual autism? Why would you automatically draw this connection? There's nothing else that a sleeping girl with coffee next to her could possibly mean? Coffee? Sleeping?
And it's a separate page, they're unrelated. She draws people in detention, including the teacher. That girl is just some girl in detention that she drew, not the main girl.
Fuck man, you really need to get yourself sorted out. I'm serious, this isn't healthy.
>muh Washington monument remarks
>muh protest remarks
She was only there for SJW talking points. Oh wow so edgy she flips people off and sits in detention. Her scenes hurt to watched.
Don't be retarded user, the basic bitch paired with store bought coffee is a very common normie meme.
I'm just going to assume you're trolling. I hope so, for your sake.
Also using that faggot ass emoji. You should feel really embarrassed every night when you try to sleep
yes. shes in the movie. shes "dont say 'and stuff', say 'theyre doing anal'" girl
surely you mean:"she wasnt in the way of the story too much"
what's bad about that? dont tired people drink coffee to try and stay awake?
Why would you cast a hot actress and then uglify her to shit for the role? What's the point?
>I think I was half asleep.
Look out everyone, we have a real badass rebel right here.
>hurt to watched
>to watched
I knew pajeets were here LARPing as Sup Forums.
Large fingers small phone. Sorry user but calluses aren't easy. Can't be on computer 24/7 either.
>t. white roasties
>not realising the character was written to be intentionally contrarian and trollish
She acts like she doesn't care she has no friends and yet hangs out with the decathlon kids and is pleased to be their new leader.
She goes to detention to stare at Peter and draw people to try and get reactions.
She didn't care what about the Washington Monument being built by slaves, she just wanted to see her teacher squirm about it.
>blaming it on large fingers
Large fingers don't reach across and accidentally hit "ed" you fucking liar.
You're just mad no one will ever call you MJ, fatty.
When you type fast anything can happen.
>"Washington Monument was built by slaves."
>"Excuse me I have a Black lives matter protest later today."
Who wrote this script?
who gives a shit how she was written, she was pointless.
>"fuckin crackers keepin me down"
How did they get away with this?
You're pointless.
ur mom didn't think so
>"but my friends call me mj"
>"well its a good thing im not your friend then, you faux esoteric spook"
it really caught me off guard, and that sad face she made as peter turned around to leave made me feel for her struggles as a woman of color
>>"Excuse me I have a Black lives matter protest later today."
Is that really in the movie? Is she written ironically like a Boondocks character?
Yeah, though it's not as bad as later in the film when she says "Most white people should be exterminated, but not you Peter, you're one of few the good ones. Any chance you have a little color in your ancestral line?"
I'm paraphrasing a little bit but that's the essence of it.
She should have said, "And my ancestors built the monument as slaves" which would make her point more personal.
Also, who complains about a monument that is almost half the age of the country it sits in?
She was afraid of heights, she was just making excuses.
You must've missed when she asked if Peter was into raceplay.
why would the white women be mad about this film, when they have black men that will satisfy them at any time? your comment doesn't make any sense.
But yours did.
it was a little too much when she looked up from her copy of malcolm x during the student body president rally to say "its the ballot, or the bullet" at students who were in line for the white candidate. only at the last second did i notice the 44 magnum revolver in her hand
litty on fleek lads
What did she mean by this
>autistic girl who is clearly in love with the oblivious main character
If she wasn't black or "MJ" then we would've had nothing but threads about her and how great she is.
>"Grab my dick, stick yours in my ass and call me a Nigger, Beter"
Jesus, wasn't this rated PG-13? How do they get away with this?
It's a different time nigga, the future is black so get woke or get broke
You people can't be serious.
She looks like an average Hispanic guy with long hair and even with makeup she looks like a Thai ladyboy at best.
So if she was cute. Ok.
It's actually the opposite. WW is the best one so far, might be overthrown by Thor Ragnarok. JL behind the scenes looks to be a clusterfuck, so it will either be really good or really bad.
>literally 5 seconds into the film someone is chastised for calling native Americans "Indians"
>literally 10 seconds in a black school news reporter is macking on blonde white girl
>the new black Mary Jane's WE speech about how the Washington monument was built by slaves
>both of Peter Parker's love interests are black
>villain's wife is black
>Peter's Mexican school rival has a white blonde girlfriend
>the oh so edgy Sup Forums Fuck Marry Kill scene with high schoolers fantasizing about old men, also participated in by a gay male
etc. etc. etc.
When is enough enough? I find myself more and more only watching old movies/shows.
why is that monkey holding a book
the only way to communicate with it is through drawings
like koko? that monkey is alright
>shes literally Sup Forums the character
I hated her. She was literally what Tumblr thinks they are (I'm friendless but I'm totes cool and always ready with witty responses and everyone's like "damn, she's so witty"). At least all the other characters were believable (I know fags hate the Flash but rich spoiled brats who pick on other nerds aren't uncommon), she wasn't even remotely realistic
What did she draw, Sup Forums?